My Greatest Fear

My Greatest Fear

A Poem by Shelby Baker

My Greatest Fear


My Greatest Fear





My fear  isnt about

 Being a lonely old hag nobody wants to be around

 Getting into a crash and not being able to walk

 Dying and being the devils little torture doll

Spiders crawling all over my body

Tight dark spaces that will crush me


Oh no


My fear is greater than that

It’s the fear of having my family judge my writing

Just think of what would be going through their minds


       That goes through her head?

        Is she really thinking about doing that?

              She really needs to see a therapist!


I don’t mind having the whole world

judge my writing

But when my family is reviewing it

I get tight knots in my stomach 

My Greatest Fear is..

If they think I’m going crazy..

© 2010 Shelby Baker

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The good and the bad.... I'm not very good at sugar-coating and I don't believe it helps.... I'll start with the bad.... Grammar is important, as is spelling. 'Toture', 'then' should be than and 'hole' should be 'whole' to name a couple. Little things really, but if you aspire to be published, those things could make the difference.

Okay, now the good, and there is good in it!! =) I think you give great insight into your inner thoughts and feelings. I really like the first paragraph. You portray yourself as being afraid, without being fearful.

Keep writing.... you've got something going on here =)

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Wow.. a fear of what one's family perceives from their own creativity.. you have great writing talent.. you are improving continuously and of course those around us closest will judge us.. sometimes harsher than others who are not familiar with us day by day. Honesty pours from this.. and I feel if your family read your other writings they will not think you crazy even if they do not appreciate written work you can see talent coming from deep within you.. keep it up!

As for the fear of one's family thinking they are going crazy.. the world is going crazy so that would make you very normal.. or at least that is what I would use to justify myself to those who try to step in the way of something that is both releasing and creative.. lol.. Writing is a dream for many.. though there are many writers out there.. it's cut throat business.. there are people who do make a living doing this..thank you so much for sharing!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Any work that comes across as so candid and easy to relate to has got to be good in my book! I love the experimental style, it feels very individual and the hectic formatting complements it well.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

write for yourself.
meet your own standards, because maybe we're the only normal ones left in this fucked up society.

Posted 14 Years Ago

i know what you mean people often assume that what your writing is about you or something you went through whether or not it is. Judgment is always worse when its comming from someone you know and probably care about because if its an eyeopening subject there's a chance that they might look at you differently but if they love you how they should then that love is unconditional sure they might question it a little but they'll never stop loving you and i think you can count on that! well, Great write and sorry for my rambling!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Isn't that every great writers fear? I have felt the very same and have gotten comments of the like from them. Kudos on the delivery of the piece. Very nice

Posted 14 Years Ago

I agree with this poem. My family rarely read what I write. I have another site where I write for the rights of people. I tell the truth. Truth can be nasty and cold. So I keep my views and opinions away from them. A excellent poem. I did like the ending.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I understand this completely. The thing is, as much as we may love (or hate) our families, they tend to always look at us as the children they knew and not the adults we become. Growth is about choice and change, and what we may have learned to accept as truth is not always what we choose to accept as adults. In short, life is a complicated thing that makes the human emotions a roller coaster. Everybody feels differently about everything, so in the end, nobody has the right to judge you. Either they accept you or they won't, and either way it's beyond your control. Just be happy with who you are and the ones who love you always will. The other thing to consider is, sometimes it's better to let sleeping dogs lie. This is a beautiful poem, full of honesty and emotion. Great job!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like the theme of the poem. However it's flow isn't so great. But still- I know how you feel. Very common among most writers, I think. Great job. :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like the theme a lot. I just got done explaining this to a friend--how not to confuse the author with the work (except in this case). A bit of editing is needed. I like the format...maybe change some of the phrasing from a less simplistic wording to a few more lesser common, more complex synonyms.

Posted 14 Years Ago

lolz,if u were me, I think you may have commited suicide.... People think I'm loco!!!!!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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85 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on January 22, 2010
Last Updated on January 22, 2010
Tags: Family, Fear, Real, Writing, poems, stories


Shelby Baker
Shelby Baker

Ware, MA

center> [~]Shelby Ace Baker [~] May 21 [~] Massachusetts [~] Smart & Witty [~] Sarcastic on occasion more..
