Chapter 5 - Caught In The Act

Chapter 5 - Caught In The Act

A Chapter by Morgan. E

Kibou receives an anonymous message requesting that they meet up, who could the mystery person be?


Following on from the morning that had just passed, Kibou continues to go through the notifications on his phone, he decided against going to any of the interviews as he continued to carry out his plan of not drawing attention to himself. Although there was one anonymous message that instructed Kibou to head to a nearby field at 7:00pm, this message peeked Kibou’s curiosity, it did worry him greatly with the anonymity of the message, however, he was feeling a great boost of confidence and decided that he would go there that night.


“There can’t be too much harm in going… surely…”


Kibou showed a slight glimmer of reluctance, perhaps attesting to the nervous feeling he had.


“There’s not much use worrying about it now, there’s a good couple of hours before I have to head out, it’s probably best to not get inside my head”


As he reassures himself, Kibou feels something cling onto his leg.




Kibou curiously looks down and is met with Myu clinging onto his leg.




“Bored hm? Well, what did you do when you were bored before? perhaps we can do that”


Myu tilts her head in confusion.




Remembering Myu’s previous lifestyle Kibou begins to feel a little guilty for asking his question.


“Ah, sorry… how about we go to the park?”




“Yup, it’s a place full of wondrous joy and amusement! You’ll have so much fun! I can guarantee it!”


Myu’s eyes glimmered.


“Fun! Fun!”


After Myu had calmed down both Kibou and Myu decide to set off for the park, Akemi stayed at home so it was just the two of them. They strolled down the street hand in hand in warm protective clothing as it was still prime winter time. Myu would point to various things as she passed them and Kibou would explain to her what they were, onlookers would give an optimistic smile, Kibou would smile back but was constantly at odds with whether or not the people who were smiling at them were smiling because of the innocent relationship between the two of them or the fact that they recognised Kibou from the news.


‘It’d probably be a good idea not to let my ego get to me… aha…’


After only a few minutes of walking, they both eventually arrived at the park, it was completely empty, must have been because of the time of year, not many people would of wanted to go to a park at this time of day in this weather. Regardless of the park being empty, Myu’s eyes were consumed by the same wonder as when Kibou mentioned the idea to her. Kibou taught Myu how to use the various equipment in the park, he placed her on a swing and pushed her back and forth, one of the most adorable smiles Kibou had ever seen spread across Myu’s face. They also used the seesaw and roundabout, and with every moment that passed the smile that was fixated on Myu’s face didn’t falter one bit. Kibou was so pleased by this reaction from her it actually brought a tear to his eye, it made him realise what she had been deprived of her whole life, happiness. After they had worn themselves out and when Myu found herself ready to head back home they did exactly that, although Kibou had to give her a ride on his back because she was so exhausted, in fact, she was so exhausted he completely fell asleep, Kibou could feel ever so slight snoring on his back, with each breath Myu took it was like a mini vibration.


‘She really tuckered herself out, huh? I’m really happy that I was able to make her this happy though, it’s something that I’ll cherish forever, and most definitely something I will protect for as long as I live’


As he enters his home, Myu wakes up, rubbing her eyes as she does so.




“Yup, we’re back home”


Kibou slowly lowers her off his back and they enter the living room, were Akemi is also sitting.


“Did you have a nice time Myu?”


Asks Akemi, Myu nods in reply.


Kibou takes a seat on the sofa and Myu sits next to him, she’s still as suffocatingly close, but this time she is laid down, using Kibou’s lap as a lap pillow, still a little tired from her time at the park, Myu falls back to sleep.


“Seems like she completely tired herself all out”


Akemi says in a whispering tone.


“She did, and she enjoyed it so much, I’m glad I brought her there, she had the most adorable smile I had ever seen”


Akemi smiles as Kibou strokes Myu’s hair, while he gives almost a motherly gaze. For some odd reason this thrilled Akemi which causes her to give a much more comforting smile.


“What’s that smile for?”


“Oh? Nothing…”


Akemi replies continuing to smile.




Kibou himself also falls into a sleep with the faint noise of the television playing in the background, it was actually oddly peaceful. As time passed, Kibou was woken up to the sound of his phone’s alarm, reminding him that he was going to meet someone at 7:00pm, he gives himself five minutes to wake himself up and then he slowly gets up, as not to disturb Myu.


“Where are you going Kibou?”


Asked Akemi.


“Oh… uhm, just… for a walk?”


“You don’t sound so sure…”


“I am, really!”


“Hmm… alright, just make sure you stay out of trouble”


“Yeh, got it”


As Kibou reassures his mother he then heads out.


‘Come to think of it, I haven’t actually put any thought into who this person might actually be… what if it’s totally someone dangerous!?’


It seems that most of the confidence that Kibou had that morning had disappeared, he was extremely nervous but as he arrived at the field he could just about make out someone standing not too far away with their hood up.


“...Excuse me? Are you the person who messaged me”


The person looks up although the shadow that was cast by their hood didn’t allow Kibou to make out who it was.


Kibou strengthened his stance as the person approached him. As the person got closer they stopped and pulled down their hood.




Stood before him was Naos, with his usual sharpened gaze, although this time it seemed to be ever so slightly more relaxed.


“Long time no see… Kibou”


“Ah yeah… Congrats on becoming the Hero Candidate”


Kibou gives a half hearted laugh.


“Yeah… I guess you could say it is…”


“So, uhm… why did you call me h-”


“I saw what you did Kibou…”


“Oh that?”




Naos approaches Kibou going toe to toe with him.


“Who the hell do you think you are?! Doing something like that after I get chosen as a Hero Candidate!”


“Huh? Then what else should I have done?!”


“Leave it to people like me who were actually chosen to take on these tasks”


Every part of Kibou wanted to show Naos the symbol on his hand, but he refrained and continued to keep it on the downlow.


“...You’re… You’re right, I should’ve left it to a Hero…”


“That’s right… Although I have to say… You seem pretty fine considering you’re not something that you always wanted to be…”


“I guess I just came to terms with my fate…”


“Tch… What do you take me for?”




“Some kind of idiot!?”


“What are you talking about Naos?”


Naos reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, on it is a video of Kibou saving the villagers from the kidnappers.


“What about it?”




Naos zooms in and slows the video down, on the video, the symbol of a Hero on Kibou’s palm is clearly visible, Kibou begins to tremble.


“Am I some kind of idiot to you Kibou?! How the hell did you get the symbol of the Hero when I’ve already been chosen?!”


“I-I don’t know! My guess is as good as yours! Honestly!”


Naos’ gaze sharpens as he punches Kibou from his anger causing a bruise to appear on the side of his face.


“Listen closely Kibou, because I’m only going to tell you this one last time… I’m going to be the Hero for this village not you, and you better hope that I don’t see you there at the academy!”


Naos states this adamantly and then puts his hood up and stomps off, leaving Kibou speechless and doubtful. Touching the bruise on his cheek and flinching from the pain, Kibou knew that he had a lot of things to think about.

© 2017 Morgan. E

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Added on June 22, 2017
Last Updated on June 22, 2017


Morgan. E
Morgan. E

Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, United Kingdom

I've recently taken up writing as I've always admired the worlds other people were able to create and in turn then wanted to create my own world. I want to make a world with characters that people are.. more..
