Not So Absurd

Not So Absurd

A Poem by RiverofDreams

So, I have friend Mike, who I have this pretty major crush on and he gives the best hugs, which's called being Mugged (MikeHugged). I had a REALLY bad day last week, and getting mugged made it better

It's that feeling of overwhelming happiness, that feeling of all the worries rushing away. Whether its only a short hug as you pass in the hall, or a longer, more meaningful one when he shows up to lunch. There's just something about it. About the smell of his cologne, witch is always not to overpowering, but completely noticeable nonetheless. They're always kind of awkward, because of his height, but hell, that's okay. That's also why the best ones are when he crouches down to make you feel taller. 

There's also something about the hair, usually smothered in gel. And the eyes, a greenish grey, that tear right through you. There's something about the conversations we have,  something about the fact that he never has a problem with giving you a ride home, something about the way that he'll congratulate you when you say "I got an 87 on my chem test."  There's something about him that makes him just simply amazing. 

And that is why it's not so absurd when you say that the only thing that can make you feel any better is getting Mugged.

© 2011 RiverofDreams

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like the word and the poem..great feeling.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 11, 2011
Last Updated on November 11, 2011
Tags: Hugs, crushes, guys, mugged, Mike, high school, romance, amazing



Poughkeepsie, NY

I'm in high School, and i write every free moment I have... including during class, especially Chem and Spanish. I love writing about pretty much anything except poems, fantasy, and sci-fi. I'm just a.. more..
