Gristle and Cellulite

Gristle and Cellulite

A Poem by Pryde Foltz

gristle and cellulite sculpted and girdled sucked away, shifted to more alluring nether regions

Gristle and Cellulite

gristle and cellulite

sculpted and girdled

sucked away, shifted

to more alluring

          nether regions

the vacuous


the injectable

thin here

plump there

take in the form

curves and sharp angles

static pneumatic is the new sexy

But don’t look too close

scars tanning to leather

best before dates expired

time to schedule another visit

    with Dr. Faustus

and his Mephistophilic

medicine cabinet

take living tissue

make it dead


have it dance again

airbrush and filter

everything looks better

under distorted

and rose-coloured lenses

get out the scissors

acids and dissolutions

vacuum and suction

see yourself

as you wish to be

make it reality


Gristle and Cellulite is published in Monsters, Avatars & Angels

Please visit my blog to further explore my poetry. I also post links through twitterLonger works can be found on the my amazon page.

© 2022 Pryde Foltz

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Acutely observed. You capture the devilish nature of the pact between the blind vanity of the paying punter and the unscrupulousness of the surgeon. It's a vile business.

Posted 4 Days Ago

Pryde Foltz

4 Days Ago

So many are misled and told there is no end to what can be done. Thank you for the read and comment:.. read more
The poem seems to be a commentary on the societal pressure to conform to a certain standard of beauty, which often involves undergoing cosmetic procedures. It suggests that people are willing to go to great lengths to achieve the "perfect" body, even if it means altering their natural form. The poem also touches on the idea that this pursuit of perfection can be dangerous, and that there are risks involved in undergoing cosmetic procedures. Overall, the poem seems to be questioning the idea that beauty can be manufactured, and suggesting that true beauty comes from within.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Pryde Foltz

4 Days Ago

The commodification of beauty distorts it. That is for sure. Thank you for the read and wonderful co.. read more
My Breast Surgeon was very skilled... when he removed the Cancer in my left Breast in 2007. One main lymph node under my Arm had Cancer; however, he removed that lymph node and any others on the left upper side.. After Surgery and a few months of Healing, the Surgeon asked me if I wanted Surgery to make both Breasts look the same. I said "No". I will keep what is Perfect. Of course, with Aging. everything hangs like Grapes on a Vine. I am Ready for frolicking by the Riverside many times until Eternity. gently, Pat

Posted 1 Year Ago

Pryde Foltz

1 Year Ago

Reconstructive surgery is an amazing thing but I imagine still very painful. So grateful for your su.. read more
Patricia Wedel

1 Year Ago

Thank you Pryde… you are so precious to say that… I do enjoy Poetry … and also a CD I got rece.. read more
I found this both funny and sad at the same time. "Vanity of vanities; all is vanity," to quote the book of Ecclesiastes. Even the young (some of them) are having such procedures done these days. Father time will still catch up with them, as he does with us all! We can't stay young forever.

Posted 2 Years Ago

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Pryde Foltz

2 Years Ago

Indeed ... in the pursuit of unnatural beauty ideals, many will find themselves quite unnaturally ma.. read more
Pryde Foltz

2 Years Ago

Mostly I had fun writing this.
Sad but true. This reminds me of the movie, “Death Becomes Her,” but you’ve expressed the same ideas much more seriously, succinctly and eloquently.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Pryde Foltz

2 Years Ago

That is a good movie. Thank you:)
Dear Pryde. The poetry was amazing and so beautiful.
"airbrush and filter
everything looks better
under distorted
and rose-coloured lenses"
I love the above lines and thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Pryde Foltz

2 Years Ago

Thank you, Coyote:)
Coyote Poetry

1 Year Ago

You are welcome dear Pryde.
I find it incredible how some will meddle with just about everything to enhance their looks. It is a revolting practice and I wonder whatever happened to natural looks. Of course the fact that it is mega business means there are alot of sharks out there willing to carry out these surgeries. On point Pryde. It has to be said. I just wish some of those young women wouldn't follow like sheep.


Posted 2 Years Ago

Pryde Foltz

2 Years Ago

We also biological beings and the pressure to fit in and be accepted will lead to some pretty abhorr.. read more
sheesh my friend Pryde ... fantastic, needs to be said and heard ... i would put this on a loud speaker and drive all through Hollywood over and over and over again ... sharp .. biting ... so relevant .. so needed ... so ... in case you missed it .. really appreciate your poem!

Posted 2 Years Ago

Pryde Foltz

2 Years Ago

Thanks, E; so nice to see you. I guess I get frustrated with the level of inauthenticity out there. .. read more
it's a revolting culture we live in Pride... your poem points to some of the ways that our society and culture impose on us the values of self-worth.... it is sickening... and ironically, they claim all of this is done to improve self-worth....

your pen is as sharp as ever Pryde...

Posted 2 Years Ago

Pryde Foltz

2 Years Ago

Thanks, Curt(

I spend a lot of time on social media and suffer from candoritis. LOLread more
Big business. Helps some. Disaster for others. Depends on the skills of the surgeon. Natural beauty is the best.
Lots of people are beauty conscience.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Sami Khalil

2 Years Ago

Wow! So true and well said. Lead the way for us poets.
Pryde Foltz

2 Years Ago

I only ever walk my way ... sometimes others join me:)
Sami Khalil

2 Years Ago

Hehehe...Good to know...

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11 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 10, 2022
Last Updated on June 10, 2022


Pryde Foltz
Pryde Foltz

Vancouver, Canada

My written work can be found on Instagram: twitter: @Pryde Foltz Facebook: pryde foltz Youtubehttps:/ more..


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