Mother may I love him...

Mother may I love him...

A Poem by Mia

I am sweet skinned, sticky and open

To your words of love

Why won’t you give them?

Why won’t you see me,

Through clear eyes and honest truths


Don’t burn the bridges

As I try to cross them

To get to you

With your blood with fathers’

They flow through my veins

Mother, see my tender care for HIM


I am sweet skinned, sticky and open

To your words of love

Please give them to me

I am different for my brothers

Love us equally yet uniquely


I don’t ask for forgiveness

It isn’t my sin but yours

It isn’t my shame but yours

© 2013 Mia

Author's Note

I don’t care for hateful minds and hearts…please leave such comments elsewhere! Only love here!!

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What did Madonna say? "Love is where you find it." Besides, being gay is trendy now. It is around here anyway.

Posted 10 Years Ago

I thought this one was great. This was so honest and open and tragic yet strong. Really nice work.

Posted 10 Years Ago

As soon as I saw the title of this piece, I had to read it. Thank you for sharing this and shedding light on a situation and struggle that many many people face in our world. A world which can be very hateful and judgmental. I applaud all people who muster up the courage to share who they truly are. Love is love. A beautiful piece of writing (:

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you, such a lovely review! is love is love is rules, no boundaries.. read more
amazing poem I love it.....

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks :)
Nicely done Mia. My niece is a married lesbian living in Massachusetts. They have two biological children, girls. one each - same father (from the bank!) - so the girls are half-sisters.

It was important to them I attend their wedding. I did as did my own married daughters and their husbands. It was a blast.

Should my niece have stayed in the closet and lived a lie? I don't think so. Life is too short.


Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Family is love…people are all different so families will be too. I don’t see why there should be.. read more
Nice Mia... interesting that we all continue to seek approval after we've broken away.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks Tegon
It's very difficult when parents are unaccepting of their childrens' choices in love. We all want to respect our parents' wishes, but love is too important to give up. What one has to be sure of is the motivation behind the love. It is said we all do what we do because our parents did it....or didn't.....something to ponder. Strong emotions in this write. Well written. lydi**

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I agree love is too important!! Something worth fighting for. We do because I parents did it or didn.. read more
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What a strong poem Mia. It's a real shame that some parents feel this way towards their children. A feeling that I will never understand as a parent.

I am always sadden when I hear that someone was "disowned" in a sense by their parents or family.

To be truthful, we have four girls-- the two oldest are 14 and 11, we tell them that one of the four of them better be gay just so we can prove we are good parents, we also joke that which ever one is will be treated better. LOL

We all laugh about that, but we want our kids to know that we don't care, just be good first an foremost and we will love an accept them no matter what. I hope others will read you poem and truly think about it.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

It’s the best way to prove you’re good parents that’s for sure! LOL!
But I’d like to t.. read more
I assume you are writing about a gay relationship in the photo above...and the mother doesnt approve of it...nicely penned poem but a sad one...Rose

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Not so much a gay relationship but the freedom to be gay and love who you love! Thank you Rose!
Wow that was gut wrenching read... being treat differently based on gender is a moral sin indeed and so hurtful to those who face it... very nicely expressed.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Hello Dale :)
Thank you thank you!

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on September 28, 2013
Last Updated on September 28, 2013



New Orleans , LA

I am a lover. I love music, books, rain, strangers and friends alike. I love being silly and I love having deep intense moments. I love fluffy rainbows and I love dark and twisty. I am a lover. I lov.. more..

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A Poem by Mia

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A Poem by Mia

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