Sadness and teardrops

Sadness and teardrops

A Poem by Mia

Wrong side of the bed, I suppose.


If I’m dying, take me fast

Where is your mercy, my Lord?

I keep praying

Anguish building wildly

And I am desperate for love

But only if it’s yours

Why won’t you stop the raindrops?

As they fall from my face

Somehow my dark soul succeeds

In capturing them

I fight it

With the little strength I pretend to have

My disgraceful attempts are laughable

Silently screaming as I drown

Still desperate for love

But only if it’s yours


© 2012 Mia

Author's Note

Have you woken up feeling completely distressed? Not really knowing where it came from. Hands shaking from emotions you don’t want to feel. I’m having one of those days.

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this is beautiful Mia. I'm no stranger to days like these, and I feel every word of this because I have them and because my faith gave me the strength to pull myself through them. You captured it wonderfully.
the ability to make such feelings into art is a gift, and you certainly have it!!
well done :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thank you Jordan, I don't even know what to say! It means more because I think you're an incredible .. read more

11 Years Ago

Thank you Mia!! No problem at all, my pleasure :D


I have been feeling like it since forever:(. Nice write.its like you have put my feelings into words!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Oh my sweet, I wished to share my feeling with people but I never want anyone to relate to this. Esp.. read more
A powerful poem. Took me on a roller coaster emotional ride. I like the feel of desperation and the strong ending. Thank you for sharing the excellent poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Your kindness is always welcome and appreciated! Thank you for reading and I am glad you liked it :)
Hi Mia, You are naughty. You must send read requests or I tend to miss your stuff! Love this it is well written in a sad and desperate voice yearning for peace. Sixth line a typo Desperate not Disparate?

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you for spotting that! I know I should...sometimes I do...kind of. I am very happy you liked i.. read more
Oh I can feel you on this one, dear, we have those days sometimes... and really I loved your piece, (myself I'm not raised religious) with all do respect to others who do, and I see it gives you so much strength, by your words, talking here so honestly to the above. For me, when I feel those days, I meditate, (well almost daily) and it brings me my nirvana. I loved your words, very well pennend!


Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you E.L
I'm not religious. It is structured and I feel like it should be more relational.. read more

11 Years Ago

You're more than welcome dear poetess
Questioning our times of pain and despair is natural... but the answer will always come when you feel stronger than ever once you are through it.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

It was like my mind and heart weren’t in sync. I felt like I was disconnected and not knowing why .. read more
The way you've used large font just shows the way you fe;t, angry, worried, bewildered; needed to shout, let loose.. not sure how things were; Don't know, slowing my thoughts down now, finding empathy for your grey waking, love

Think maybe we all wake up like that now and again, wishing we could hide in our pretty dreams, snuggle in the warmth, maybe run away in our thoughts .. but guess it's not always possible. And anyway, sometimes feelings of dread or concern or whatever slowly fade away We get up, put on the kettle, sip some water, clean teeth .. start to feel better; open the window. Look at diary for the day .. ok, nowt too bad. Life goes on ..

but, honestly, i know how you feel.. and love, that special love is the answer to everything .. seems to me by your snuggly pic, that you've found it .. x

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

A new day and I am grateful those feelings are gone, as quickly as they came. Life does go on, thank.. read more
i had one of those feelings the other day.. i woke up from a dream about some kind of nuclear weapon had been launched somwhere in the world and i was afraid that it was going to escalate and be the end of all we have come to know and cherish.. it made me anxious and confused for several minutes when i awoke and i even turned on the tv to check the news for anything of the sort actually happening...

my only advice would be from your own words right here:

Why won’t you stop the raindrops?
As they fall from my face
Somehow my dark soul succeeds
In capturing them
I fight it
With the little strength I pretend to have"

my answer.. is a sock such feelings in the face, and move on.. i havent the time or the patience to let such thoughts even, attempt, to get the better of me... yep, give me your best shot life, because ive already seen enough in my days where i am now hardened like steel and have a force now that is invincible.. haha.. im making myself chuckle now how funny that must sound, but its true.. this is my life, and it will be lived on my terms d****t.. i'm going to go, when i, say its time.. and not a moment sooner..

you be strong my friend.. our mind can be our biggest foe, or our biggest allie..

and if your mind cant handle the onslaught, call for back up from your heart and soul..

we are, who we make of ourselves, period

wonderful piece my friend

this ruffled my feathers a bit didnt it?


thank you for that


Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

WOW! It really did ruffle you feathers :)
I’m glad it did and even more than that I'm glad y.. read more
Antonio Valentino

11 Years Ago

a little sadness does really put the good times in perspective doesnt it..

im soo gla.. read more

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28 Reviews
Added on October 6, 2012
Last Updated on October 15, 2012



New Orleans , LA

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