Resonate Together

Resonate Together

A Poem by Pryde Foltz

a divine ribbon pulsating sanguine waves and particles

Resonate Together

a divine ribbon

pulsating sanguine

waves and particles

bent and twisted

by an aged father

in response to the whims

of an ageless

ever-evolving mother

she will not die

she will not be bound

she will not stay the same

the father weaves on

out of everything, or nothing

he creates some thing

he strums a fibrous tattoo

syncopated and a beat behind

sounds waves travel and decay

upon the collision of being heard

she dances

always her mind ahead of the tune

still he composes and frets on

just for her

if he can overcome the constant

the demands of an illuminated meter

she will slow 

he can catch-up

they will resonate together


Resonate Together is published in Strays.

Please visit my blog to further explore the accompanying photo essay, some bonus poetry, and keep up-to-date with all my writing. 

Longer works can be found on the my amazon page.

© 2022 Pryde Foltz

My Review

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Mother and Father are almost polar opposite but they balance each well and keep each other alive and thriving because they complete each other even if they are extremely different.

Men and women tend to have different ways of doing things and how they think. It’s a biological difference. Yet you put the two people that belong together and no matter their differences they learn grown and thrive with each other.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Pryde Foltz

3 Months Ago

A wonderful interpretation. Thank you.
Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

You are welcome. I enjoyed reading it
Wow this write is deep because I have a large family but the woman in line left their husband or they die of young age, but on mothers side her mother was a housewife and her man brought the bacon but cancer took him away but she stuck him until he died, but when she died her children before they could morn they took everything she had left her with nothing. She love her husband more than her children love her. I call this a tribute. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Pryde Foltz

3 Months Ago

Thank you so much for reading and your personal comment. As mothers, we do tend to rather lover our .. read more
Mauricio Montoya

3 Months Ago

Thank you for dropping by I will read more of your work, good write.
Pryde Foltz

3 Months Ago

Thank you:)
"Resonate Together" brings fathoms of personal reflections that this reader, and I'm sure others, supply solace and joy. Nature is such a universal metaphor in thinking and feeling love in all its iterations. I've been off this site for some time, but finding your work again has brought me back. Will be reading more. Thank you for sharing such inspiring words.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Pryde Foltz

1 Year Ago

That is heartening. Thank you. I try to get over here as much as possible. I wish it was more:)
dear Pryde… resonating together like Birds of a Feather.. when Sunshine ripples on silver water… fall gently on the Rapids where Dreams become a Waterfall of Romantic Ribbons that blend in Moonlight Inlets of secret Songs… pleasant dreams… 🌊 Pat

Posted 1 Year Ago

Pryde Foltz

1 Year Ago

Thank you for this lovely gift poetry, Patricia:)
Loving the music and rhythm of your poetic piece... each line singing a bit more of the bittersweet refrain... Writers Cafe said you were a writer I might like... and they were correct!

Posted 1 Year Ago

Pryde Foltz

1 Year Ago

Thanks, Craig. So cool when they get it right:)
The Van Gogh is so full of Emotion... reminds me of a gold fish pond where the fish sleep deeply until Spring and Summer... at Chatham Heights in Fredericksburg, Virginia. We look forward to walking around the Beds of Iris and later-- there are Roses in bloom. The Gold fish Pond has a large Artistic Metal Fish spouting Water in the Air. I am looking forward to reading your Creations. gently, Pat

Posted 2 Years Ago

Pryde Foltz

1 Year Ago

Thank you so much, Wedel. I visited the Van Gogh museum once in Amsterdam. That was indeed an amazin.. read more
Patricia Wedel

1 Year Ago

Yes, dear Pryde.. The best is yet to come… Artists and Poets Rock… and Writers with Works like y.. read more
Pryde Foltz

1 Year Ago

What a wonderful comment. Thank you, Pat:)
Amazing poetry dear Pryde. You can steal me away to a better place. I went Barnes and Noble. Only one book was listed. I had already. Hello dear friend and I hope you are doing well and you're enjoying the days of Summer.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Pryde Foltz

1 Year Ago

That is odd; perhaps you have them all. Amazon is sometimes the best bet ... or Indigo.

read more
Coyote Poetry

1 Year Ago

Okay dear Pryde. I will try. Hello dear friend and I hope you are enjoying the days of Summer.
"she will not die

she will not be bound

she will not stay the same"

Posted 2 Years Ago

"she will slow

he can catch-up

they will resonate together"

Posted 2 Years Ago

Pulsate, mate, syncopate and resonate together. Powerful observations on the whole process. I like how you use science to mix with poetry, to illustrate the truth.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Pryde Foltz

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much, Sami:)
Sami Khalil

2 Years Ago

You are welcome Pryde.

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13 Reviews
Added on June 30, 2022
Last Updated on June 30, 2022


Pryde Foltz
Pryde Foltz

Vancouver, Canada

My written work can be found on Instagram: twitter: @Pryde Foltz Facebook: pryde foltz Youtubehttps:/ more..


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