I am a Question

I am a Question

A Poem by Sandra Nair

This is for me, a tribute to all girls.


Rebirth was my wish
My wish was rebirth
Millions of years later,my wish
My wish was granted.

I was born as a Christian,
Alas! Veil suffocated my hairs.
Suffocation led to death
And I said goodbye to Christianity
And never more a nun.

Rebirth was my wish
My wish was rebirth
Millions of years later,my wish
My wish was granted.

I was born as a Hindu,
Alas! ghoonghat suffocated my face.
Suffocation led to death
And I said goodbye to Hinduism
And never more a bride.

Rebirth was my wish
My wish was rebirth
Millions of years later,my wish
My wish was granted.

I was born as a Muslim,
Alas!purdah suffocated the entire me.
Suffocation led to death
And I said goodbye to Islam
And never more...

Rebirth was my wish
My wish was rebirth
Millions of years later, my wish
My wish was in the tomb.

My wish pleaded me,
Never wish,never dream.
You are a woman,
Before you I am a question
And not a wish.

© 2016 Sandra Nair

Author's Note

Sandra Nair
Your opinion is my greatest achievement!

*ghoonghat -Ghoonghat (ghunghat, ghunghta, laaj, chunni, jhund or Odhni) is a veil or headscarf worn by some married Hindu, Jain and Sikh women to cover their head.

My Review

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Featured Review

I like it - and very interesting! Something I could have agreed with 15 years ago, but not so much now. But I think you have expressed your frustrations about our society, etc. very well and poignantly. Beautiful.

In fact, it is a good "debating" starter for pupils in high school/university - to make them think and consider the history of women :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

Thank you, Sarah. Yes, things have changed so much with the years passing by. But not much. Let us t.. read more


This is a powerful poem. I like how it conveys a lot even in its simple, brief words. The pain and frustration of women is very well depicted. And your title is very interesting. Thank you for sharing with us this tribute to women and girls. Keep writing. x

Posted 8 Years Ago

Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

Thanking you a lot, Rhea for sparing your time for me.

8 Years Ago

No problem x
Great piece ! i like when someone talks about impermanence. you have good lines friend.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

Thank you, Rinzin. You made me check the meaning of a word.
Your poem clearly depicts society's flawed notions about women. They, as men, are the children of God and must be treated with utmost respect. When a bird is put inside a cage, nature cries and this, my friend, is not a good omen. Beautiful poem. I loved it.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

I completely agree, Gaurav.
At times,our feeling of suffocation lead us to negativity but positive attitude is key to success...

Posted 8 Years Ago

Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

I join with you, Isha. Not only in this case but many other times too we are driven into negative th.. read more
Your poem sings like a chant and repeats itself in a choral fashion which makes it beautiful, like a song..... it is a philosophical prose, from your heart/experience and perhaps culture, it is poignant with a stark conclusion that strikes against religious ideas and customs that repress the freedom of women, I like it, (now simply add a space after each exclamation mark and after each comma)

Posted 8 Years Ago

Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

Hey, I liked the sentence written inside the braces in your review! Thank you for your objective in .. read more
Women were intended by the Creator of all that is and will ever be, no matter one's chosen faith or religion, to be protected and cherished, not enslaved and abused ... Women are truly equal to men, and were meant to be viewed as treasures, not trophies or cattle, elevated as the work of art which truly are as a blessing to all mankind ... Sadly, we men always seem to find a way to take the beauty of the wonderful gift given us in women, and distort, pervert, and destroy it by saddling women with rules and regulations that pretend and feign honoring and protecting them while actually forcing them to live a life of bondage and enslavement to the will and whims of the male ego ... Be fully aware dear ladies that today there is a Women's Rights movement running Pall Mall at breakneck speed, and not everything about that movement is actually setting women free at all ... There was a time, here in America (here in Texas) when a man could not just sleep with a woman and then abandon her when she came to be with child ... That man was expected to marry, support, and protect that woman who had trusted him with the most personal part of herself ... The Women's Rights movement has successfully empowered men to be totally irresponsible these days, to leave women pregnant to raise children by themselves, or make a decision to abort their child, a precious human life lost, all too often, because of the lack of character and integrity in the men of today ... In gaining their freedom women are actually exploited sexually more than at any time in history, and it is taking place of their own free will, believing such exploitation of themselves to be an expression of their new found freedom and rights to be equal to men ... I support Women's Rights, yet, to have a right does not make it right to allow men to debase and degrade a woman in the very name of such rights ... This movement needs some tweaking in ways that will actually empower women, without leaving avenues for men to behave irresponsibly, or to exploit them ... Exercise your rights carefully, for doing right is always a better state of affairs than simply possessing rights that may lead you to make mistakes that will change your life forever, to never be forgotten ... Men are out there for the express purpose of taking advantage of women, and they have no problem using your rights to achieve their goals ... Such a state of affairs causes an old man like me to be ashamed of being a man, at times ... I think part of our error is in trying to make women equal, rather than elevating them to honored and cherished position above us, to be loved, treasured, protected at all costs, and honored ... I was raised and taught to treat a woman with respect, open doors for her, walk beside her, at times even behind her as a precious jewel on display for the world to see, but not for the world to touch or steal away ... Times have changed, and in our attempts at equality, somehow women have lost some good things here in my land that need to be revived and added to this new found freedom and rights for women ... Treat a woman like a lady, a true lady, and she has then found her freedom ... Your heart penned to page oozes lines of poetry that spoke to my heart of some of the pain of what it must be like to be a woman forced to live under such conditions ... Bravo ...

Posted 8 Years Ago

Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

Thank you.. It is not only for saying my poem is 'good' but beyond that, for letting me know about t.. read more
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8 Years Ago

In trying to be brief, something very difficult for me at times, the entire .. read more
I like it - and very interesting! Something I could have agreed with 15 years ago, but not so much now. But I think you have expressed your frustrations about our society, etc. very well and poignantly. Beautiful.

In fact, it is a good "debating" starter for pupils in high school/university - to make them think and consider the history of women :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

Thank you, Sarah. Yes, things have changed so much with the years passing by. But not much. Let us t.. read more
I loved your idea and your words..very unique however, I do not agree completely..as a Muslim I can assure you that Islam or Christianity or any other religion is not just about covering your entirety..religion is way more than that and as you can see I am a Muslim and I am not wearing the Hijab or anything it is a matter of choice and I absolutely love my religion but there's more to it than covering. I have massive respect for the people who choose to cover but again it is personal preference you do not have to be too religious or have no religion at all. It is much simpler than that. Nevertheless, I loved your poetry very much, you are really talented.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

I am very happy that you have your own choice. There are many people who can only dream of it. And .. read more
Abeer Tarek

8 Years Ago

A very powerful message indeed, I do agree with you and you have quite a mature mind..keep writing!
Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

Thank you, Abeer.
well i can grant you these silly laws came from man,not god

Posted 8 Years Ago

Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

Thank you, friend. I too agree with you. These laws came from man. As you the Religions were all mad.. read more

8 Years Ago

man drags God in to it to cover his tracks
Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

Yes, you are right.
The poem is great! Keep up the good work Sandra.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

Thank you!
God Girl

8 Years Ago

You're welcome.

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42 Reviews
Added on February 16, 2016
Last Updated on February 16, 2016


Sandra Nair
Sandra Nair

Kerala, India

"Oh,Sandra! Is there such a child in the class? This was the reaction of any of my classmates,if you happened to ask them about me. And now they know me, but that's the end. They know me,but not mo.. more..


A Poem by Sandra Nair

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