But not quite yet

But not quite yet

A Poem by Mark D

I am on the cusp

But underneath something

Pushing forward

Pushing the line further back

Staying on the cusp

Living on the cusp

There is hope standing here

There is also futility

Push again


I am on the cusp

But underneath something

Keep pushing

What is failure?

It could be this

But not quite yet

© 2014 Mark D

My Review

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The picture this paints is exquisite and fresh. I truly adore when poetry is raw, real and cuts to the core. This is a great piece! thank you for sharing and the friend request :) I felt the pull to move, but the fear of failure.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Sometimes that first step forward is the hardest one to take.
Very relatable.

Posted 9 Years Ago

the imagery in my head as I read this and the overwhelming frustration that follows had me giggling.. self-fulfilling efficacy mixed with the two-sided coin of reality's irony.. what is the definition of insanity?.. when do we give up and try something else, when do we dig our heels in and go harder, more determined?... that hope is what powers that faith, that steely reserve.. well done and cleverly titled.. I enjoyed.. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on October 17, 2014
Last Updated on October 17, 2014


Mark D
Mark D

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

I am a 30 year old from Edinburgh in Scotland more..


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