A Married Woman

A Married Woman

A Poem by Kelly Scheppers


A Married Woman




I am a married woman.

Statistically speaking,

I should have all of which I need

and want

in my husband.


I lead an ordinary life.

I come and go virtually as I please,

indulging myself with time alone

whenever I can sort it out

from yesterday’s laundry

and the local PTA.


Call it simple etiquette,

that a woman like me

would never want for something more…

that a woman like me

would never settle for anything less

than what encircles the third finger

of her left hand


Statistically speaking,

I should have all of which I need.





Art by Esmahan Ozkan






© 2015 Kelly Scheppers

Author's Note

Kelly Scheppers
...this was written for a dear friend going through a divorce.

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Understanding the situation my self been through a divorce and survived out the other side like many American guys Life can not get simpler it grows more difficult with every turning page.

Posted 8 Years Ago

That ring on the third finger of the left hand is no sign nor guarantee these days; and even before many women accepted their lot and acquiesced-as good as it gets. A pathos filled piece Kelly.

PS: I might have substituted 'I should have everything I need' for the lines 'I should have all of which I need'?

Posted 8 Years Ago

"Statistically speaking,
I should have all of which I need..."

Very sensuous lines. You have encircled this whole poetry with a loop of emotions but besides it, what all I do find in it is the pleasure of gratification... that's meant to be quenched lying, standing & swinging together under the same roof. Beautiful poetry. Very captivating! However, am sorry to hear 'bout your friend's love-life issues either. May God Bless Her!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

8 Years Ago

Everything turned out for the better - she's happily married now, and we're still friends! You have.. read more
Adam Adams

8 Years Ago

I only twisted your "Statistically Speaking" with "Sadistically Speaking".. that brought me writing .. read more
Life happens... statistically after all

Posted 9 Years Ago

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Being taken for granted happens to often in relationships and that's all I'm gonna say about that. Your grit here is classy hahaha Excellent work you do, my dear

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

So happy to see you again, so soon! Thank you, Lynn!
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Hi Kelly. Now I see the nitty gritty of life reflected in the expressed. This is the flip side of the coin in your writing and every bit as poignant as that of the softer expression. Love this for the harsh reality you depict, alf

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

It was important to me to get this right, without revealing too much. My reviews reflect that, and .. read more
We look at the outer image of a couple and think right away that they must be happy and have everything they need in their marriage. But beneath the outer smiles and worn rings, is the truth that statistically speaking, statistics cannot capture. A happy and loving marriage goes beyond the certificate and statistics. It feeds the souls and lets them flourish.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

Your analogy gives this poem its pulse, Nadia...thank you so much!
Anyone can tell a story but few can tell the story from another's point of view You have wonderfully captured your friend's need to find contentment beyond the circle around her left hand while trying to find time to herself between laundry and commitments. A wonderful write!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

I didn't want to get into specifics as to why the marriage didn't work, and you acknowledged my effo.. read more
Dear Kelly. The poem told a story. Left the reader with something to ponder.
"Call it simple etiquette,
that a woman like me
would never want for something more…
that a woman like me
would never settle for anything less
than what encircles the third finger
of her left hand"
Respect and concern for marriage. A rare subject told. I tell the kids. Keep the wife content. A happy wife will stay with you forever. It is hard when people change and both people head into different directions. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

You've made my day, John. Thank you for your time and generosity!
Coyote Poetry

9 Years Ago

You are welcome. I love your words.
Its a very real understanding of the situation and the turmoil they are going through Kelly - being able to put yourself in their shoes shows a real compassionate connection even if you feel helpless, Im sure the love is helping keep them up.
You're a good friend Kelly.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Kelly Scheppers

9 Years Ago

So kind of an observation to make, Anto...I treasure your friendship, and kindness!

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30 Reviews
Added on February 12, 2015
Last Updated on February 12, 2015
Tags: man, woman, divorce


Kelly Scheppers
Kelly Scheppers

San Diego, CA

I was never a pearl kind of girl... always wore jeans with holes in the knees. more..
