Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by SlightlyBitter

Morgan let her fingers dance on the keyboard. One hand was twirling out into the lower notes, while another was occupying a high octave, moving up and down the scale, using great expression.

Morgan was free and unconscious while playing the keyboard. I listened and fell alseep, a letter gripped in my hand, labeled to 'The Editor.'

'The Editor' was a TV show where Joseph Van Garmin reviewed the best pieces he ever revieced. Mine never appeared.


At night, I wrote another poem about Morgan


Oblivious to the stares

Reminded of her grief

Through silent arguements

Awaking her endless sleep


Trapped inside these bars

Not finding a way out

Mom says to hold onto hope

But hope if filled by doubt


Unable to speak

Or even remember a face

Unable to look into your eyes

And keep up with the world's pace


Falling from an everlasting space

Where stars flicker in the night

And screams are waking unpeacefully

Feeling the sting of the monster's bite


But she can never stop

He sad, long mournin'

As tear sheds down her face

Her name is Morgan

© 2012 SlightlyBitter

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Added on June 26, 2012
Last Updated on June 26, 2012