A crush

A crush

A Poem by Ana B.

Why? Why hover at the edge of my mind?

Of course I know there’s no one behind…

                                         But I still look …

For the holes in my resolve, for the peace that you took.


And every time I chase you out, I find I’m reading the same line -

My unwelcomed obsession that refuses to decline,

My uninvited guest in the garden of my dreams,

That has grown roots so deep, driving me to abnormal extremes.


This waltz I did know I could dance,

What a cruel joke disguised as a one-sided romance…

A mind labyrinth of my own design from longing and doubt….

Give it back - my peace. Give it back and get the hell out.













© 2023 Ana B.

Author's Note

Ana B.

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We all loves the distant star. But we all also know it's far far away and chasing it is like chasing a impossible dream. Yet we all loves those distance stars ⭐ amazing, mesmerizing and a stunning crush for life!

Posted 4 Months Ago

Ana B.

4 Months Ago

Thank you!! :)
Writer at last! Sky ~

4 Months Ago

Welcome! :)
To be in two minds knowing things cannot continue and yet still having that flicker of feeling for someone is a staging post to the final push to the summit. Finding the strength for that last few metrres can be hard. Nicely conveyed in a rhyming poem.

Posted 9 Months Ago

Ana B.

9 Months Ago

Very true. Thank you John :)
It sounds as if you are longing for something you don't have, and can't have. We crave what is out there.
I wonder, what if the tables were turned and you owned what you desire? Would you still be so tortured?
Perhaps I'm way off base.
A very good write. I think I've been there before...more than once.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Ana B.

1 Year Ago

I like the questions you ponder. I guess the allure is more strong when something is out of reach an.. read more
The band you chose fits your intricate writing. Dark love that can't sleep at night.
"This waltz I did know I could dance"
A line of hidden confidence. Great work.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Ana B.

1 Year Ago

Thank you Duff for stopping by Duff :)
Hello Ana B... methinks you're back with a pinch and a punch. Unless someone else is your understudy.

Your words prove what a few acknowledge as learning how to... sort self out of a situation that's only half legible. There's both power and fragility too.. a quarrel that hides yet lingers. You certainly know how to show the world who you are, even thought you might not be entirely sure yourself. Perhaps.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Ana B.

1 Year Ago

Hi Emma))) I wish I was back… who would've thought that I'll reach a point in my life when time is.. read more

1 Year Ago

My points of view were put in diabolically bad English! So please, delighted too, to see your foot.. read more
Strong ending here Ana for a poem about a crush. The feelings have surely become all consuming and uncomfortable. A pleading here for peace of mind and a blank canvas to return. I think that would be most welcome. I hope your heart is taking heed of your words. Good to read you.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Ana B.

1 Year Ago

I agree, a most needed peace of mind would be the perfect remedy. Thank you very much for your take .. read more
Chris Shaw

1 Year Ago

You are welcome dear poet.
our minds and emotions can be our own very powerful adversary :( so hard to let go one's voice has to grow louder and insistent ".... get out .. " she says ... and "..give it back.." .. really like the taking control in that .. thanks for sharing!

Posted 1 Year Ago

Ana B.

1 Year Ago

Indeed, nothing messes up us more than our own delusions…Thank you for reading my dear))
Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

:) ...................... a pleasure.
"This waltz I did know I could dance,
What a cruel joke disguised as a one-sided romance…"

The roots are deep in this one. The deception can destroy us, if we allow it to. Time to kick a*s, Ana!

Posted 1 Year Ago

Ana B.

1 Year Ago

Ha ha, thanks Kelly, time to kick a*s indeed!! Hugs
Now that was loud Ana. I could hear that from a mile away. I like how this really resonates off of the page. It has its own temperament and its own voice. True love is a two-way street, I know, cliche but that is the only way it will work. Nicely done.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Ana B.

1 Year Ago

Ha ha, yup, pretty loud from exasperation I guess :D Thank you for stopping by dear friend)))
Well done. I can relate well to these one side feelings you so well portray here. Its hurts! But the important thing is to try hard to move on.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Ana B.

1 Year Ago

Thank you Frankie)) I know, I hate it when this happens… Stay blessed

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10 Reviews
Added on February 18, 2023
Last Updated on February 18, 2023

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