VIII. An Act of Treason

VIII. An Act of Treason

A Chapter by JR Darewood

            Rhys heaved gasping for air as the Second Trial concluded.  He touched his face.  Yes, he was real, this was real.  The illusions he had seen had been so real.  Situations of dire importance, ambitions lost, life-or death scenarios, the loss of loved ones, all to determine his resolve.  That had been the Choosing.  A Magus must dedicate themselves to one energy or the other, the ether of life or the nether of death.  He could still hear the nether calling out to him, seductively begging him to let it in... but he had chosen, and he would become master of the ether.   The final trial was at hand.  The Cleansing.  All traces of the nether would be stripped from his body, and he would be prepared for magic of the Twelfth Circle, a white-robed mage with command over the forces of nature themselves!

            He braced himself.  He had survived this far, but the Cleansing was where most apprentices died.

            His vision exploded as magical forces clawed at his body and mind. He shrieked in agony until he had no voice left with which to scream.  His body convulsed, drenched in sweat.  He felt as if his very soul was being ripped apart.  In fact, it was.  Trembling in agony, his mind collapsed and he plunged into the sweet embrace of nothingness.




            Thanus sprinted through the castle halls in his smallclothes, gasping for breath.  Slivers of dawnlight slid through balistraria, piercing the hallways in a series of slashes, but he paid them no mind as he ran.  A serving maid ducked out of the way as he rounded the corner.  Just ahead, the lion-marked doors to the Audience Hall were guarded by Sir Karleton.

            “Prince Thanus,” Karleton offered a quick bow before positioning himself between the prince and the door, “There is no need for you to trouble yourself, Your Highness. My men have the matter well in hand.”

            “Get out of my way,” Thanus growled as he brushed the knight aside with his arm. Karleton’s eyes widened and he nearly fell over in his haste to avoid a physical affront to the prince.

            Thanus threw the door open and surveyed the scene before him.  His father was yelling at two guards to the right, but Thanus paid them no mind.  The dais drew his eye.  Two knights lay dead, one thrown atop the other at the foot of the throne.  On the throne itself was the corpse of Royal Exchequer, posed as a king.  Thanus tried not to think what statement had been layered into the gruesome murder, perhaps indictment the financial corruption of the royal household or a symbolic opposition to taxation.  His eyes wandered up to the massive golden and azure banner of the royal lion of the House of Vael.  A giant H, the final leg continued as a line through the letter, was scrawled in blood atop the sigil.

            “Thanus!” King Uther called to his son.  The king was dressed but disheveled.  His eyes were not only tired, but filled with worry, perhaps even tears.  What possibly could have moved him so? “I told Sir Karleton to keep you out of here!” the king continued, “You don’t need to see this--“

            “I’m not a boy any longer, father.  I’ll need to face the realities of rule sooner or later,” Thanus’s eyes narrowed as he inspected the throne. “They took the royal scepter,” the knight-prince said disgust.

            Thanus looked closer at the knights and he froze in place. Their faces were twisted and charred.  Thanus drew in a deep breath.  They had been killed with lightning.  Thanus knew only one man who could wield such power.

            The king looked at his son, and Thanus saw it in his father’s eyes.  He saw the loss, the fear, the pain.  There was something else.  Something far worse than a scepter.  Thanus opened his mouth to speak, but no words came. His father gripped Thanus’s shoulder, meeting the prince’s eyes with a somber gaze.

“That’s not all they took.”



“Rhys!  Rhys!” Someone was shaking him.  “Rhys wake up!”

Rhys frowned at the novice shaking him awake.  Where was he?  From the looks of it he was in the Tower Infirmary.  He had survived!  Joy coursed through his veins.  He was a wizard!  He looked down at the white robes he now wore, embroidered with runes sewn with a shimmering red thread.

“Is that any way to address your betters?” Rhys snapped at the boy.

“We’ve received news from Castle Vael, Rhys.  Terrible news.”

Rhys snatched a piece of parchment from the boys hands, his eyes widening, the room spinning.

He had to leave immediately.

© 2013 JR Darewood

Author's Note

JR Darewood
I’m debating taking out the Rhys stuff and just leaving the Thanus section of this chapter

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Don't take out the Rhys stuff! I was finding myself wondering what else he had to face during these Trials. I actually wanted more!

I also noticed "Karleton" is spelled three different ways so far. I don't know which one you want, but ou have Karleton, Karelton, and Karlton.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I know, I saw the pictures! They're really cool. It's all the chapters I'm clicking on.. :(
JR Darewood

10 Years Ago

hmmm, they come up fine on my computer.... what browser are you using? maybe I can fix it if I know .. read more
JR Darewood

10 Years Ago

It works fine on my computer on Firefox, Safari and Chrome

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1 Review
Added on August 13, 2013
Last Updated on August 13, 2013


JR Darewood
JR Darewood

Los Angeles, CA

Writing is really the greatest release. It teaches you to take notice of the depth of the world around you and channel it into new insights you want to share with the world. I love it. BTW: I turne.. more..
