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About Me

I mostly write sayings and most of these sayings come directly from life experiance. Some come from questions I've had about something like comunication or life in general. I have a big heart. So big infact, that I wished I would be able to take away all pain and put it on myself so that no one would have to experiance it. That backfired because I was over working myself and pushing myself past my limit too much. Through that experiance came this analogy:

The whole world is like an old rundown house; You can't just fix a doorknob an expect it to be safe to live in.

Meaning, I'm too small to make a big change like that. Only God could do something like that.

My dad went to Iraq in 2004 and I wrote this poem for him at about 2:00 in the morning (because I couldn't sleep. Go figure)

America Fights Back

America is fighting back.
My dad is in Iraq.
I never knew what I had.
Saying goodbye made me sad.
When we were at the airport,
I saw mixed emotions as they began to board.
I get emails from him some days,
but it's just not the same.
Everyday I try to be stronger,
But I don't want him gone any longer.
I now say the pledge with pride,
and I know God is on my side.

D.M. 4/16/04