smiling big brother .. anyone whose been there and done that feels your pain .. and of course we empathize with all the Ma s who carry the load ... there is a reason there is a Ma and a Pa ... the years to come just get rougher once our children realize they have their own brain and parents are not god ... your poem has flooded me with the memories of all my children's births .. i was right there with them an Ma the whole time ... each an incredible hush of the miracle of it all ... once the event was done and tears have turned to joy ... blessing on ya brother!
many thanks Gene .. my little granddaughter just gave a wave in your general direction .. N... read more
many thanks Gene .. my little granddaughter just gave a wave in your general direction .. N.
1 Year Ago
awwwwwww tell her Einstein love her and give her your best Grampa hug for me ;)
You'll be playing Father Christmas, next! What a wonderful future you have, sharing both the sometimes loud noise but then, the look of lashes on sweet soft cheeks. Your daughter and other half have treasure under their roof.
I totally agree with you, Neville. It always will be harder for some. And hard truths need to be said because they can inspire and encourage hope. Wonderful work my friend.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
thank you for seeing it my way and kindly too of course Carlos .. Neville
"In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children," says Genesis, and whether that's true or not, childbirth is an ordeal. Women need a lot of support at that time.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
Quite true, but what do Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins know eh' .. always downplaying everyt.. read more
Quite true, but what do Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins know eh' .. always downplaying everything .. Neville
It’s a roller coaster. After the initial euphoria, reality sets in. Raging hormones, baby not feeding. mum fearful and throw in a c section and it is going to be tearful and difficult. But then comes the day when it starts to get a little better, and the next day too. Nothing easy about becoming a parent, especially the first time. All that responsibility hits you like a brick in the face. Things will improve, but it takes time.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
I could not have put it better myself our Chris .. Oh' by the way my son Richard sends his b.. read more
I could not have put it better myself our Chris .. Oh' by the way my son Richard sends his best regards and hopes you might eventually grace his next restaurant as well too ... Neville 👍
1 Year Ago
Ah is that because he wants another super duper review? Tell him hi :))
The intrusion of children into our space is a disruption with consequences that change the shape of everything in ways that never end. They may stop crying, become successful adults, but the fear of their tears is permanently imprinted on our bones while we live.
I could not agree more .. many thanks for those sage like words sir .. Vol speaks the truth .. read more
I could not agree more .. many thanks for those sage like words sir .. Vol speaks the truth or should thar read the truth speaks Vol .. maybe .. Neville
smiling big brother .. anyone whose been there and done that feels your pain .. and of course we empathize with all the Ma s who carry the load ... there is a reason there is a Ma and a Pa ... the years to come just get rougher once our children realize they have their own brain and parents are not god ... your poem has flooded me with the memories of all my children's births .. i was right there with them an Ma the whole time ... each an incredible hush of the miracle of it all ... once the event was done and tears have turned to joy ... blessing on ya brother!
many thanks Gene .. my little granddaughter just gave a wave in your general direction .. N... read more
many thanks Gene .. my little granddaughter just gave a wave in your general direction .. N.
1 Year Ago
awwwwwww tell her Einstein love her and give her your best Grampa hug for me ;)
Especially after an emergency c section, i can testify to that myself.
You would think after 3 normal births you would cope but the shock of your baby literaaly being taken out of you takes its toll Neville, more than ever with a first baby when you had plans ... such lovely plans in place .
The wonder of of birth can be a very traumatic experience for some.... not like on tv programmes.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
such insight shared is priceless and a problem well n truly halved 💛
1 Year Ago
It will take lots of time and love Neville, hormones have a lot to answer for ...
On a lighte.. read moreIt will take lots of time and love Neville, hormones have a lot to answer for ...
On a lighter note , Astrid is gorgeous, all c section babies look so beautiful because they haven't been squashed through a birth canal .. :)