I caught a vision

I caught a vision

A Poem by Mark D

Once guarded in her wings
In my spring of youth
I fled those shields
Too full of youth and vanity

I treated foe like friend
Tears though the day
And tears through the night
I feared I’d left an angel

In my poisonous solace
My tall black quarters
My lonely haunt
I caught a vision 

My jewelled grave
And my angel standing over me
Smiling at me still
As I felt her hand on mine

She spoke as sweetly as I remembered
And told me why she had come
Not to ignite my dim and dying love
But to help me into my coffin

© 2012 Mark D

My Review

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The repetition in the first stanza threw me off a bit... wasn't too fond of it. However, I thought the rest of the poem was incredibly cohesive. Nice!

Posted 11 Years Ago

This poem coined with beautiful words. My regards.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sometimes we just keep on wondering if it was a mistake, and how could we have done it in any other way, isn't it?

Your writting seems to me, coming from the very authentic place deep in your soul. Without pretentions. Just the pure magic moment catch in words. Love it, my dear.

Posted 11 Years Ago

oh I don't expect the twist on the ending but your descriptions realy fit the photo
thank you for sharing mark..

Posted 11 Years Ago

I could feel the sadness overflowing in the end at his realization of what the angel was there for. The end made this great.

Posted 12 Years Ago

very interesting read, I really enjoyed this.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Intriguing piece, and your accompanied photo was surely beneficial to the poem... I really like the allusion with the angel, it has some nice religious undertones. It flows like a story, and the 2nd and 3rd stanzas more background to the present. I think the ending is open to a little interpretation in the last two lines, what with the death and the love, the life and the lost.
I really enjoyed this one!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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17 Reviews
Added on February 24, 2012
Last Updated on September 6, 2012


Mark D
Mark D

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

I am a 30 year old from Edinburgh in Scotland more..


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