Full Moon Me

Full Moon Me

A Poem by Amanda Naomi

Rambling along forest green with splashes of brown
A light green and the color of a washed out stormy sky
Floating as a sphere in the waters of the world
Dreaming of mermaids and the birds before dawn
Will you forgive me if I release the forbidden fruit?
On foot I grieve as a weeping willow
Remembering the beauty of the Snapdragons held before me
Fearing to die alone – no one around – no one to love
My inspiration grows with the note of the piano played
A desire for a different point of view rises behind my eyes
As secretive as the Mona Lisa Smile

© 2008 Amanda Naomi

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Added on April 30, 2008


Amanda Naomi
Amanda Naomi


I am from the wildest imagination From a selfless child with nothing to hide Im from a broken family filled with love And too, from a family broken with lack of love I am from the tip of a pen F.. more..

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