Concede to my defeat

Concede to my defeat

A Poem by Lykos

When you're having a bad day

I've been broken and abused, let down and used,
I've scars from battles and a mind ripped and rattled.
I've fallen deep in all kinds of hells and in darkness my soul still dwells,
I've had daggers in my heart and at points people have ripped it apart.

I've been loved and accepted, disregarded and rejected,
I've had happiness and joy, also pain and thrown away like an old toy.
I've been happy as a king crowned and also been burned and bound,
I've had a spark turned into a roaring fire, then left alone, consequences dire.

I've gone from happy to sad, calm to mad,
I've had years of pain and aches, left feeble with shakes.
I've been left desolate and in pain, beaten and slain,
I've seen the bottom and the rise, I've been thrown into hell and been up in the skies.

I've won and I have lost and each came with a cost,
I've grown tired of the fight, at the end of the tunnel there's no longer a light.
It's to much sorrow and trouble, I'm sick of the endless struggle,
Life has me pinned down and beat and I concede to my defeat.

© 2022 Lykos

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When there is no light at the end of the tunnel, then there is no hope. With no hope, all is lost. You describe giving in to defeat here after becoming weary with the negatives continually outweighing the positives. That is a sad situation to be in. Nicely composed lines here.


Posted 2 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

Yes it can be a sad and dark situation to be in.
Thanks for the review Chris. I really appre.. read more

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1 Review
Added on April 20, 2022
Last Updated on May 30, 2022



Munster , Ireland

Imagination is more important than knowledge, knowledge is limited. Imagination circles the world. A writer is a world trapped in a person. "If you would not be forgotten, As soon as you are d.. more..

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