letter to the future (Part 1)

letter to the future (Part 1)

A Poem by Nico

a little fantasy here.....straying somewhat away from my usual type of writing.


castle.jpg picture by italianMontrealer  it's an old story that
has been around for many years,
it's an old story and
it will tell you something...


it happened during dark times
when the wind blew much
harder than ever before,
the evil wind of
a terrible disease.


therefore the prince decided
to lock himself up in his castle
alone with his friends,

he thought to stay
locked up there and
to wait until the fear
and the obscurity
would yield and allow his soul to breathe,

wishing this satanic wind to blow by,

salvaging his mind and never come back.


in the castle there was joy
and people had a great time
eating and dancing
and nobody ever
believed that the
evil wind would ever
reach the castle
but at the end it did

despite their false sense of security.


I write you this story because
it sounds like some history that
repeats itself and keeps coming back,

I write you this story
because soon you will be born
and who knows how the city
will look like once that
wind will have died down.


I don’t know what kind of
world you will grow up in,
I only hope that you will be a
son of a new and better society.


© 2008 Nico

Author's Note

this poem is written and mean't to be thought provoking, since it's fantasy I'm curious to see how my readers interpret this piece. There should be a varying degree of comments and what is important is I want to hear the varying opinions my readers get out of this piece. I hope you enjoy the read and let me know what this poem means to each of you. Some of you may find the story somewhat incomplete and you would be right in that judgement.....it is Part 1 of a series which I'm working on, be patient, I'm working on part 2 and 3:).......Also, if you haven't gotten the chance to read my poem Young hearts with Wings I'd strongly recommend giving it a read.....it is my little own masterpiece I consider.....would greatly appreciate anyone who hasn't read it yet to comment the piece. Thank-you, Nico.

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"his only hope was that he would be a son of a new and better society"... a fine wish indeed but, I believe that for society to become new and better each one of us has to contribute to making IT BETTER in whatever ways we can. Whether it be sharing our thought upon this site, chatting with strangers while out and about forming new friendships as our paths continue to cross... who knows if "society" will ever become equal for all, where it is "all for one and one for all"? Difficult it must be since obviously we have miles of improvement to attend to. Perhaps we need to STOP writing history and teaching it to our children... seems as though the history we and our parents were taught just lent the O.K. to continue on as is; repeating and repeating when up against the wall? Gee, I'm done diggin' this hole, it'll depress me if I continue. I do ramble on as I search for the words to express the thoughts within. Letter to the Future... re-read the past, learn from it and please don't repeat. ;~) Bear

Posted 16 Years Ago

9 of 9 people found this review constructive.


I'll be honest and say that it reminds me of a woman in the Medieval times (I think) named Elizabeth Bathory; a woman who was locked away in her castle for murdering countless young virgins.

Well, back to this poem... when I read it, it sort of makes me think how much I, personally, have separated myself from society. (I know how strange that sounds, but trust me when I say that my effort in making friends is poor.) It also makes me think of how society tries to stop certain issues (like school shootings, gangs, or teenage pregnancies), but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere, if not, worse.

You're really good with this thought provoking stuff. It got my mind working, and that picture made it even more perplexing, yet very interesting. Thanks for sharing! ^^

Ironically Yours, Blade and Blood

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Part one seems to highlight the tragedy of denial; that state of mind marked by a refusal or an inability to recognize and deal with a serious personal or foreboding problem.

Looking forward to part two!

God's Blessing

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Well worded. Great ideas

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

interesting write. Got my curiousity up...looking for the next part to the story. "some history that
repeats itself and keeps coming back" it is sad that we as human beings never learn from our past. We keep repeating hurtful and destructive behaviors both to ourselves and our environment.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I like it. The format is so simple but the message is deep. Very nice. I can't wait for the next bits.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I certainly found this thought provoking, very interesing poem and yes so different and out of the box for you. I enjoyed reading it

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I'm not too sure what I got out of this exactly. I promise to read it again when little children aren't running wild in the house so I can give it my full attention!
I did like it very much. The imagery was amazing!
comment again soon

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Well it certainly has an air of mystery to it- the flow of it is very good- I can't say that it especially means anything to me other than the enjoyment of a good read. I do wonder about the cause of the wind and the effect of it as well. Though i could definitely see the insinuation of the current temperment of society within its lines.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

This is very interesting, and clever piece. Very thought provoking indeed. If only... society has the power to make the world a new --but i assume people are just too lazy and waiting on the next generation to do what needs to be done to make the world better.

Great Write, Nico.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Was deep and thought provoking I liked it........

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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87 Reviews
Shelved in 6 Libraries
Added on April 4, 2008
Last Updated on April 4, 2008



Montreal, Canada

49 year-old italian male who's been writing for a long time, took a long break from writing and it's only in the past year and a half that I have rediscovered my passion for writing again.....I love r.. more..

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