It's lost

It's lost

A Poem by Lykos

Something missing

Where is it gone, I really cannot say,
When did it go, what particular day.
I had it in my hand, but I lost grip,
How could I have let go, let it slip.

Where it once was, now just a hole,
Like I'm missing part of my very soul.
I feel empty, like there's nothing left inside,
Maybe because when it left, part of me died.

I don't know where to turn, which path to take,
I feel so fragile, a move I'm afraid to make.
My eyes now blind and my heart closed,
I feel vulnerable and extremely exposed.

I worry, what is out there for me now,
Can I survive, I really don't see how.
My situation is utterly dark with despair,
Until I find it, Im truly beyond repair.

© 2024 Lykos

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Added on March 10, 2024
Last Updated on March 22, 2024



Munster , Ireland

Imagination is more important than knowledge, knowledge is limited. Imagination circles the world. A writer is a world trapped in a person. "If you would not be forgotten, As soon as you are d.. more..

Faded away Faded away

A Poem by Lykos