

A Poem by Nothing Personal

One of my darker poems??

Before you wake up again,
I will take that walk to the river
The meadow
And the dark, promising woods.

Before you wake up again,
I will put green leaves
Mix it with black cloves
And boil water
Sip my morning tea

Before you wake up again,
I will hide in my closet
And write a bleak poem

Before you wake up again,
I will sleep with open eyes
And close my eyes for ever awakening
Narcissistic dreams and sadomasochism

Before you wake up again,
I will add little, white pills
In your glass of water
Beside your head
And stir them until
I see clarity, undistinguished

When you wake up,
I won't come to see
Your messed up self
Your potent, sweet morning smile
Your fragrance that would fill the room
You will be Alone.

When you wake up,
I won't be able to hear your sweet voice
Calling my name
Seeking my broad shoulders and reliable arms
For comfort and other things
You will be Alone.

When you wake up,
I won't see when you pick up the dreaded glass
And sip away or gulp
In all the morning water
You will be Alone.

You will be Alone
When the sunlight would dim
The curtains would close by themselves
The room will swirl in rages
Hey, tempestuous storm.

You will be Alone
When moaning cries would emanate
And raging shouts
And agonizing pain

You will be Alone
When love will be still unfound
Appalling surprise
And eyes stare with bewilderment

You will be Alone
With the last silent tear
Which will befall on the last unmade bed
Where love wasn't made last night
Still Warm.

You will be alone
In that grave
Improperly dug
Unceremoniously homaged
Hideously Obscured

You will be alone
When your beloved cat will sniff
Over the ground and overgrown grass
Beneath which lies
But You.

While I would be laughing like a devil
With someone just like you
Somewhere just so far
From you.
It's me, after all.

© Nothing Personal. January 11, 2011.

© 2011 Nothing Personal

Author's Note

Nothing Personal
Thanks for reading :-) :-)

P:S I am becoming increasingly format obsessed. let me know if you find the format or the repetitive scheme any good? I appreciate your comments. And thanks to EH Monroe for putting me in cat vomit. I was reborn.

My Review

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Featured Review

Really enjoyed it but maybe you could have broken out of the format just a teensy bit.
Just for emphasis I mean.
don't force the format or add new lines that don't really work just to keep the repetative scheme going.
but I still liked reading it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


What an evil poem. I loved it. Well done!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Oh my GOD! Chilling ... insane... loved it! Oh my, the last stanza is well placed... it's so intense.. and the format, i found suitable, not too repetitive... kinda makes you feel like you just took a pill as well.... or the repetitiveness than can dampen a relationship... suits it well.. good choice!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The poem was so good. To look into the mirror and see something you do not like. Can make you want to escape to a private hell. The poem told a deep story. Each set of line burying the little hope and dreams. I like the details in the poem. A very good ending to a outstanding poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 3 people found this review constructive.

The format was great btw as was the poem very interesting :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh you swine!
No one wants your pre-determined themes. What fun is that? Author's notes should be banned and 30 lashings to those who utlize them to stifle creative flow.

Christ on a Ritz cracker...

I didn't see the death. Obviously I did at first which you so devishly put a f*****g damper on.
But before death I saw you feeling a metaphorical pill of Lonliness. Not death. F**k death. Death is a release and the only care a dead person has is who to play poker with Ghandi or Charley Manson..which I can imagine is predicated on which way the great elevator flows.

The death and the idea of alone carried itself so well, the white pill that evaporated (which was the shitkicker line for me) and the detox of happiness drove the subject mad.

Delete the goddamn note. Let the reader's have some fun.

PS. Right on, the f*****g thing rocked all kinds of asscheeks

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 4 people found this review constructive.

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45 Reviews
Added on January 11, 2011
Last Updated on January 11, 2011


Nothing Personal
Nothing Personal


Hi !! I don't fuss too much about sharing a name or an identity. I came across this website and found it to be an interesting niche for writers without distinctive labels. It is a great place to befri.. more..


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