That One Friend

That One Friend

A Poem by Skia1717

A collection of friends that fit like a complicated, 3D puzzle.

There's that one friend
who just can't quit
and has to be number one
And loves to talk
and run and fight
and always flies toward the sun

There's that other friend
who's lost in books
and can think like no other soul
Who helps you out
with work and life
and is always in control

There's another friend
who won't shut up
and laughter makes it worthwhile
Who talks back to kings
and laughs at work
and just wants to see you smile

There's also that friend
who's just plain odd
and completely insane, might I add
Who's funny but dim
cool but forgotten
and can't even sorta stay mad

Then there's that friend
that loves musical tunes
and dances with jazzy swing
Who acts in plays
and has the most fun
and loves to laugh and sing

Oh don't forget
the shy klutzy one
who's kind, but harder to hear
And deep inside
is loyalty strong
and beauty on every white tier

Then there's the one
with social problems
and always asks for advice
"I like them
but do they like me?"
but your answer just doesn't suffice

Oh, and the one
on the other end
who can't seem to make up their mind
"I sorta like them,
but I don't want to break
the biggest heart I could find."

And then there's you
right in the middle
trying to survive each hard jerk
You probably will
and then later on
you'll find it was worth all the work

© 2012 Skia1717

Author's Note

I wrote this one based on my friends. It's always an adventure with them.

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Added on September 19, 2012
Last Updated on September 19, 2012
Tags: Funny, Secrets, Complex, Gossip



Burley, ID

First off, I like cheese. Secondly, I like magic. Thirdly, I like cheesy magic. Fourthly, I like magical cheese. And lastly, I'm 14, so don't judge me too harshly. I'd still love your input, though! J.. more..

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