Cool Summer Nights

Cool Summer Nights

A Story by Serenedy

a descriptive about my back yard

    Cool summer nights are the best nights of the year. there are so many stars, it's almost like God took an handful of sparkles and scattered them all over a beautifully-painted canvas. 
The trees, strong and tall, are painted light blue by the moon. The tall dark green grass sways back and fourth in the wind like a church choir sining a beautiful melody.
    There are some things I can't even begin to describe; like how God can take a blank canvas and turn it into a magnificent painting of a wonderful landscape; How He can create something so beautiful and brilliant from nothing. He makes the summer night's air so cool and calming, it puts you into a peaceful meditating trance. Those moments allow you to forget about your problems and just breathe.



© 2008 Serenedy

Author's Note

So what do you think? pretty descriptive huh?

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Great subject, excellent imagery and tone. "The tall, dark green grass sways back and forth in the wind, like a church choir singing a beautiful melody" Love that line. Good metaphor! Barbara

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is amazing. Thank you.

I too love "Those moments allow you to forget about your problems and just breathe." You forget about all the heartache and everything is simply peaceful.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on March 28, 2008




I mostly write sayings and most of these sayings come directly from life experiance. Some come from questions I've had about something like comunication or life in general. I have a big heart. So big .. more..
