Meet my maker

Meet my maker

A Poem by Lykos

Lift me up high and place me down gently, I shall burn out as the flames dance over the wooden logs. Dancing and whirling like spinning ballerinas. Creeping up and consuming my body with colours of bright yellow and crimson red.

Take off the expression from my face and leave it a blank burned black canvas. Now left without the years of living on this earth etched upon each section of my face, the pain and misery, but even the telltale signs of happiness and joy.

As my body degrades to dark and dust, my soul shall ascend and leave this broken mortal vessel behind, escaping the trials and tribulations of this both cruel and joyful world.

Send me a hand down to quicken my journey to a place where a heavy heart is mended, Where a damaged soul is strained out of all the years it worked and fought to try and work towards a better tomorrow that never came, where a tortured mind is wiped clean and given a chance to find inner peace and true happiness.

For happiness comes and goes but deep down sadness can remain forever. That is why it must be cut out, purged and ripped out, to let external fire expunge it from both body and soul.

So come flames, burn me thoroughly on this pyre, summon and send me forth your heaviest and strongest flames, send me out of this world as fast as you can muster. I am ready to leave and meet my maker.

© 2021 Lykos

Author's Note

Bit morbid, but the outcome from my mind after reading famous people's last words. When words appear, best to just go with the flow!

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I really like this poem a lot. It reminds me a little bit of R.E Howard's last written words found after his suicide. This was really nicely written and at the same time inspirational. Thank you for sharing your poem with us.

Posted 2 Years Ago

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2 Years Ago

Funny you should say that as his last words inspired me to write my poem.

2 Years Ago

"All fled—all done, so lift me on the pyre;
The feast is over, and the lamps expire."
.. read more

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1 Review
Added on November 20, 2021
Last Updated on November 21, 2021



Munster , Ireland

Imagination is more important than knowledge, knowledge is limited. Imagination circles the world. A writer is a world trapped in a person. "If you would not be forgotten, As soon as you are d.. more..

It's lost It's lost

A Poem by Lykos

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A Poem by Lykos