The Listener Of Lies

The Listener Of Lies

A Poem by Aurora .I.

Not understanding the true power of words


Whispers are the listeners of lies
Woven into an elaborate web with a million ties
Desperation for a certain desire
Make us join into
This tasteful disaster
So they hand us the shimmering web
And we begin to unravel and spread
Not questioning if this is the true everlasting silk
Or lying cheap cotton that will begin to wilt
But why question?
When the gift that is given
Is so succulent- like wine
And it feeds that fire-
Your desperate desire
The true harm of the words
Are glazed with that shimmering coating
While the web is truly the cotton wilting
It pretends to be everlasting
So you remain unaware of the poison you are telling

© 2012 Aurora .I.

Author's Note

Aurora .I.
Oh I really hope this turns into something brilliant. Questions? Comments? Hate it? Feedback of any sorts is always welcome with me!

P.S.- Anyone want/need an editor? I need to start practicing for my dream job.

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I really enjoyed reading this ;) I love the way you went from a web to cotton. It was great. I don't know about anyone else but, I know I probably never would have thought of that. Fantastic, this is good stuff.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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Whispers are the listeners of lies
Woven into an elaborate web with a million ties
I love it 100/100
And if you really need someone to edit their stories,chapters or poems. I would be glad if u could be mine. I'm only 11 and I can make many mistakes.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

the longest
Aurora .I.

11 Years Ago

Yay! I didn't ruin it! XD Thank you very much! Sorry for being a bother :/

11 Years Ago

It's ok
Words can hurt like a dagger and lies will scar a heart deeper... This is a good poem and your words are deep...Nice write *friendly smile*
How old are you? just asking (:

Posted 11 Years Ago

Aurora .I.

11 Years Ago

Keeping it short it is! XD
Aurora .I.

11 Years Ago

Could you check the long version? See if you like it? I'm sorry to keep pestering you.
Rhianne Ney

11 Years Ago

The long one is good... it's also okay if you use the power of simple words... But it's great all al.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on August 22, 2012
Last Updated on August 30, 2012


Aurora .I.
Aurora .I.

Chicago, IL

Writer. Poet. Book Dragon more..


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