Chapter 4: It's a Dangerous Love Affair

Chapter 4: It's a Dangerous Love Affair

A Chapter by Simply_Eccentric

I went to the hospital to visit my sister Shannon the third time in a row this week, all because of that girl Rita from the vending machine. I know it seems pretty stupid and looking back on it I completely agree but something about that chick made me keep coming back. I walked up to Shannon’s section greeting the nurses as I passed by. I think they were getting tired of seeing me. I peeked into the room Rita was in and saw Shannon in there. She was taking to the other woman, Deborah was it? I think so. I knocked on the door turning everyone’s attention to me. Shannon glared at me annoyed.


“Excuse me for a second?” Shannon said to Deborah and Rita. She walked outside and pulled me to a corner.


“Hey sis.” I said cheerfully. Shannon didn’t return my good mood and instead glare at me.


“Aaron don’t you have a job to do? Instead of try and hook up with my patients?” She said annoyed by my presence.


“Technically it’s patient’s family.” I said with a smirk. Shannon intensified her stare.


“I really want to hurt you right now.”


“Yeah so do a lot of people.” I said with a chuckle. Shannon rolled her eyes again and then looked at me seriously.


“Now really, why aren’t you at work?”


“I am just on a really long lunch break.”

“You traveled all the way here for your lunch break?...To see a girl that has no interest in you whatsoever?” Shannon said folding her arms. I laughed at her last question.


“She totally digs me Shannon.” I said confidently. Truth be told I wasn’t entirely sure of this but she could’ve been playing hard to get for all I know. Shannon shook her head.


“Whatever let’s you sleep at night Aaron.” She said as she began to head back to the room.


“Like a baby.” I replied with a smirk following her back to the room. Shannon excused herself again to check on other patients. I stood in the room saying “Hi” to everyone except for the sleeping patient. I took a seat by the door right next to Rita.

“So how’s your sister doing?” I asked Deborah. She looked up at me from her laptop.


“She’s doing well. She woke up two days ago, she just keeps complaining about major migraines and body aches.”


“Oh okay, that’s why Shannon put her to sleep?”"I asked. Deborah nodded and returned her attention to the laptop. I looked over to Rita to see her slouched in the chair playing a game on an iPhone."“And how are you doing?”


“Fine.” Rita answered quickly. Despite her attempts to shoot me down, my cheery attitude never faltered.


“What are you playing?”


“A game.”


“What kind of game?”

“One for iPhones.”"She was good. I looked down at the black grocery bag with chocolates inside. I didn’t want to just give them to her. I wanted her to ask for them. Luckily that part of my plan went in my favor."“What’s in the bag?” She asked still not looking away from the game.


“Chocolate…you want some?” I offered. I knew she would say yes. What girl doesn’t like chocolate?


“No thanks I don’t like chocolate.”

You gotta be kidding me! I thought to myself. She had to be lying.


“Are you lying to me?” I accused. She still focused on the game shaking her head.


“I’m not lying…I really don’t like chocolate.”


“She doesn’t” Deborah spoke up confirming Rita’s statement. I was still in disbelief.


“But you’re a chick…what chick doesn’t like chocolate?” I asked.


“That’s what I said.” Deborah answered instead. Rita shrugged.


“Chocolate’s not sweet enough for me.”


“But too much of it gives you diabetes; it has to be sweet enough to do that.” I replied.


“And too much sun gives you cancer, what’s your point?” She returned still never looking up from the game. I decided to give up on the chocolate argument. I didn’t want her getting annoyed by me or creeped out because I was pressuring her to eat chocolate. I shook my head and looked up at the ceiling. I needed to save my visit. I didn’t know how much longer she’d be here for. The phone in Rita’s hands started to ring. Deborah put her laptop to the side and asked Rita to pass her the phone. Rita reluctantly gave her friend the phone.


“Sorry guys, I need to take this.” She said walking into the patient bathroom to take the call. I thanked God for the opportunity I had to ask Rita out on a date.


“So…you wanna go get a coffee?” I said extending the “so”. Rita let out a sigh and looked up and the ceiling.


“Not really.” She said. I ran a hand through my hair. Why is she being so f*****g difficult?   


“You’re sure? Maybe something to eat, it’s lunch time you know.” I said being persistent. She closed her eyes.


“I’m not that hun-”"She was cut off by her stomach growling for food. She reopened her eyes letting out another sigh."“Fine, but let’s make it quick.”

I smiled getting up from my seat and waited for her at the door as she informed her friend that she was going to get something to eat. Once we left, there was silence. I was glad that she came but decided not to push things any further by starting a conversation just yet. I led her to the hospital cafeteria that I’d been to so many times before. We both individually grabbed our food and sat at a table. I had a small sandwich and apple while she had a simple fruit salad with juice.


“Are you one of those girls that’s on a diet?” I blurted out. I mentally smacked myself at how stupid I was to ask such a thing.


“No I just felt like having something light.” She said not taking any offense at all. I relaxed myself seeing her perfectly fine with the question.


“Good, ‘cause you look perfectly fine to me.” I smirked at her. She took a quick glance at me and then went back to eating her food. I continued eating too ‘till I had the nerve to ask her why she was wearing a long sleeve in the beginning of June.


“Hey why are you wearing a long sleeve shirt in the summer?” I asked her. She squirmed at the question and never looked up as she answered me.


“I get cold easily, even in the summer.”

Now something was off. I looked at her intently. Something was both familiar and off about her.


“What?” She asked. I shook my head.


“Nothing…”"I took a bite out of the apple I had." “Hey, can I ask you a question?”


“You just did.”


“Another I mean.”

She shrugged.


“How come you don’t look at me?” I asked. She squirmed again at the question.


“You’re starting to sound like a girl.” She said jokingly trying to derail the question. I reached over to her and cupped her chin. I brought her face up for me to see. I noticed for the first time breathtakingly dark blue eyes. She had makeup on though, so I couldn’t really see her true features. But then something hit me. She looked really familiar. I cocked my head to the side.


“Have we met before?” I asked. Her eyes looked panic stricken for a moment. That was when it hit me and she knew it. She tried to get up and walk away when I grabbed her arm before she could lift herself of the seat. I pulled up her right sleeve and saw a similar golden dragon with black and purple designs. I returned my gaze back at her.


“You’re Kristine’s sister…aren’t you?”

She looked away and with her free hand pushed her hair back. She cursed under her breath and looked back up at me. I didn’t really know what to make of this. I was going to take her in right then and there but a part of me didn’t want to.


“Look I can explain everything.” She said. I kept my hold on her arm and urged her to explain. She spoke about how she was framed and that Kristine and her never had the best relationship as sisters. She even spoke about their family’s past and how divided it was over her birth mother’s death. My intentions were to laugh off everything she said and pronounce it as false but I couldn’t. Everything she said made sense and I believed it. Even after her explanation and my epiphany about her deceiving me, the attraction I had for her before still stood.


“Alright Ria I have decided to not turn you in to your sister...-”


“Seriously?” She asked in disbelief. I nodded letting go of her arm. I was actually surprised when she stood in her place and didn’t try to run off.


“But, under one condition.” I said with all seriousness. She nodded waiting expectantly."“You have to go on a date with me, tomorrow night…is that understood?”

Ria smiled and blushed.


“I think I can do that.”

I smirked, glad about the date, but began wondering how I was going to keep this secret from my team.  

© 2011 Simply_Eccentric

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Added on February 25, 2011
Last Updated on September 18, 2011



Classified, NY

Holaz people of earth && atlantis!! XD Art: Youtube: Music = Inspiration: http://www.playlis.. more..
