Chapter 5: Life's a Game But it's Not Fair

Chapter 5: Life's a Game But it's Not Fair

A Chapter by Simply_Eccentric

Ever since Demi got out of the hospital, she wasn’t acting the same. She was way more quite than usual and didn’t have that same light in her eyes. Deborah and I both knew it was probably from the attack but we didn’t know how to handle it. Deborah would drop her off at school and pick her up considering I couldn’t get my license without getting caught. I did however try to help by meeting the sisters downstairs and helping Demi with her books since she still had the cast on her leg. I would do some chores here and there to help Deborah out. I even tried talking to Demi when Deborah was out to see if she would open up but always dropped the subject. Deborah wanted to have Demi go to a psychiatrist but that argument didn’t end well. Over the weekends Demi would stay in the apartment not even wanting to go out at all, even to her own parent’s house. It was painfully obvious that she was traumatized and depressed over the situation.

            During the same time I saw more of Aaron. After the first date, I got to know him and honestly really liked him. He was adorable, funny, a complete goofball and actually really handsome. I saw him almost every weekend, but in private places; if any Ninja working for Kristine saw us, we’d both be dead. I asked him about Demi’s situation and tried to get some advice.


“Neither of us know what do anymore Aaron…” I said resting my head in my hands and pushing my hair back. Aaron took my hands and entwined our fingers together.


“Look Ria, obviously the girl is traumatized by it so she just doesn’t want to talk about it, probably not even think about it now. If she doesn’t want to see someone then just back off a little and let her know you and Deborah are there for her if she needs you. Sometimes just letting people know you’re there is more comforting than just being there…you know what I mean?”"He said propping me up on his kitchen counter. I nodded understanding what he said. It was true and hopefully it would do something for Demi."“Now I don’t want you to stress yourself over this okay, that won’t be healthy for you either. Okay?”

I nodded again with a soft smile. He smiled back and leant down to kiss me. As per usual one thing led to another and next thing I knew, I was laying on Aaron’s bed. His roommate, Rick wasn’t home so we had the condo all to ourselves. We hadn’t reached that point of intimacy in our relationship, but I’d be lying if I said that we weren’t planning on it that moment. Before things got carried away, Aaron’s house phone rang. At first, the intention was on ignoring the call, but then I saw the caller I.D.


“Aaron, it’s Deborah.” I said pushing him away. He ignored my comment and dove back to what he was doing.


“Deborah can wait an hour…our two.” He said with a smirk. I shook my head smiling.


“Aaron you know she only calls when it’s important…we need to answer it.”"I replied sitting up. Aaron let out a frustrated sigh and rolled to the side for me to answer the phone."“Hello?” I answered.


“Ria I need you to come home, it’s important.” Deborah said on the other line.


“Sure no problem Deb, I’ll get there as soon as possible.”"I replied hanging up the phone. I turned to Aaron who was sitting on the edge of the bed with a distant look on his face. I walked up to him picking up articles of clothing in the process."“We gotta go Aaron.”

Aaron threw himself back on the bed.


“Ugh…this is such a c**k-block!” He said frustrated. I laughed as I started putting my shoes on.


“Next time Aaron…I promise.” I said getting up and walking out of the room.


“I’m holding you up on that!” He called. I laughed again and waited for him at the door. A few minutes later we were in Aaron’s black Hyundai. As he drove he seemed distant again.


“Aaron are you okay?” I asked looking at him. He glanced at me and then back at the road.


“Things are getting more intense at work.” He said monotonous. I looked down when he said that. Being with Aaron sometimes made me forget that he still worked for Kristine. Even though we were together he still needed his job, which I understood. And I knew it had to be difficult for him, which was the reason why I never brought it up and decided to not think about it altogether.


“You mean the hunt for me…”I said as more of a statement than a question. Aaron didn’t respond right away, but when he did his voice was more serious and worried.


“I might not be able to see you as often on my own Ria, and Mai has a lot of connections around…I think you should find a way to change up your appearance or something okay?...And I would feel much better if you moved in with Shannon.”

I snapped my head to him.


“You want me to what?” I asked.


“I want you to move in with Shannon.” He repeated. I let out a sigh and looked away from him.


“I can’t do that Aaron.”"I said surely."“I’m not going to leave Deborah and Demi vulnerable especially now with a depressed Demi, I can’t do that to them Aaron…I live there now.” I turned back to him to see his expression. He stood serious with his eyebrows furrowed. He was trying to figure something out. He looked pretty cute with his light brown hair almost in his eyes.  


“You know then that we won’t be able to see each other as much, right?” He asked looking at me intently as he pulled over in front of Deborah’s building. I stared back understanding the pain he felt. I didn’t want us to drift apart because of his job. I cared about Aaron…a lot.


“I know but we’ll figure something out…we always do.” I said with a smile. Aaron smiled back and leaned in to kiss me when his work phone rang. He groaned in annoyance as I waited for him to finish the call.


“Yeah Mark…I know…I’ll be there soon…Yeah just give me 30 minutes…Okay…Bye.”

Aaron hung up and looked me in the eyes.


“I’m gunna take you can’t come up.” I said already knowing the answer. He nodded sadly. I raised my eyebrows in empathy and rested my hand on his cheek. He leaned into my hand as I stretched up to kiss him. He returned the gesture sweetly and as I got out of the car said;


“Hey don’t forget that promise you made me.” He said a seductive smile across his lips. I rolled my eyes a smile growing.


“You are such a horny b*****d!” I said as I got out.


“Only for you baby!” He called as he lowered the windows to drive away. I shook my head laughing. What would I ever do without him? I thought to myself. I rushed up to Deborah’s apartment remembering there was an emergency. As I unlocked the door with the keys Deborah gave me, I heard a male voice. I raised an eyebrow wondering who the hell was over. I walked inside locking the door behind me.


“Deb I’m home!” I called from the door walking into the apartment. I entered the dining room to see Demi actually smiling and Deborah laughing with a random guy at the table. He was dark, like caramel dark with dark brown hair gelled into a fohawk. When I put my stuff down on the table the attention of the room turned to me. The guy’s chocolate brown eyes looked me over. I rolled my eyes and looked to Deborah.


“Oh hey Ria, this is Griffon, he was the gentleman that saved Demi.” She said gesturing to the guy. I looked over at him and nodded a hello. I looked at his arm and saw a blue dragon on it. He’s a Ninja? I thought to myself. I mean I guess it made sense, a human can’t fend off a Ninja at least not with their bare hands. I reached over and shook Griffon’s hand.


“Nice to meet you, I’m Ria.” I said politely. He simply flashed a white smile and returned to his seat. Conversation started up again and all I did was listen. Griffon spoke about how glad he was Demi got out okay and how he “allegedly” turned the attackers in to the police. I knew he was lying for only Demi’s sake but it was the way he said it that made him sound so fake. I hated fake. It wasn’t long after that, that Deborah was serving dinner. She’d made Fettuccine Alfredo with grilled chicken. The dinner was fairly enjoyable ‘till Griffon opened his mouth.


“So how long have you two been together?” He asked pointing to Deborah and me with his fork. No he didn’t… Deborah choked on some chicken, while I stared the mother f****r down.


“We don’t go that way.” I said sternly continuing my stare down. If I had the chance to light that b*****d on fire, I would’ve.


“Doesn’t seem like it.” He said eating his meal like nothing. I dropped my fork on the table and opened my mouth to say something when Deborah gave me a warning glare. I shut my mouth and picked my fork back up to eat.


“I assure you Griffon we’re not like that at all.” She said politely. He shrugged it off.


“Whatever you say.”

I bit my lip trying to restrain myself from punching this guy in the face. I began stuffing food in my mouth to keep myself quite.


“They really aren’t like that.” Demi stood up for Deborah and me. I was never so thankful for a thirteen year old in my life.


“Aw well that’s too bad I like socially awkward lesbians.” Griffon said looking at me with a mischievous smile. I lost it.


“I am not socially awkward! Nor am I lesbian!” I stated pointing my fork at Griffon. He chuckled.


“No…no of course you’re not.” He said sarcastically with that smile of his never fading. I growled with anger clear in my face.  Deborah tried to calm everything down by changing the subject.


“So Griffon, what do you for a living?” She asked politely.


“I actually have two jobs, but the one I love the most is a training consultant at the gym.”


“Humph, who’s the gay f****r now?” I mumbled. Despite my low tone, Griffon snapped his head up hearing every word I said. I pretended to look innocent as I ate my meal.


“What did you just say?” He asked me with a glare. I looked around and behind me.


“Who me?...I didn’t say anything.” I said sarcastically. A smile of my own started to form as I drank some of my water. Griffon nodded understanding how this battle was going and kept on eating. An awkward silence fell on the table and didn’t end until Deborah looked at the time.


“Demi it’s getting late, you should go get your stuff ready. Mom and Dad want you over tomorrow.” She said in a motherly tone. Demi whined and reluctantly took hold of her crutches to get up. She hopped over to Griffon and gave him a hug.


“Thanks again Griffon.” She said admirably. Griffon smiled genuinely and told her it was no problem. He ruffled her hair and told her to do as her sister said. Deborah then looked at me and asked for me to help her clear the table. I nodded getting up and grabbing all the dishes as she went to go wash the pots and pans she used. As I reached Griffon’s seat to take his plate, he picked up his stuff and handed it to me with a cheesy smile. I rolled my eyes and left to the kitchen to give Deborah the dishes. I walked up to her and put the dishes in the sink. I turned to walk away when she stopped me.


“Where do you think you’re going?”"She asked. I turned to her and shrugged honestly not knowing what I was going to do now. I wasn’t going to talk to that b*****d in the dining room that’s for sure."“Good then you do the dishes.” She said taking a Bounty to dry her hands. I looked at her in disbelief.


“Why? You had them under control.” I said trying to get myself out of doing them.


“Because you were mean to our guest and Demi’s savior.” She whispered harshly to me. I scoffed.


“He called us lesbians! And what, now he’s Jesus?!” I returned my voice slightly above a whisper. I couldn’t care less at the time if he heard me. Deborah shook her head in disapproval.


“It doesn’t matter he helped Demi and no matter how much of an a*****e he’s acting we should still treat him with kindness, it’s the least we could do. Plus he actually got Demi to talk about the incident for once without her brushing it off.” She said with all seriousness in her voice. I sighed in defeat and turned the water back on to do the dishes.


“Curse your ability to be right.” I mumbled as I did the dishes. I didn’t like that Deborah was right but that didn’t change the fact that she was. I blew my bangs out of my face and continued on doing the dishes. I slowed for a second feeling someone’s presence nearby. As I turned my head I saw Griffon use his Ninja speed to go from the kitchen entrance to my side. I didn’t get the point in doing that considering it was…what? Two feet? Point was, using speed to go short distances was unnecessary.


“I see who wears the pants in the household.” He said smirking and leaning against the counter. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore him. Relax Ria…maybe if you close your eyes and think of a happy place, he’ll go away. I thought to myself. I focused on the dishes and thought about Aaron. A smile spread across my face as I thought about his green and hazel eyes, his almost shaggy light brown hair, how the stubble on his face tickles when I kiss him…


“Hmm, I didn’t know you were easily turned on.”"Griffon said still next to me on the counter. I gripped one of the dinner plates death staring Griffon. He kept that mischievous grin on his face."“If you want me to leave you and your partner alone I can.”   

Yet again I lost it.


“Actually yes Griffon I would love for you go because you’re getting on my last nerve!” I yelled at him. I saw his smile falter a little but he still managed to keep it in tact. He raised his hands up in defeat.


“Alright, alright…I see what’s happening here…I’m liberal-”


“You mother f****r!” I yelled getting ready to throw the plate in my hand right to his head, but a tan arm held my hand in place.


“Ria stop it!” Deborah yelled from the entrance of the kitchen. I gritted my teeth together as Griffon’s face was right in mine. He looked at me intently. I stared back angrily and tried to calm myself down. I snatched my arm away.



“Griffon I think you should go.” I said with a deathening politeness. He smirked again and said good-bye to Deborah and Demi. Deborah thanked him again for saving Demi and off he went leaving me alone. I finished the dishes in peace and went to take a well needed shower.       

© 2011 Simply_Eccentric

Author's Note

*No offense to anyone*

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Added on February 25, 2011
Last Updated on September 18, 2011



Classified, NY

Holaz people of earth && atlantis!! XD Art: Youtube: Music = Inspiration: http://www.playlis.. more..
