Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by SlightlyBitter

Images of Morgan laughing, speaking, acknowledging my existence run through my mind as I sleep. Morgan had friends, inside-jokes, and she was happy. Morgan was completely normal in the dream, but I think she still had autism.

I woke up at 6:00 in the morning and stood by the side of my mom's bed.

"I want Morgan to be educated."

The softness of my voice only made my mom's eyes flicker open. "I'm sending her to an autistic school. The teachers are mean and cruel."

"I know, mom. want to teach Morgan."

"What do you know about teaching?" my mom asked me.

"I know that everyone, especially Morgan, needs patience. I plan to teach her how to form letters and numbers first."

My mom sighed. I expected her to say 'It's hopeless' or bring me through a speech and start off with..'But are you ready for the challenges ahead?' But my mom just stared at me and said, "Start off with the letter A."


Instead of Morgan's usual schedule, I sat down with her. I gave her a white board and Expo markers, and first demonstrated how to use them.

I removed the cap, and scribbled on the board.

In Morgan's attempt to copy me, she touched the cap and twisted it.

I took another marker and showed her, slowly. I merely just ripped off the cap.

Morgan finally understood. I drew on my board and Morgan drew some wavy, unconnecting lines.

Then I swiped the board clean. Morgan drew for a few more minutes then stared at the white board.

I taught her the concept of 'erasing.'

Then, I drew an 'A.'

"This is an A," I stated. "Can you draw it?"

Morgan tilted her head.

"Can you say, A?" I asked.

Morgan breathed heavily and murmured, an almost inaudible, "A."

© 2012 SlightlyBitter

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Added on June 26, 2012
Last Updated on June 26, 2012