Brown in my eyes

Brown in my eyes

A Poem by Mia

Happiest girls are the easiest to love

When, then, do I get my tears kissed away

I will not grant you permission

In my bed

I was never comfortable there

Don’t notice me


All I have is the brown in my eyes


When you sung of all the things I could never be

Melodies breaking my heart with every truth revealed

It’s not enough that I changed your mind

I wanted to be all you ever dreamt of

But our worlds were divided by the black and the white

And the shades of grey in-between


Distance made it easier, dreaming that maybe

I would be a faded imprint in the furthest places in your mind

Don’t make me sorry for how my hair doesn’t fall

Just the way it would if I wasn’t me

I can only be all that I am

Disappointment in my face

And so in love

© 2014 Mia

My Review

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Powerful poetry for the dance of love dear Mia.
"Distance made it easier, dreaming that maybe
I would be a faded imprint in the furthest places in your mind"
Distance does make separation easier. Love need closeness and reminders. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.

Posted 3 Years Ago

A deeply painful and meaningful write.
Absolutely heart-breaking.

Posted 3 Years Ago

This is so beautiful in its heartbreak. Your voice and hurt comes through. I love it.

Posted 8 Years Ago

i find this very tragic...we can't make someone love us...if it is that much work it isn't is like someone molding us, shaping us into what they want us to be in order for that person to accept and love has to be right from the start, natural...we shouldn't have to work for it. just be ourselves.

Posted 10 Years Ago

What a sad poem, it touched me at a personal level. We must remember that there is always somebody out there who will love us for what we are, someone who will not ask us to change who we are, someone who will laugh with you when you laugh, and be there when you cry and help you back up when you stumble and fall, and not think any less of you for it. Someone who will see you as the most beautiful thing in the world.

But those who will not be as such are more numerous, and it's all about holding out until you find the one. A well penned poem which explores some truly deep themes.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on April 5, 2014
Last Updated on April 5, 2014



New Orleans , LA

I am a lover. I love music, books, rain, strangers and friends alike. I love being silly and I love having deep intense moments. I love fluffy rainbows and I love dark and twisty. I am a lover. I lov.. more..

Love’s story  Love’s story

A Poem by Mia

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