Chapter 1: Encounter(Part 1)

Chapter 1: Encounter(Part 1)

A Chapter by Sephrenia Daigle

Here's Part 1 of Chapter 1:Encounter of "Omegaverse: The Romantic Affairs of Drake Wilson & Avon Winters"! ENJOY!!~~


Chapter 1: Encounter (Part 1)

Our story begins with me, an Alpha named Drake Wilson, walking in the park alone one night. My father, Lucius Wilson, told me that he would resign as CEO of Wilson Pharmaceuticals and give the position to me if I found a pair that could sire an Alpha child as my heir. I had told him that I needed time to consider this since I was only 19 and not looking for a pair at the time. The offer echoed in my head and troubled me as I strolled through the park.

As I walked down the path I was on, I thought I heard someone crying in the bushes and went to investigate. I peered over the dense undergrowth and found a 17-ish looking boy curled up into a ball, crying. He had straight black hair with pale pink streaks in it that went to his shoulders and covered the left side of his face. His glasses were cracked in places and his clothes were torn and caked with dirt. Beside him laid a small, crinkled black notebook. 

Immediately, I felt something like a pull on my very being leading to the crying boy. I decided to talk to him. I had to if I wanted any chance of finding out why I felt so attracted to this boy.

“Rough time?” I asked as I stepped over the bushes and stood in front of the crying boy. My short, curly pale blonde hair fell into my amber-colored eyes as I looked down at him.

The boy looked up at me with large pale blue eyes overflowing with tears, his face filled with fear. He instantly lunged for his notebook and tried to run away. I grabbed the boy’s arm and stopped him.

“Wait,” I said quickly, still holding the boy’s arm. “I heard you crying and came to try and help. Could you please tell me what’s wrong, or who you are for that matter?”

The boy turned to me looking as if he’d burst into tears at any second. After what felt like an eternity, he spoke, his voice shaky.

“My name is Avon Winters and I’m 17. I no longer have a home because my family kicked me out 7 years ago today,” he said and started to cry. 

Now unlike my father, I let my feelings and emotions show quite a bit. Sometimes I let them take control,like they did just know. Without any warning, I pulled Avon towards me by his arm and wrapped my arms around Avon in a warm embrace. I had always liked males better than females, and this one was pretty cute in my opinion.

“Why did they kick you out, Avon?” I asked in a low and soothing voice as I pet Avon’s head, which was buried in my chest.

Avon pulled away, his face turning a bright shade of red. He looked at the ground as he talked.

“Um, they found out I was an Omega when I was 10. And because most of my family’s either an Alpha or a Beta, they kicked me out of their house to fend for myself on the streets,” he replied. He then looked up at me, his eyes gazing into mine. “Now who are you and why’d you hug me just now?”

“I’m Drake Wilson, a 19-year-old Alpha and the future CEO of my family’s company, Wilson Pharmaceuticals. I’d like to offer you a place to stay with me in my mansion as my paired lover. And I just felt like hugging you, that's all,” I told Avon as I walked up to him and brushed the hair out of his face. 

“Y-you want to pair with me? B-but why? I’m just a lowly Omega living on the streets,”he stuttered.

“Because I have a feeling you might be my “fated pair”. When I first saw you, I felt like my soul was being pulled towards you, and I have a feeling yours is doing the same thing for me. I’ve never felt this way before with someone,” I answered as I pinned Avon to a tree by his wrists. I leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

Strangely, Avon didn’t try to resist. He didn’t pull away, fight back, or even scream for help. Instead, he closed his eyes and passionately kissed me back. This continued for a little while as I released his wrists and wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his around my neck. When I finally pulled away to catch my breath and looked at him, Avon was trembling from the pleasure. He had a dazed look on his face as drool dripped down his chin. His face was flushed as he caught his breath. 

“So what’s your answer, Avon? Will you agree to come with me and become my pair?” I cupped Avon’s face in my hands and stroked his cheeks with my thumbs. I waited anxiously for him to answer, afraid he’d say no.

Avon stared right into my golden eyes with his icy blue ones and smiled. He put his hands on mine and kissed one of my palms. He looked back at me and spoke.

“I’ll pair with you and be your lover, Drake,” he said warmly. “But swear to me that you’ll always love me like this and never abandon me. Even in our darkest times, I want you to love me just like this.”

“I swear to always love you, Avon. Even in our darkest days, I will never stop loving you,” I replied as I kissed Avon’s forehead. I looked into his pale blue eyes and smiled. “Now let’s go home, my fated pair.”

© 2021 Sephrenia Daigle

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Added on February 26, 2021
Last Updated on March 1, 2021
Tags: Omegaverse, Gay Romance


Sephrenia Daigle
Sephrenia Daigle

Charlotte, NC

Hello, I'm Sephrenia Daigle, but you can call me Ren! Age: 18 Gender: Non-binary Sexuality: Bisexual for the most part, but likes girl a little bit more than guys Likes: Music Boxes, stuffed animals,.. more..
