III: Disgusting

III: Disgusting

A Chapter by Melancholydreams

"Jump out the window gotta get out on the highway,Think things have getting too attached I need an escape. I'm seeing stars and there is nothing more that I hate, its disgusting. How I love you."



I hate cars. I hate liars, and I hate fast food.

My dad has all of these things.

"How was the session?"

More awkward silence.

"I got you something to eat. And I didn't get you a burger- lest you go all vegan on me. Fries and McChicken sauce?" I take the grease bag into my lap and nibble on McDonalds. If mom were here, she would never let me eat junk food, which is good since I don't like it anyways. What I hate most of all, is that I can't hate my dad either. I nod at him when our eyes catch in the rearview mirror, our green eyes so alike, similar, and connected in that moment. Every second is an apology with him, every word a promise, and every attempt is a lie. People never really change.


"Hey!" I really shouldn't hear past the hustle and bustle in the halls, but I recognize the voice and pause in wonder.

Unfortunately, I hesitate too long.

"Hey! Hey Flo! FLOOOOOO!" the use of my abbreviated name being yelled down the hallway brings everyone in hearing range to stare at the embarassing lunatic running towards me-oh god. I hiss in annoyance, thankful that I am right beside an adjoining hall. I drag him by the arm, praying that I didn't catch anyone's attention.
"What do you want, and what did you just call me?" the lunatic has his eyes widened, big blue pools staring down at me timidly.
"Um..." is the only intilligent response he gives me, looking a little lost.
"Flo? Isn't your name Florence Kenneth?" he sheepishly scatches at his head and I supress an impatient moan.
"Yes, yes it is. Is there any reason you deafened everybody in a three metre radius to embarass me?"
He looks at a loss for words again, then he chuckles nervously. "To the point, I like that."
My mind blanks, and I spit out a response, not nearly as witty, and very below the belt.
"Like Jullie."
Those blue pools sharpen with emotions that make my blood ran cold, all too reminiscent of mom.
"Mind your own buisness." he spits venomously, and for some reason this irritates me.
"It is when you throw rocks at my window at god-knows-what o'clock in the morning demanding that your cheating girlfriend should marry you."
"Don't flatter yourself." the comment stings, I should have just kept my mouth shut.
"Just cause you have pretty eyes doesn't mean your my type or anything!" he continues on and I stare at him, taken back. What did that have to do with anything? Upon seeing the weird look I was giving him he tried to shut himself up, only digging himself a deeper grave in the process.
"And um, you're too direct! I just wanted to talk to you, and we have two classes together! I mean, I know I've embarassed you too much over the weekend and this morning and...stuff, but you don't need to take it out on me!" he got the picture somewhere in his ramble and finally shut up. I try to lighten the tension with little success.
"So...since you know my name and addresse, do I get to know yours?"

He pauses and winks at me. I wasn't expecting him to answer.

"98 Salt Yard lane." he backs away, still keeping eye contact with me, resulting with a face plant as a bulky senior nudges past him and apologizes to my curious sort of friend, head lying against the tiles. I sit on my haunches and smile-what I hope is a smile anyways-and stare at him in disbelief. Our whole encounter is odd enough.

"How about a name to go with that face?" I blurt without thinking.

He smiles up at me, teeth shining from what I assume is Invisalign, blue pools sparkling.

"Pay attention in class, Flo."

I hate nicknames the most.

© 2011 Melancholydreams

Author's Note

♥ There are a lot of time skips, so if anyone wants to ask questions, do it in the reviews :)

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Added on January 31, 2011
Last Updated on January 31, 2011
Tags: romeo and julliet romance black



Whitby, Durham, Canada

