Like Rain, Outnumbered

Like Rain, Outnumbered

A Poem by Raja

He is falling, falling, and falling...


He fell down like rain water

With each leaf crumpled through his outstretched hands

With senior pain

And foreign desire to hold

The last branch

Of the tree "


Wrecked, fired, and blooded

He fell carrying the dream of rain in mind

As if those were coming true

Just because he was raining in a city

With no hope and love

With eyes welling with raining tears


The school, college, and offices were open

Not because he was not amiss and still falling

Like rain no one wants to fill the paper for

Or float the paper-ark on.

He, the rain, is falling every time as there is a desire

To look for something new

To change our cemented lives…


He is the one who was rained down… incandescent by

The steaming bonnets

In n-numbers!

© 2010 Raja

My Review

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This is brilliant,'with senior pain' is my favorite line, the word senior says amillion words..... Very Impressed

Posted 12 Years Ago

I'm not sure what this is about but its full of great images. I particularly like these lines

"He, the rain, is falling every time as there is a desire

To look for something new

To change our cemented lives…"

they touched me, made me stop and think. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

There is such a beautiful depth here, flowing with vivid words like: "He fell carrying the dream of rain in mind..." You create a tone with a musical flavor that brings your feelings to life!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on July 6, 2010
Last Updated on July 6, 2010



Kolkata, India

Writing is my passion. I write stories, poems and scripts in English and in Bengali. I love to portray the optimistic part of human life with a contrast to the real world. Writing is the most powerfu.. more..

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