![]() Pirates and SlavesA Chapter by Ricky![]() A ship holding precious cargo of the Alyuan Empire is attacked by a fleet of pirates. The leader of these pirates has an unknown payer that seeks the hostage Lycia for reasons unknown.![]() Deep in the vast emptiness of space a large vessel drifts aimlessly in the empty abyss far from any colonized system. A ship with its sleek design was heavily armored carrying with it multiple variants of weapons many of which were now disabled or destroyed. The missile silos remain open some now empty, others still stuffed with their warheads. Seven out of ten plasma cannons have been taken out of action, as well as three of the ships gauss guns were shattered. The lower bow of the vessel has been turned into a smoldering wreck with the only thing remaining being the wires that once powered the forward laser. Streaks of electricity shoot from the live wires lighting the destruction encasing it. Floating
around the vessel are the remains of destroyed ships all of them significantly
smaller than the one they were attacking. Mixed with the scrap of molten metal
are the frozen bits of their crews some had their bodies intact others had
their body parts drifting, their blood now shards of ice. Despite the fight
that the massive ship put up its defenses were overwhelmed by small fleet that leeched on it. The large ship’s white hull was
now tattered with black specks. They had latched onto the ship magnetically cutting
holes through the armor plating. The only part of the vessel that was untouched
by the battle was the alien markings that spelled out its name, Restored Order. Inside
the ship the exchange of the whizzing of flying plasma and the cries of the
dying can be heard as the fighting goes on. Along with that there are moments
where the sounds of battle are drowned out by loud roars and hisses. Towards
the aft of the ship a small fire fight wages on where the invaders have
cornered the last remaining crew and its precious cargo. The beings involved in
this fight differ greatly from one another. The invaders were a small species
of bipedal reptilians called Renuein whose entire species were forced to become
nomads with no central government. At one point in their history, they did have
a government ruled by a monarch chosen by and ancient order of elders to rule
the planet. The last king however, wanted to enforce a hereditary monarchy once
power had become his. Secretly he sent out assassins to dispatch of the order,
all of which came back to him reporting their mission a success. This
unfortunately led to a change of standard of living which led to was dividing
their species. Without a singular leader to look up to the planet was reduced
to a husk after overconsumption and overpopulation forcing them to leave and
search for resources. In the chaos and
panic the governments that had once had controlled the Renuein people destroyed
by themselves leaving the species
without a path or cause for existence. Because of the state of the galaxy most were
caught in an ultimatum, either do the grunt work of other more advanced species
or turned to a life of crime and piracy. Defending
the ship from the Renueins were tall blue hulks, most of them standing nearly
eight feet tall. Their species, known as Alyuans, are known as one of the most powerful
species throughout the galaxy. Their empire’s reach engulfing twenty-nine
systems and is continuously expanding. They thought very highly of themselves
thinking that they were the highest form of being and that other species were
meant to serve them. This kind of mindset put their species at odds with many others,
more often than not leading to violent conflict. With their abundance of
resources and superior technology, any species that stands in the way of the
empire would often be left with two choices. They could either integrate into
their culture and way of life, usually meaning that the species purpose is to
serve only the needs of the Alyuans and their empire. Or they will face the
fist of the empire and be crushed beneath its might with the end result being a
bloodbath. Any survivors would be either forced into servitude or exiled
somewhere far off in the galaxy. Their constant and greedy expansion is shown
as such a threat that any remaining independent planets join a Coalition with
one another in hope of stopping any further Alyuan expansion. Yet despite
their advanced weapons, armor, and skill at combat the Alyuans were being
slaughtered by an ambush of the inconceivably large force of Renuein. The
Renuein’s numbers were so great, that instead of targeting the ship’s
weaknesses and strategically beating them, they simply launched their ships
wave after wave to board them. Once the ship’s fighting capabilities were
disabled their boarding parties clawed their way on to the ship burning holes
into the ship before pouring their forces aboard overwhelming any resistance. As the
last Alyuan is killed by the walking lizards whom they consider to be beneath
them, the pirates collectively unleash a loud roar. The walls are decorated with blue and red blood
splatter, spotted with scorch and claw marks. Small meaty dead lizards and giant
blue bodies line the corridor’s floor, smoke still rising from their corpses.
Trudging over the pile of dead bodies the Renuein move towards the goal of this
pillage. Passing all
the dead Alyuans, there is a heavily locked door. Sounds of shuffling and
objects sliding and toppling over could be heard. A fairly large Renuein makes
her way over the pile of bodies approaching the door, her armor a blend of the common jet
black armor the rest of her race wore. But also, her armor has a golden shoulder
plates and edging to it with the addition of spikes on her helmet. More
importantly she carries a dagger that has deeply imbedded history for her
people. It was the dagger that the unified her people, it was the dagger used
by the ancient order to mark the chosen monarch with a unique scars across
their body.The other Renueins instinctively know to stay out of her way hugging
the wall as she passes by avoiding her gaze. She stands in front of the door
her toe claws tapping impatiently. With a hiss to her subordinates, a small
Renuein comes carrying two small metal cone-like objects in his hands. She
grunts and the two-small drones begin humming to life hovering to the door. A
blue light heats up in the center of the drones face shooting out a bright blue
laser into the door. The heat from the laser intensifies and the metal begins
to melt. As this is going on the
shuffling on the other side of the door becomes more frantic. The two drones rise
up cutting the door more and more, shifting from vertical line to horizontal line once reaching the corner of
the door frame. With a wave of her claw, the large Renuein signals over more of
her kin who are carrying explosives. They waddle over and placing the bombs on
the door, and with a press of a button they magnetically latch onto the door. A
steady beep warns the Renueins the bombs are armed and everyone is ordered
away. The
beeps increase becoming faster and louder until there is a long single beep. The
room for the briefest moment faded too white; any Renuein who hadn’t shielded
their eyes were now blind. For the wiser, the heat feels good to their
cold-blooded bodies it fills them with energy getting their blood pumping. The
heavy doors blast inwards denting and scraping the floor as I tosses and tumbles,
sparks and molten metal spray everywhere. They slow to a stop having left thick
scratches on the floor. Coughs
could be heard from the room and with a growl the female Renuein orders her
people to storm the room. The Renuein
hunch over and bustle on all fours into the room, hissing and growling as they
do so. The large female waits and listens to the sound of a struggle going on in the
room. Her minions come out dragging a small female Alyuan by her arms and long
blue hair. The Alyuan screams and grunts as she is dragged against her will. The
Renueins toss the Alyuan to the feet of their leader, the Alyuan’s dress was
now stained blue and red tainted by the puddles blood. The Alyuan looks up, her
eyes were large and were like a sea of blue. They start off a deep dark blue
near the edges, but the shade fades as it neared the pupil which is completely
white. Her eyes meet those of her captor, she shows her distain for the
Renuein, the treatment they’ve shown her, and the slaughter of the ship’s crew.
All the while the large Renuein
looks back down on her expressionless, her dominating red-golden eyes ownning
the exchange. Within her eyes were dark slits that were abyss’ into the
reptiles’ very being; they told the dark history of her people but mostly they
tell all of the horrors that she has done. “Get up.” The Renuein
speaks Alyuan in a deep garbled voice. The
Alyuan remains silent and continued to lay on the ground. The Renuein opens her
jaws beyond normal baring her sharp yellow jagged fangs to let out a loud vicious roar.
Gobs of spit splatter all over the Alyuan, she starts to whimper but
remains lying down. Not getting the
response She wanted, the Renuein lets out a deep hiss to her companions,
instinctively waddle her and pulling the Alyuan to her knees. In this position
the Alyuan is about as tall as most of them, only the Renuein leader having a
great deal of height amongst them. They jab her sides with their weapons, their
barrels still hot from the firefight she squeals as it burns her flesh. They
continue al the while hissing and roaring at her displaying their teeth with
nasty snarls. Resentfully the Alyuan rises to her feet, towering over the
reptile despite the being a dwarf compared to the rest of the ship’s crew. Even
the the Renuein leader height only reached her breast. The head
Renuein questions her, “Do you know who I am?” The Alyuan took a moment
scanning the lizard before giving an answer. “I can only guess you’re the one nagging
our supply lines. To your credit, whatever it’s worth, you’re the one who has
those idiots in the Galactic Union terrified. You’re Daemon, the so called “Pirate
Queen”. If rumors are to be believed, you basically own the black market as
well as an illegal slave trade. To these fool though, you’re the one who will
reunite the Renuein people and regain all that you’re species has lost.” She
glares at the aliens around her adding a bit of mockery on that last comment. Daemon,
reaching as high as she can, wraps her scaly hand around the Alyuans throat making sure the tip
of her claws broke skin. Blue blood trickles down over her rough meaty hand
dripping on a dead Alyuan guard. “Yes,” Dameon answers as she brings the Alyuan’s
face closer to hers. “And you are Lycia of Alyu an Alyuan with rich blood
coursing through your veins. It is because of you why we are her and why these
fools would sacrifice themselves for a pathetic dwarf.” That comment clearly
stung Lycia deep, giving her captor a
scowl. “You
will come with me to the Control Deck, and you will open the bay doors to let
our ships in. Then you will reactivate
the Slip-Space Drive.” Daemon instructed Lycia. Lycia took a few glances over
her shoulder, “I’m guessing I don’t have much of a choice.” “At least you’re
not a complete idiot.” The Large Renuein throws her back to the floor turning
around and motioning Lycia to follow, and with some encouragement of the armed
guards she does so. They wander through the corridors now stained with blood,
bodies, and scorch marks of the firefights that took place. As they pass by the
bodies Lycia is tortured with the stench that rises from the corpses of her
escorts, gagging as she is marched through their numbers. With no nostrils,
Alyuans could smell the gasses in the air through their moist skin which sent
messages to the brain telling which was a good smell and what was a bad
smell. And despite being able to breathe
through their mouths, whenever their skin is exposed to smells they are forced
to smell everything around them. The
armor the guards standard wore are designed to keep gases such as this from
their bodies, but the ship’s crew was not equipped this way. With every moment
she could smell the burnt bodies, her gag reflex goes into overdrive as she felt
the urge to vomit become stronger and stronger. She stops for a moment vomiting
all over the floor coughing violently afterwards.. With a few hisses, Daemon
sends orders into a device she wore saying that all the bodies leading to the
Control Deck are to be moved so they could press on. With that Daemon keeps
them going onward, Lycia is once again jabbed with the rifle by the other
Renuein. By the time they reach the control room there were blue blood trails
leading away from the deck. The Control
Deck was spacious, which made sense with the Alyuans needing as much as they
could take, the ceiling reaches as high as a small building. The seats are like
cushion bowls and the handles have
screens projecting holo-pads. The room is lit an odd light blue shade
that gives it a foggy look. The room still stinks from the corpses which make
the air so thick that it feels like walking through steam. Patches of scorch marks can be spotted in
various places leaving dark burn marks with glowing hot metal edges. There are terminal stations throughout the room that ring
around the captain’s station. Daemon clambers up the steps where the captain seat is situated, struggling to sit down in the deep chair. Sliding back in it, her stubby tail crunches under her weight; she lets out a deep his positioning her tail more comfortably. Eventually after fumbling around in the chair, she settles for sitting on the edge of the seat and orders the others to position themselves in the terminal stations. She then motions the guards to bring Lycia to her, the guards grunt with each other before one leads Lycia to Daemon while the other keeps its weapon trained on her. The steps are large, Lycia is
forced to take large steps just to climb them. The Renuein following her have even
more trouble, they scramble up each step throwing their short muscular legs
over each slowly advancing. If the other Renuein didn’t still have its weapon
aimed at her Lycia would have taken this opportunity to try and escape. While
all this was transpiring, Daemon was taking in her new prize considering that attacks
on Alyuan ships were so rare and almost all of them unsuccessful she clearly feels
a great deal of pride in her victory. “Activate the ship’s system.”
Daemon orders Lycia without looking at her still cherishing her new ship. Lycia
did nothing, she tries to express her discontent and resentment as much as
possible. If Daemon noticed she it
didn’t appear to phase her, the Renuein behind Lycia proceeds to swing the butt
of its weapon into her back. She gasps, not prepared for that assault, bitterly
she steps to the captain’s terminal. She
places her hand on the terminal, and with that lights spit out from it forming
a screen along with a blue sphere with a light blue line underneath it. “It’s nice to see you again My Lady, how may I be of assistance?” The sphere’s voice is deep and in the Alyuan
language. With every word the sphere spoke the line underneath it would show
the frequency of the voice. “Computer I need you to reactivate all the ships primary
systems.” Lycia orders the ship’s A.I. “I am sorry My Lady but I am under strict orders to follow
the orders of the captain only. If you wish for any accommodations I would ask
you direct them to the captain.” The ship refuses upsetting a clearly
distraught Lycia. “The
captain is dead!” Lycia shouts at the machine which sparks a more cautious attitude
from the Renuein. “If that is the case please report this to Lord Admiral
Starlot and then go to the next in command for…” “Everyone is dead! The
captain, my guards, everyone! I am the only one left, don’t you understand you
stupid machine!” Lycia interrupts the
computer her voice cracks by how loud she is getting . The suddenness of this outburst causes alarm
to the Renuein many stop what they were doing and raise their arms at her.
Lycia takes notice and tries to calm herself, all around her these walking lizards
have plasma weapons raise at her, the last thing she wants is to set them off .
She turns to look at Daemon and see her hand raised to halt a hail of scorching
plasma. “What did it tell you?” Daemon addresses Lycia finally
looking at her. “It won’t listen to me; it’s telling me that it will only
take orders from the captain.” She sighs. Daemon lets out a soft but deep hiss
more to herself than to Lycia. She then slides out of her seat, making a loud thud that mixed with ticks from her
claws and starts to walk toward Lycia. She waddles her way next to Lycia and
stares at the blue orb hovering above them. “Machine, I am
your new captain. Now you’ll reactivate the ship’s system, allow my ships to
enter, and then you will start up the Slip-Space Drive.” Daemon’s Alyuan was
rough and raspy. It sounds as if the words were skidding against the walls of
her throat as they spat out of her mouth. “Negative, you are not the captain rouge variable.” The
computer responds as the doors slam shut. “Under Article 24104, of the Alyuan Fleet Command; you and
the rest of the intruders aboard the Valiant Return, are to be locked up until
the arrival of a Alyuan Fleet can arrive to cleanse the ship of your presence.”
The computer recites the article. Hearing
this Lycia could not contain the small smirk that grew on her face along with a
muffled chuckle. The thought of being rescued and rid of these vermin is more
than she could ever want. Daemon did not look unfazed by this though and merely
hisses and groans into the communicator to someone else. After the voice returns
with seemingly similar noises she lets out a deep hiss-like chuckle of her own.
The sudden change in Daemon’s mood unnerves Lycia and she begins to lose the
hope she had just gained. “Machine, I have spoken to my compatriots and it seems that your ships communication systems have been disabled. So, tell me, how are you
going to inform your fleet of our presence if you do not have the means to?” Lycia
feels her gut sink as the giant lizard says that.. The
computer remains silent as it tries to analyze the situation as well as think
of a solution to it. The blue orb rotates and faces Lycia but remains silent
for a moment. Then it spoke, “Lady Lycia, you have the authorization to go out
and retrieve the ship’s repair drones to bring communications back online.” Daemon slightly turns her head toward Lycia
and hisses flaring her teeth. Lycia does not move or make any sounds in
response to either the computer or Daemon, there was no good response in this
situation that she could think of. “Machine are you malfunctioning from the damage you
received? If you cannot tell, the ship is drifting in between star systems and
we are lightyears away from any civilized system. And without the Slip-Space
Drive or Communications functioning there will be no rescue. On top of that, we
have a hostage.” Daemon jabs her blaster into Lycia hip. “The Alyuan government does not negotiate with terrorist. Hence forth I am not intimidated by this show of force.” The computer responds. “Wait…” Lycia hesitantly speaks. Daemon roars at her meek
outburst, the Alyuan’s breaths are shaky but she still finds the courage to
continue to speak. “C-computer, this voyage was Top Secret and only a handful
of officers of the fleet knew about it. And the ship is not expected to arrive
to any ports for at least a few weeks, so when they realize the ship I missing
we’ll either be dead or gone by the time they get here. The best option in
saving the remaining crew is to let
these things move about freely.” Daemon
growls after being referred to as a “thing”, the computer however remains silent
reviewing Lycia’s logic. “Your logic makes sense My Lady,” The computer speaks slightly
calming Lycia’s nerves. “But I still have my orders and cannot allow for the
ship or its crew to be ransomed.” As it finished speaking her nerves go back into
action peeving her relentlessly. Thinking quickly, an idea sparks into her mind that would help her situation entirely. Boldly she taps Daemon’s rough green-scaly arm, Daemon reaction is what one would expect from an agitated lizard. She presses her weapon further into Lycia’s hip growling and hissing angrily at her. As calmly as she could Lycia spoke, “Let me go activate the Slip-Space Drive.” Daemons hisses grow deeper which causes a domino effect of hisses and roars from the other Renuein in the room. “Do you
think you are the one in control?” Daemon snarls in deep and rough Alyuan. She
again flares her teeth but her mouth now is pouring out saliva onto the floor.
The small Alyuan’s breath shivers, Lycia does her best to recompose herself to speak
again. She motions Daemon away from the computer’s console and slowly the large
Renuein humors her. “If we restart the Slip-Space Drive it will restart all of
the ship’s systems to prevent them from being disabled by the EMP it will
admit. You could use that opportunity to purge the ships computer from the ship
entirely.” Lycia whispers into her captor’s ear hole. Daemon
pauses and withdraws her weapon from Lycia’s side. She contemplates the idea of
being rid of this stupid machine and actually have control of this grand ship.
On the other hand, she wonders why would her hostage want to help them kidnap
her. She knew Lycia was planning something but couldn’t put her claw on it.
“Why do wish to help us?” Daemon questions. “The computer is broken, probably damaged by your assault on
the ship. It would rather sit he and have the Alyuan fleet scan through open
space to find us, and who knows how long that could take. And even if your crew
leaves the ship behind I’m confident your ship does not have the ability to
properly support my needs. I’d rather be a hostage on an Alyuan vessel rather
that whatever ship you’d have me locked away on.” Lycia explains. Daemon takes this into consideration, the one who is funding the use of her and her crew did require that she bring this Alyuan in a fair state. And her ships were nothing more than a bunch of stolen and outlawed ships that were patched together and armed by whatever they could scavenge. And certainly, she nor her crew knew the needs of an Alyuan, nor were their ships prepared to support her needs either. “How will you get to the Drive if we are still locked in here” She finally asks. “The Communication station is not too far from the
Slip-Space Drive, I could simply take a detour on the way, once reactivated you
can purge the computer, and then we could go wherever it is you’re planning to
take me.” Lycia plans. “Fine, but two of my crew will go with you. I know you are
up to something Alyuan, I just don’t know what.” Daemon expresses her distrust. “My dear queen, you have nothing to fear.” Lycia mocks
walking back to the console as quickly as she could before Daemon could
retaliate. “Computer, I will take on the task of reestablishing
communications with the rest of the fleet. I do ask however that two of the
Renueins be allowed to come with me.” Lycia requests. “Negative, all intruders must remain where they are until
the fleet arrives to dispose of them. Already some of them have used explosive
charges to force their way to other parts of the ship. I cannot allow the risk
of more of them spreading.” The computer
spoke as if the Renuein were nothing more than vermin, which got a growl out of
the ones in the room. “But computer the drones are too large for me to carry
myself and their aid would be greatly appreciated.” Lycia acts out. The
computer is silent again, and analyzes the capabilities of the Renuein being
able to carry the drone given their size. They are short but bulky, but if
instructed properly they can handle the drones with minimal damage to them.
“Alright My Lady, they may accompany you to retrieve the drones, but they must
leave their weapons.” The computer concedes. Daemon
points to a pair of Renuein who are about stomach level to Lycia calling them over. The two trot on
over to her and she takes their weapons from them, but also whispers the plan
into their ears. While she whispers,
Daemon gives Lycia a foul look, scrunching up her lips on the side of her snout
presenting her teeth once more. Lycia brushes the look off waiting for the
small green reptiles to come to her. As they leave Daemon, they give a nasty
looks to the computer’s projection, one even gives it a hiss. Once
beside her, one of the little green beast tightly grasps her wrist cutting the
circulation to her hand. Lycia winces groaning, the scales of the Renuein prod
her skin and the long claws feel like they are going to tear into her flesh at
any moment. “Release her at once!” the computer demands picking up on Lycia’s
stress patterns. The Renuein give the blue orb a growl turning to Daemon for
direction. Daemon
waves her hand and the Renuein unhinges its tight grip. Lycia yanks her wrist
as soon as she could from the brute; she rubbing her wrist trying to get the blood and feeling back in
her hand. The heavy metal door slides open and the three venture off through
the ship. As they
travel Lycia is still able to smell the corpses of the ship’s crew, sometimes
catching a glimpse of where the Renuein have stored some of the bodies. It made
her sick to her stomach to look at, but she keeps an eye out for any escape
pods in order for her plan to work. The group stops at one of the ship’s many
maintenance closets and pull four small drones out for the repairs. Eventually
she spots a group of escape pods all stationed near the officers’ cafeteria. It
also is not too far from the Drive Room only a few turns and a long corridor
separate them. “Now how
can I get to the Drive room without the computer shutting us out?” She thought
to herself. They keep on walking toward
the Communications Room she notices a few Renuein conversing, she takes this
opportunity to purposely stomp on one’s foot. The alien lizard screeches in
pain and yanks Lycia down to the floor. The Renueins that are escorting her
step into action throwing the hostile Renuein against the wall hissing and roaring
at them. The two
Renuein are jumped by the other Renueins
that were talking to the one they just threw to the wall. An all-out brawl
ensues with the lizards throwing each other around slicing as biting into one
another with their claws and teeth. A puddle of spit and blood forms on the
floor giving the air a musty stench. It is at that point when the new nasty
smell reaches her is when Lycia decides that this’ a good opportunity to sneak
away, especially with all the commotion happening. Taking
the drones, she runs off without any notice from her handlers who are still too
busy fending off their three assailants. Lycia dashes to the to the Drive Room making
sure to seal the door behind her and takes this moment of freedom to catch her
breath. It wouldn’t be long until they
notice she’d escaped and come after her. Setting down the drones she goes through
each of the drones’ repair settings, placing them to repair the Slip-Space
Drives. The four machines rise from the
floor and hover two of the drones float to the Drives that to her opinion look
fine, but as the drones work it becomes more apparent of how severe the damage is.
The pistons that allow for Slip-Space travel are bent, chipped, and broken to
the point where the drones have to tear off a whole panel to replace them. Along
with the pistons the reactor has been damaged and is secluded, surrounded by a
containment field. Radioactive waste leaks from the reactor cutting off all the
power to the Drives as well. Luckily the ships hazard system was still functioning
because without the containment field, most if not all of them would be dead
from radiation exposure. The
other two drones simply faze through the containment field due to it being of
non-organic matter and they began to fix the reactor along with containing any
leaks radiation. The one working on the
reactor moves it small metallic mandibles so quickly it was hard for her look
at it, it looked fuzzy with how fast it’s mandible moved.The other just floats
around making a buzzing sound along with the sound from its Radiation counter.
The ticking from the counter diminishes
and pretty soon after both of the drones have finished with the reactor. The containment
field shrinks back into the small slots that it came from. Lycia turns back
around and watches as the other two drones place the new pistons they had made
from the 3-D printers within them into their slots and firmly secure them into
place. As soon
as they finished Lycia orders one of the drones to restart the Slip-Space Drive
and tells the rest to enter into emergency mode. To her knowledge this should
allow them to reboot after the EMP so they can repair any damage to the ship or
any equipment. As she does that she hears pounding and scratching from the
other side of the door, the lizards had finally noticed that she was gone, and
they don’t seem too thrilled about it.
To make matters worse the door keeping them out will open when the ship restarts in order to
prevent anyone from being locked inside. “Just what I needed.” She mutters to
herself sarcastically. The ship
speakers then go off, “Attention all personal, the ship’s system will be
temporarily offline due to manual reset of the Slip-Space Drives. All personal
report to your stations and wait for further instructions from the captain.”
Immediately after the lights black out and the drones all shut down giving a
deep whine. As the ship goes silent the sounds of the Renueins hisses and
growls are silenced by the sound of all the ship’s doors slamming open one at a
time. The Renueins stop clawing at the door leaving her alone with the eerie
silence. Lycia looks down and sees that the drones that she had put in
emergency mode haven’t booted back up. “Please, please, turn back on now!” she groans at the limp
machines. The door slams open and cutting through the darkness she can see red
lights glowing off the weapons these Renuein were carrying. This sight disturbs
her, but it’s not glow from the weapons that frighten her but rather the glow
from the Renuein’s eyes. It was a thicker red than the red emitting from the
weapons with a dark split from their dark pupils. She can hear their breathes, they’re
raspy and grabbled, each exhale giving off a different type of hiss than the
one prior. Their weapons are raised and they take their time stomping over to
her. The closest one to her left
suddenly fell however, landing on its stomach tripping over one of the drones. She takes
this opportunity and jumps for its weapon. Yanking the blaster out of its claws
she presses it against the Renuein’s head. The other two raise their weapons at
her hissing and growling, probably telling her to drop the weapon, but there is
no way that’s going tohappen. Meanwhile the Renuein on the floor remains silent
even its breathing had softened. “Drop your weapons or I’ll kill him.” Lycia
screams as assertive as she could be. The Renuein hiss and roar back at her
probably understanding her as well as she understood them. She presses the
barrel against the lizard’s head even harder continuing to demand that they
drop their weapons. “Reset
of the Slip-Space Drive will commence in five, four, three, two, one.” The
ship’s speakers count down. The
standoff is interrupted when the Drive emits an electromagnetic pulse that
disables all systems including their weapons. Once the EMP passes over them
beeping is heard as the drones spark back to life. They do a quick visual scan
of the dim room and their attention locks onto the disabled weapons.
Immediately the drones hover over to the three in an attempt to fix the guns.
The drone that hovers toward Lycia snatches the blaster from her observing it
dismantling it trying to reactivate it. The Renueins however, are not so keen
on giving up their weapons and tug against the drones fighting for control. As the
lizards wrestle Lycia dashes out of the room, pushing pass the Renueins makes a
break for the nearest escape pod. She’s not alone though, she peers over her
shoulder and sees the Renuein she held at gunpoint bounding on all fours after
her. At this point it’s all or nothing,
so with every ounce of her strength she sprints running as fast as she ever has
before desperate to escape. She takes every turn as sharp as she could sliding
a bit in her sandals. All the while she can hear the clicks and scratches of
her pursuer’s claws skidding on the metal floors. As she takes
the next turn she could see officers’ cafeteria along with the group of escape
pods stationed nearby. The Renuein
chasing her slid into the corridor’s wall and is starting to catch up, Lycia can
hear it heavy puffs from each of its breath.
Pushing herself she dashes to the closest pod ignoring the burning
feeling in her legs. She can feel her hearts pumping maniacally, each one
beating like a drum her chest now rumbling from the consistent beats. Halfway
from the escape pod she trips feeling a terrible pain in her right leg, looking
back she sees the Renuein has caught up with her planting a claw into her leg. It
oozes blue blood that seeps into her dress, she screams as it sinks its claws
further into her leg. It seems to chuckle at the sound of her agony and raises
its other arm swiping it down upon her. The Renuein claws sliced her forearm
clipping part of her abdomen in the process. Lycia lets out another wail, tears
forming in her eyes and anger through the rest of her being. Her
vision reddens and she can feel her second pair of teeth setting into place.
She knows what was happening to herself and hates it, fighting her primal
urges. But it is already a lost fight, her mind slips away from her.. The last
thing she is able to visualize is the expression of confusion on the Renuein’s
face before she is engulfed in red. When
Lycia comes to she finds herself lying on top of the blood-soaked corpse of the
Renuein. Standing up and felt heavier
than usual, looking down she sees that her clothes were completely drenched in
red blood the original golden-violet patterns no longer distinguishable. Along
with that, every limb of her body is wet with the lizard’s blood. The
overwhelming smell is too much and Lycia hunches over vomiting. When she finishes, she feels disgusted with
everything that has happened sobbing to herself, “I’m one of the most important
person in the galaxy and this happened! Sent away without proper time to
prepare, my ship get boarded by pirates, I’m taking prisoner, and now this! Vomiting all over the floor
covered in blood all because this stupid lizard…” She stops
her rant once she realizes the full extent of the carnage she inflicted on the Renuein.
It’s body lays in a puddle of its own blood, its right leg bone poking out of
its scaly exterior, two of the fingers on its left hand are laying against the
wall separate from the rest of its body.
The tip of its tail is completely flattened and its right arm was
bending in a way it isn’t suppose to. The feature that stands out the most
though was its neck where a large chuck had been torn out and spat out against
the wall. The wound is so deep that she can see some of the Renuein’s spine; she
finds herself at a loss of words, none even come to mind. Slowly she paces
backwards from the body before running to the escape pod. Ignoring
the searing paining her arm, leg, and abdomen, Lycia stumbles into the pod manually
detaches it from the ship. As the pod drifts away from the ship and Lycia takes
a seat at the helm watching as its power slowly coming online. “Hello I am your
life pods navigation system, please punch in the coordinates of your
destination.” A female Alyuan voice instructs. Lycia was still trying to
process what she had just done back there however, and completely ignores the
system’s request. “Hello passenger, please respond and input the coordinate
data into the panel before you.” The system tries again but there was still
silence with in the pod. “Scanning… scanning… passenger do you require medical
assistance? My scan has indicated that you have received lacerations on your
forearm, leg, and abdomen. Shall I administer bio-gel to remedy your injuries?”
“How could I do that I’m just a…” Lycia mumbles to herself ignoring the system’s
offer. A small
palm sized drone deploys from the ceiling of the pod behind Lycia and hovers
over to her applying the bio-gel over her injuries. Lycia hearts jumps, she
wasn’t prepared for the bio-gel or how much it stings. She backhands the drone
across the pod swatting it so hard that it shatters against the pods interior.
“Please refrain from damaging property of the Alyuan Empire.” The system warns.
Lycia finally takes notice of the system and takes action, “Take me to the
nearest Alyuan controlled system!” “Apologies,” the system responds, “but all Alyuan controlled
space is out of this pods reach.” “WHAT!?” Lycia shouts dumbfounded on the loss limitations. “This pod’s Slip-Space Drive is not powerful enough to reach
any known Alyuan system. The best I can do is to make short jumps to get us to
the closest system of Drexul.” “How long would that take?” “Approximately
around one thousand five hundred twelve Alyu hours.” “Great, I manage to escape
the ship but now I’m going to starve to death trying to get home.” “Not true
this pods has food reserves that will last up to….” Their conversation is cut
short when the pod shakes violently. “What
just happened!” Lycia demands. “Hull integrity lowered to ninety percent. Cause…
plasma bolt striking outer rear hull of the pod.” The system replies bringing up a projection
of the pod the rear of it blinking red. The pod is struck once more tossing
Lycia onto the pod’s floor, “Hull’s integrity at seventy percent. Incoming
message from the Restored Order.” The system blares. “Very clever young Alyuan. I knew you were up to something
when you agreed to help us take over the ship from machine, I just didn’t know
what. Here we are though with us having almost everything we came here for,
except you.” Lycia scowls at the sound of Daemon’s voice, working through the
pain to get back up. “Come back to my ship now and I may be able to keep you
safe from the rest of my crew. They’re not particularly happy with what you did
to Renaiir. So, unless you want to end up like he did I’d suggest think
carefully about your next move.” Lycia
grunts, doing exactly what Daemon said, thinking about what she’s going to do
now. If she goes back, then escape will be impossible with all the security and
limitations enforced upon her. And if she runs there’s no guarantee that she’ll
make it to Alyuan space with how damaged the pod is. So the only question is
which choice was worse? “*growl* I am losing my patience Alyuan, come peacefully or
else we’ll drag you back ourselves! You have a minute to comply.” Daemon warns
cutting off the transmission.
thoughts rush into overtime thinking what she can do. “Passenger I am detecting
multiple small vessels of unknown classification approaching. Would you like to
set up communications with these vessels?” the system ponders. “No! Um… how far
is your transponder range?” She asks coming up with an idea. “This pod’s transponder
range can only reach two point three six light years, but can release a beacon
that reaches twenty light years” the system informs. “Okay how far is the
nearest habitable system?” “Approximately 0.03 light years away but is
unexplored do you wish to travel there?” At that moment, the pod is struck once
more with plasma fire buckling the pod once more. “Yes, now!” Lycia orders
trying to strap herself in. “Hull integrity now at fifty percent, there’s a
seventy-eight percent chance that many of this pod’s systems will go offline if
a jump is initiated. Do you wish to….” “For the love of Alyu, just do it!”
pod’s engines begin to pump creating a wormhole and the pod thrusts itself into
Slip-Space plunging into the unknown. Meanwhile aboard the Restored Order
Daemon watches as her prize slips away. “Someone get me the coordinates of her
jump and bring all ship into the docking bay, someone inform the rest of the
crew to prepare for the jump into Slip-Space!” Daemon commands with her
subordinates watching as they waddling as fast as they could. “Shipmistress, we
have captured an Alyuan ship, along with all the goods aboard it. What does it
matter if the Alyuan got away?” A younger Renuein questions. Daemon glares at
them slowly stumbling closer and closer. The room becomes still as she walks
across it, all eyes focusing on her. She stops standing in front of the young
pirate continuing her glare into the young pirates soul. In it she finds fear,
uncertainty, and weakness from their lack of experience. For a moment she is
reminded of her younger self and pities them. Before any apologies can be made
Daemon burrows her dagger into the Renuein’s eye gouging it out. The young
pirate howls in pain falling to the floor, hands over her empty eye socket. “Our
client has asked for the capture and delivery of that Alyuan in exchange of
foods and goods you can’t even imagine. So, we will not give up our pursuit
until that brat is captured,” Daemon speaks with a solid stern voice calmly
walking back to the captain’s seat. “So, I’ll only say this one more time.
Follow! That! Pod!” © 2018 RickyAuthor's Note
Featured Review
StatsAuthor![]() RickySeattle, WAAboutI am a young ambitious man who has always been fascinated in telling stories. And unlike the rest of my family who can draw very artistically i cannot so writing is as best as i can in displaying what.. more..Writing