

A Poem by Reks

As I sit here holding my knife
My mind swimming in depression
A thought seems to lock me
Holding in my aggression

It's a thought of her
The One I "loved"
Something streams down my face
A drop from the sky above

But it isn't a drop
Just a crystal tear
Something I haven't felt in a while
But with it, comes fear

Fear for my life
Fear for her
Fear of this knife
Fear for whats to occur

My mind drifts
To what people would think
It doesn't seem good
And like an idiot, I just sit and blink

I shake my head
Determined to stop
But just one little cut
And a little red drop

That's all I wanted
One and then I'll stop
But my conscious won't let me
It was like a physical block

I throw my ritual knife to the side
Then ended up crying
Life's such a b***h
And to me, that b***h is just lying


© 2010 Reks

Author's Note

IDK why I wrote this. It might have something to do with what's going on with me right now. But I'm not much of a poet. It's not completely finished. But tell me what you think.

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That's all I wanted
One and then I'll stop
But my conscious won't let me
It was like a physical block
This is a depressive poem....but conscious does not allow you to that sin, a great sin. Next time be careful for this reason. Love your poetry with a deep heart and it conclusion.

Posted 10 Years Ago

"To what people would think
It doesn't seem good
And like an idiot, I just sit and blink"

A splendid read and write...Thank you for penning...:)

Posted 10 Years Ago

very deep and emotional poem. very good write. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 27, 2010
Last Updated on May 27, 2010



City of Glass, NY

Hmmm, what to say about myself. I love to write. Its my passion and my soul. My writing is a tool of creation and destruction, retribution and condemnation. Haha just playing. I'm here to put my thoug.. more..

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