The Lonely

The Lonely

A Poem by Scott888

No one knows what life is supposed to be like 
Should it be a mystery or should it be planned?
We do know though that we are supposed to be happy in life.

Our jobs makes us happy but we seldom enjoy doing it. 
Our hobbies makes us happy but they can anger us. 
What makes life worth living if not for our job or hobbies?

It's the people who appreciate us, 
The people that'll care and help us no matter how many mistakes.
Everything you do will be made better by the people who care about you.

But the lonely don't have those people, 
they have acquaintances but they don't care that much, 
Lonely people need others as well but difference stand the way.

Distracting ourselves with books and phones only serve to barricade us in, 
We need others but no one really needs us.
If only they saw the type of person we can be versus the person we are .

We need a special type of person to make us feel less lonely. 
Whether though they are able to look beyond and find the person
Is a different story.  

© 2023 Scott888

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It's the people who appreciate us,
The people that'll care and help us no matter how many mistakes.
Everything you do will be made better by the people who care about you.

THESE lines may be right for those who think good but not for those who think bad. if you see there is difference between good and bad. make or break. build or destroy, praise or comment, so if you can smell good but bad you cant. jasmine and drainage there is difference. put your efforts where needed, where unnecessary its make futile even your worthiness.

Just thought of sharing.

You are not becoming god by being good to bad people, instead you are hurting good with your help to bad, as bad are exploting the good.

Posted 7 Months Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 28, 2023
Last Updated on October 28, 2023



Edmonton, Canada

I am a new writer and just want to put some of my ideas out there and see if anyone likes them. more..

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A Poem by Scott888