Shut Up and Kiss Me.

Shut Up and Kiss Me.

A Poem by Missy Moooooo

I hear your lovely voice going on and on,
No one is paying attention, I hope you know.
Your just talking all nonsense,
Will you just shut up and kiss me?

I want to feel your lips against mine,
I love you, but I cannot stand you being difficult.
Let the fire ignite between us, I want to make it
awkward around our friends.
Shut up and kiss me already.

Your arms are around me, your laugh is echoing
throughout the woods.
I hear your sweet, lovely voice whisper
"I'm being annoying ain't I?"
"Just a bit", I laugh.

"Just shut up and kiss me baby." You whisper
as you pull me closer.
Your sweet scent is wrapped around my body.
"I love you." I hear you whisper and I smile.

© 2012 Missy Moooooo

Author's Note

Missy Moooooo
yeeeaaah I'm getting into more Romance writings :D <3

Tisss true<3

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I loved this :3

Posted 11 Years Ago

Missy Moooooo

11 Years Ago

Thank you. :)
Ach, that last verse. Here we go on love's rollercoaster! Who does not crave that kiss moment? it's Life at its very best (and sometimes most annoying).

Posted 12 Years Ago

Indeed, very romantic, i love it

Posted 12 Years Ago

This was totally romantic! I like it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Awwh, so sweet

Posted 12 Years Ago

This was really so romantic.. And the great way to let someone ahut up is by kissin :P ... Kiddin..
This is a nice poem..keep thay up

Posted 12 Years Ago

awwww so cute and very sweet:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

mhhhh.its romantic.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is quite lovely :) and so cute!
Great job indeed.

Ashley Rivers--Dream BIG and you'll win BIG:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

This was a sweet write. You're going to be a really good romance writer. Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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15 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 30, 2012
Last Updated on May 1, 2012


Missy Moooooo
Missy Moooooo

Cowtown ;) , PA

18, Freshman in College Criminal Justice Major :DDD more..


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