Realities End

Realities End

A Poem by Noting Society

I tried to believe that you were different,

But the truth just let me down.

Realities patterns

Were beneath a see through surface.

The world will keep spinning

But its made out of mostly water

So wherever I stand I’m still going to sink.

I keep grasping for land

But the world just shuts me up.

Stuck in the ocean

Where buried treasure is left unfound.

And I clinched onto you for a while.

To keep my head above the water.

But we ended like the titanic.

Never letting go…

But in the end one of still drowns.

© 2015 Noting Society

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There is always at least one casualty when love dies... very nice piece of writing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 29, 2015
Last Updated on July 29, 2015


Noting Society
Noting Society

Naples, FL

My Name is Jordann Therese Poteet I am a young aspiring writer who just wants to be heard. I love critics and anything that is meant to make me a better writer! I hope you enjoy my writings and please.. more..
