Aftermath (S1E2, Part 1)

Aftermath (S1E2, Part 1)

A Chapter by Splatman73

Connor is home and now has to deal with the aftermath of what happened last episode.


​    Connor couldn't believe it. He was fifteen and already had grey hair. Not even a grey hair or a grey streak, no, every hair on his head was grey. Wait, maybe? Nope. That one was grey too.

That wasn't the only change that ruined Connor's morning. He looked down at his wrists. They were red from the night before. Connor had seen this on his ankles as well when he woke up this morning. How was he supposed to explain all this to his parents? He didn't even have the time to think up an excuse.

Connor's parents had arrived home late last night from a couples' retreat. They had apparently assumed he'd already gone to bed because they hadn't been waiting up when he had arrived home himself. Now they were downstairs eating breakfast and he has to think up an excuse before they came up to ask him.

Connor hoped things were going well for those on Wolf Haven because they weren't going so well here.


Things actually weren't going as well as Connor had hoped. Everyone would soon know about what had happened last night and now Moon had more secrets to hide. He also needed a plan to prove Beast's innocence.

So now he walked alone in the woods, having skipped breakfast. He enjoyed the cooler morning air and the silence that came after the night of the full moon. After staying up nearly all night, most wolves didn't rise until around midday. Though usually there were plenty of jobs that needed done, no one had a good reason to be mad over one day where little was accomplished.

Moon wandered all over the island he called home, from the long stretch of beach to the south, to the cliffs that ran along the edge of most of the island. He still wondered how even after living here for over a century, he still had no desire to leave. Most wolves his age had some desire to see the mainland; he simply didn't.

Eventually, Moon found himself at Moon Rise Cliff, sitting on the same rock he had sat on last night and many times before that. Other folk would occasionally wander that way but Moon found himself returning there often. It was a place where he could think, where he could be alone. He could voice his thoughts with little fear of anyone else hearing.

Now Moon used this rock to think on how prove the innocence of a wolf only he and few others had any reason to believe was innocent. How was he to convince them even that there was a chance this wolf might not be The foretold Beast? Moon should have thought this through more beforehand.

Then Moon remembered something he'd heard Slip talking about once. It was some ancient ritual designed to reveal a soul's true nature. Maybe there was still a chance. Moon ran off, hoping Slip was already up and awake.


It was now or never. Connor had to go down and see his parents. What their reaction would be, he didn't know, but he could hope for the best.

"Here goes." he told himself. He Connor walked down the stairs, doing his best to appear calm. He had put on a long sleeved shirt to cover his wrists, but he didn't know if it would work for long. He had one shot to keep everything calm, and running into the kitchen like a madman wouldn't help.

Connor's parents sat at the table, his mother reading a book and his dad checking email on his phone. "Good morning." Connor said. His parents both greeted him with good morning as well. Connor was thankful his mom had found a really good book. Maybe he could make it through without them noticing his hair.

"Eggs are in a pan on- oh my word!" Connor's mom had looked up from her book. Crap. "What on earth have you done to your hair?"

Abort! Abort! Connor's mind screamed, but there was no turning back now. Time for the idiot act. "What?" Connor asked.

By this point, Connor's dad had looked up as well. "Don't play games with us, Connor. Answer your mother."

"I'm serious. What's wrong with my hair?" They had to buy that.

"Go look in the mirror." his mother told him.

Connor did as he was asked. He went into the downstairs bathroom and looked into the mirror. He had a few extra seconds to think. "What on earth?" he said, hoping he sounded surprised. He wasn't sure.

He came back out. "Honestly I have no idea what happened." It wasn't a complete lie at least. It didn't help that the truth sounded ludicrous. Yeah sure, he could just tell them that he was a werewolf and had been thrown in jail by a pack of werewolves living on an island in another dimension. That would go over well.

"Your hair is grey! How did you not know what happened?" his mother asked.

"As in my mind recorded no memories of my hair turning grey."

"Don't get smart with us, son." his dad said.

"All right, fine. But I'm serious. I don't know how or why my hair is grey."

"You're saying you didn't dye it?" his mom asked.

"No. Why on earth would I dye my hair grey?"

"We don't know. That's what we are asking you."

Connor turned away for a moment. He would have feigned frustration if he hadn't already been feeling it. "I've already told you. I don't know. Can we let it go?"

His parents looked at each other. "We need to talk about it. We will let you know what we decide." his father told him.

Connor nodded, internally breathing new a sigh of relief. He'd gotten out of that, for now.


Slip was eating breakfast when Moon had showed up. He went outside with Moon and brought some hard boiled gull eggs for the two of them.

"So what has you up so early?" Slip asked. He took another egg out of the bowl and began to shell it.

"I was thinking about last night." Moon said. Though Slip had offered, Moon hadn't touched the eggs.

"What about it?"

"Well for one, I was thinking how we could prove Beast is innocent."

"Why? He's gone. We don't need to worry about him."

Moon shook his head. "He's coming back. We have a deal."

Slip was curious now. "What was your deal?"

"I told him a small part of the future. If it comes true, we meet on his side of the portal. If it doesn't, he doesn't show up."

"So what are you going to do then?"

"I have to try to convince him to come back. Like I told you, big things are coming ahead for the future."

"So what do you need me for?" Slip asked, believing this was the point Moon was trying to get to.

"You one time mentioned some spell or something that could reveal a person's soul."

Slip thought back. He's read plenty about spells, runes, potions, and other forms of magic. Trying to name one specific spell that did what Moon said was difficult. He decided to look through his mind's history pathway.

"Arsimwe's Soul Trial: a combination rune, potion, and spell designed to hold a person and put them through various visions that test the true nature of their soul. Created in the year 478 by Nand Arsimwe. Most notably used in the 1136 trial of Gucesh. Is that it?"

Moon nodded. "Yeah that sounds right. Do you know if we have what we need to use it here on the island?"

Slip thought through it. The island had a good variety of flora and most potions could be formed in multiple ways with the effects having only minor differences. "We should be able to use what we have here. Anything we don't have we might be able to get from the markets." The markets were actually on another island that had heavy trade traffic. So far, no one had asked questions, but no one believed this status would last forever.

"Alright. How soon do you think we can get materials together for this?"

"Depending on what the markets have, I'd say five days from now."

"Then I need to talk with the Pack Leader as soon as I can."

"What are you going to say? I think the werewolf we captured who killed one of our own and has two in comas is not The Beast because I have this really strong gut feeling about this."

"No. Just give me some time."

Slip shook his head, finishing off the eggs. "Let me. I think I can do it. You're not exactly the most convincing."

Moon looked over to Slip. "You will?"

"Yeah, of course." Slip stood. "By the way, have you talked with Soft yet?"

Moon shook his head. "No. I'm just giving her space."

"You mean you're avoiding her." Moon didn't respond. "Look Moon, you're going to see her eventually. Better sooner than later." Slip went back inside leaving Moon to himself.


Moon found Soft outside her den. She sat there alone with her thoughts. Moon didn't want to disturb her. He could just come back later and talk to her.

No, he told himself. He actually didn't want to have her angry at him. He had to do this though. Moon took one breath and forced his legs to move. "Hey, Soft Tail." he said.

Soft Tail looked over to him. Moon could see her red eyes and tell she'd been crying. "Oh, hey Moon Eye."

"How's your dad doing?" Moon asked.

"He's alive. Black Maw isn't sure when improvement will start, but he's pretty confident." Soft stood up. "Have you eaten yet?" she asked.

"I'm good." Moon said. "Slip offered me something earlier."

"Oh, alright."

Moon didn't want to, but he knew he needed to. "You’re not mad?"

"About what?"

"That I didn't tell you about your dad."

"No. I get it, you have certain things you can't talk about. It's part of you being psychic."

Moon nodded. He was glad she understood. At least she wasn't mad.

"Moon, can I ask you something?"


"Is my dad going to survive?"

Moon mentally kicked himself. He should have expected this to come up. He had to come up with something quick.

"I can't tell." he said. He knew it was a blatant lie, but there was one lie worse than that.

"Oh, ok."

He stood there for a few seconds longer and then said goodbye. If she hadn't been mad the first time, she would be now.


Slip waited outside the council cave for the Pack Leader. He was a consistent werewolf, even after the night of the full moon. He would be coming out for a morning walk in a few minutes. It was his time to see what was going on and interact with the wolves of the island.

Sure enough, the Pack Leader strolled out. He looked around, surveying his surroundings. Slip decided to intercept him before he got going. "Excuse me, Alpha?"

The Pack Leader turned. "Slip Fur, you're up early."

"Yeah, I couldn't help it. Eggs smelled good this morning." Small talk out of the way, down to business. "So I was just curious, I'd heard a rumor that The Beast escaped last night. Is that true?"

The Pack Leader sighed. "I'm not going to lie to you. He did escape last night. No one knows how. We had wolves out searching for him as soon as we noticed this morning."

            "Comet Paw can't see what happened?" He didn't have to feign interest here. He had always been curious about the extent of Comet Paw's powers.

            "Comet Paw doesn't have the ability to see the past, though it would be useful."

            "Has he looked to see if The Beast will ever return? I mean you never know."

"I don't think he has. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was thinking. The Beast is supposed to have amazing magical powers right?"


"How do we know The Beast didn't say disguise the soul of the wolf from last night as his soul? Everyone thinks The Beast is taken care of and no one expects it when The Beast actually shows up."

"What are you getting at?"

"I think, should the wolf we believe is The Beast ever come back, we put him through a fool proof method of determining wether he is The Beast."

The Pack Leader considered what Slip had said. "What do you suggest?"

"The Arsimwe Soul Trials. You know, the one that proved Gucesh possessed the Darkest Soul of the humans?"

"I'm aware of it, though I'm not familiar with it. I'll need to think on it. But I have one question for you as well."

"Yes, sir."

"Why do you doubt Comet Paw's verdict on The Beast?"

Slip realized he really should have seen that one coming. Good thing he wasn't bad at tinkng on his feet. "I don't doubt him. I also don't doubt the power of a nigh omnipotent, immortal, and completely corrupt soul. Niether do I doubt that someone who is innocent shouldn't spend his life paying for a crime he is not guilty of."


Monday was a teacher work day meaning Connor spent the day at home, preparing himself for what would happen tomorrow. He had a hat that he could wear as long as none of the teachers noticed. As far as his wrists went, he could hide those with a pair of wrist sweat bands. His ankles would be hidden by his pants so he was safe there. Connor believed he was prepared.

Tuesday morning came and Connor was up and dressed way before he had to be. He waited half an hour for Matt and Ty to come pick him up. He went through his metal checklist once more: hat, wristbands, pants instead of shorts. Good thing it was cooling down.

When Ty texted him, he was ready and walked out instead of being late like usual. "You're ready early." Ty had commented. Connor shrugged.

"Dude what are you wearing?" Ty asked.

Connor looked at what he was wearing. "I'm trying something new. See if I like it."

"I seriously hope you don't. Seriously, you're wearing sweatbands. And it's not that cold out."

"Like your fashion sense is any better."

"When you two ladies are done," Matt began, "We'll get going."

Connor got in and buckled his seat belt. So far so good.


Everything began to fall apart first period. Connor walked into math and Mr. Mack had apparently woken up on the wrong side of the bed. "Pull out a pencil and a sheet of scratch paper, pop quiz."

Connor groaned along with the rest of the class. As Mr. Mack started handing out quizzes, Connor pulled out his pencil case and a piece of notebook paper. Hopefully he could make a B on this quiz.

"Connor, you know the rules." Mr. Mack said, as he placed the quiz face down on his desk. "Take your hat off in class."

Connor started to panic. No one could see his hair. He couldn't be that kid who had grey hair in highschool. Why couldn't he just have acne like a normal kid? "Can I keep it on for just one class? I'll put it in my locker after class."

"Take the hat off before I give you a detention."

"Please?" Connor knew he sounded pathetic, but if he could keep it one for this class, he might be able to keep it on for the rest of the day.

"Connor. Take the hat off." Mr. Mack wasn't messing around. Connor reluctantly took off his hat.

The class let out a collective gasp when they saw his hair. Connor looked around. Everyone was staring at him and whispering. Connor couldn't believe he couldn't manage to keep his hair hidden for one period. Now everyone would be talking about it and he would probably end up with the nickname Gramps. At least his wrists were still a secret.


Connor was pretty sure he bombed the quiz. It didn't help that he could hear every little sound from the girl in the front row humming Justin Beiber to the guy two seats to the left muttering every swear word under the sun. Mr. Mack's typing sounded like a drum roll being played right by his head.

The smells were distracting too. He could smell plenty of different shampoos, most of them a fruit cocktail or a florist shop. He could smell the guy who hadn't put on deodorant and the one who used Axe. He could even smell the football player who had clearly worn the same socks for the last two days. On the bright side, other people had probably been distracted as well by his hair. Outside of that, his morning went pretty well.

Now he was at lunch, eating the crappy cafeteria meal of sloppy joe, green beans, and mixed fruit. It tasted worse than it normally did. If being a werewolf was going to cause everything to be like this, Connor wanted to give up now. Ty sat with him at a table in the center of the cafeteria. Ty was talking about some graphic novel he'd read recently, but Connor couldn't pay attention over the sound of the other conversations in the cafeteria. Some girl was ranting about her boyfriend, one kid was complaining about the chess tournament he had to be at this weekend, a couple of band kids were talking about band practice this afternoon. Everything from the smells to the sounds overwhelmed Connor, and at the moment he needed to be alone.

"Sorry, Ty. I gotta go, I'll be back." Connor stood up, grabbing his backpack and tray.

A flash of blue was the last thing Connor saw before he found himself on the floor. What was left of his food now spread over his shirt, soaking it with a horrendous mixture of green bean and fruit juices. The smells mixing together so close to Connor's face nearly made him throw up. But at that moment he had better things to do such as decide what to do about the varsity line backer who also wore a cafeteria lunch.

"Watch where you're going, punk!" he shouted. Connor covered his ears despite now having sticky hands. Much more of this and he was sure he'd go deaf. "Hey I'm talking to you. Wait, you're that silver haired kid from first period."

"Yep that's me." Connor said. "My names Connor. Nice to meet you."

            "I don't care what your name is, Gramps-"

Called it, Connor thought.

"But you better put your glasses on and watch where you're going next time. Yah hear?"

"Yeah, I hear you loud and clear as a bell, you ding dong."

"You care to repeat that?"

Oh crap, Connor thought. Why has he said that? Where had I even come from? "Uh not really."

"Good, now take your smart mouth and get out of here."

"Fine," Connor said. He stood up and took care of his tray. All he had wanted was to get out.


Connor had wound up in the gym bathroom. It was far away from where the rest of the students were but he would still be able to make it to class.

Connor looked at his wristbands. They were sticky with the juice from the cafeteria. Disgusted and frustrated, Connor threw them in the sink and turned the water on.

Connor's shirt smelled awful, but he couldn't do much about it. It would have to be washed when he went home. He could survive the sticky mess for a few more hours.

Connor jolted when someone squeaked open the door. Nick Marchbanks walked in. "Ty was concerned so he asked me to talk to you."

Connor turned back to the sink. At the moment, he just wanted to be alone.

"You know it's not actually a bad hair color. It will take some getting used to but I'm sure you'll learn to love it. And if you don't, the dye will fade."

Yeah, sure, Connor thought. That would be great if this was dye, but it was in fact his new natural hair color.

"You could use some ice on your wrists. It won't be most comfortable thing ever, but it should help it heal."

Connor straighter up. He'd forgotten he'd taken his wristbands off. Now Nick could see the burns. Connor groaned.

"You know, I'm not leaving until you talk to me or the bell rings. Whichever comes first. Hopefully we'll be able to hear it."

"I'll be able to hear it just fine." Connor said.

"So you are willing to talk?"

Crap. Connor kept silent. He didn't care if people referred to Nick as the Therapist, talking about his problem wasn't going to help it go away.

"Look, I don't know what's going on with you, but I want to help you. You have to let me or I can't."

"Good." Okay fine, maybe if he talked, Nick would leave. As long as he kept being a monster out of it, it couldn't hurt. "Nick I don't need your help."

"Maybe you don't need mine, but you need someone's."

"I'm fine. Leave me alone."

"Tell me what happened to you first."

"Why on earth do you care?" Connor asked turning around.

"Because you have a secret and it is going to weigh you down until you tell someone. If you don't want to tell your friends or your parents, you might as well tell someone who you don't know all that well and can’t really do anything with whatever you tell him. Like I said, I want to help you."

Connor groaned. Then he had an idea. "If I agree to talk with you after school, will you leave me alone for now?"

"Deal. Just know that I'm going to find you before you leave. You're not getting out of this." Nick looked at his watch. "We need to get to class. I'm surprised someone hasn't come looking for us."

Connor rolled his eyes. He grabbed his wristbands and groaned. They were still sopping wet. He wrung them out as much as he could and put them on. This day wasn't getting much better.

© 2016 Splatman73

Author's Note

I know this one is rough. I still felt like this episode was needed for the series. Whatever you think needs pointed out, go for it.

My Review

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1. I like the opening line. There is some intrigue to it. However, it's not reading as a shock. I know the second paragraph goes on an alludes that it was a sudden change, but I I think a line further elaborating that he woke up with grey hair would help with that intrigue I found so compelling.

2. So when you have the paragraph break and start with the new perspective of Moon, it's kind of confusing to have the opening line, "Things weren't going as well as Connor had hoped." I understand Moon has some physic powers, so he may indeed know what Connor is thinking, but the line reads as a narrator's voice, and is a bit jarring.

2. "would soon know about what happened..." I don't think you need "about."

3. I assume that Connor is the aforementioned "Beast?" If so. That's a cool POV from Moon.

4. "plenty of jobs that needed done." I think it's "needed to be done," unless you purposefully left "to be" out because it's Moon's voice.

5. " for over a century....had some desire to see the mainland...didn't." I like this. It's subtle world building and character building.

6. I can't help what are all these "jobs" Moon was musing about. Such jobs could help with the world building, better to show over tell them too.

7. "Moon Rise Cliff." Very cool name.

8. It's a little odd that Moon called Connor the Beast (if he actually did), but doesn't believe that he is the Beast...well the foretold one. Can you see how that can be a little contradictory?

9. "...already up and awake." I think both of these together are redundant.

10. So when Moon mentions the ancient ritual that Slip knows about, your giving slip authority on your magic system. I will come back to this.

11. So Connor was first worried his parent's were coming "up" to see him, now he's worried that he needs to go "down" to see them. I'd take a look at that. Sometimes less information can show more. The important crisis of Connor is that he's worried what his parent's will ask about his hair. Don't forget that.

12. "Here goes." he told himself.' I think...not entirely sure, there needs to be a comma after goes; not a period.

13. "Connor was thankful...a really good book." I like the subtle imagery that this conveys---mom was glued to the book, but I think you need more, a line showing that mom's eyes didn't come up from the book when she greeted him.

14. Nice follow through with the long sleeves. Smart.

15. "Abort. Abort.' I like this line. It's a funny. I will say though typically when authors write internal monologue they italicize it for the readers.

16. ".his mother told him." Again I think it's a comma; not a period.

17. "Connor did as he was asked. He went into the downstairs bathroom and looked into the mirror. He had a few extra seconds to think. "What on earth?" he said, hoping he sounded surprised. He wasn't sure."

So I like that Connor is trying to play up that he doesn't know that he has grey hair. I like that he uses the same expression that his mother uses as well: "...on earth." However, I think the scene is a bit clunky. An exercise I do that helps, is that I try to say the same thing in fewer words.

What's the important part of the scene? That Connor convey's that he's shocked about the grey hair. How does he do that? He leaves the room, proclaims that he's shocked and then returns. I've had scenes like this before; what I found is that they can be disruptive to the flow of the story. What you could do---and you don't have to---is bend the scene to fit your need. You're the author after all! You want Connor to look in the mirror and show his parent's how shocked he is. Well instead of leaving the room maybe there's a mirror in the kitchen? OR Maybe instead of reading a book, you decide that Connor's mother is a vain person and is applying lipstick while looking into a hand mirror.

18. I think teens are funny. The truth about being in another dimension is something his parent's don't need to hear---they wouldn't believe it---but he could just tell them he dyed his hair lo. Not a complaint about your writing, just an observation.

19. ".his dad said." Needs a comma.

20. "boiled gull eggs." *ick* those sound tasty...more nice world building. Though it makes me wonder what we're dealing with here. Are these characters wolves or werewolves? Are they standing on two legs or four?

21. ". Moon said." Need's a comma.

22. So is the next section in Slip's perspective? If so you are given the chance to give a description of Moon.

23. "mind's history pathway." What is that?

24. "What are you going to say? I think the werewolf we captured who killed one of our own and has two in comas is not The Beast because I have this really strong gut feeling about this?" I was having a hard time following this sentence. Maybe try to say the same thing with fewer words?

25. "Moon found Soft outside her den..." What does a den look like?

26. Soft Tail. Moon Eye. I like the names.

27. So I'm a bit confused by something. Earlier you wrote that Slip doesn't think Moon is entirely convincing, but then other characters seem to know about his physic powers, like Soft Tail. If it's no secret that Moon has physic powers, wouldn't the rest of the characters, like the Pack leader, find Moon convincing? Before Christianity, most cultures revered individuals they believe to have physic powers.

28. So I find Moon's gift very compelling. I also like how you're not constantly beating our heads over with foresight; however, that could add a very interesting dynamic in the writing if you chose to use that. Like when Soft Tail asks Moon about her father. He answers her internally, and then tells her he doesn't know.

29. Again. With Moon meeting Soft Tail you have another opportunity to describe these creatures. Fur color, eye colors, that kind of stuff.

30. "It was his time to see what was going on and interact with the wolves on the island." I don't like this line. I like what you're trying to say, but it doesn't sound authoritative enough. It's kind of a soft way of saying that this Pack leader is the Alpha wolf.

31. So does Comet Paw have foresight as well?

32. "Amazing magical powers." So earlier I said I would come back to slip being an authority on magic. Is he? Because lines like this make me think otherwise.

33. I like that Slip is blunt about his feelings on judging The Beast. It also seems that Alpha doesn't know about Moon's gift

34. I am a bit taken back by how informal Slip is with the Alpha. I honestly was expecting a more wolf like culture, with Alpha being more dominant and the rest being more subservient.

35. "...preparing himself for what would happen tomorrow." I think you can just say. "...preparing himself for tomorrow. " Fewer words and all that.

36. Why would Connor wear wrist bands? He could just wear a long sleeve shirt again.

37. I can see why you wanted the sweat bands---the exchange between Connor and his friends work well because of it, but I'm still confused why he chose them instead of a long sleeve shirt.

38. "As Mr. Mack started to handing out quizzes....notebook paper." I don't think this sentence adds any useful direction. It's assumed that Connor would do what the teacher asked.

39. lol...I would have rather had grey hair in high school than acne.

40. But...honestly....I'm a bit surprised by the class being shocked. Maybe it's because I grew up in New England, but when a person came to class the next day with a totally different hair color, no one really cared about it.

Now that would be entirely different if this was a more conservative area...and perhaps a private religious school where it is against the rules to dye your hair. It's something you should think about.

41. I like that Connor has heightened senses. I'm guessing it's because his new affliction, but I'd like to see an earlier mention of this.

Example: Connor could smell what his parent's were having before he came down for breakfast. Connor could smell that his friend had a rough night on the toilet because of some bad tacos. Connor couldn't sleep because his neighbors were up arguing all night from two blocks away. That sort of stuff. The details will help.

42. I like the bit of drama of having Connor puke on the football player. Though I think the scene is not entirely clear.

"...wore a cafeteria lunch." Maybe change that to, "Connor's lunch?"

Was the football player thrown up on? His reaction "What where you're going, punk!" Doesn't read as if he were.

43. "Sticky with the juice from the cafeteria." Sticky how? What juice?

44. I find this Nick to be an annoying character. That's not really a bad thing, I just don't like people who interject themselves into other's problems.

OKAY. WAIT A DARN SECOND. For some reason I thought this was the first chapter, but now as I reached the end I see that's not the case >_P

How obnoxious of me. I'm going to submit this review anyway, but do know I haven't read the other two. I will in time.

Overall I liked it. Reading the other two chapters might help with context and some problems I had with it.


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Lol. Thanks for taking the time to look over this. I definitely shows me what I'm not getting across.. read more


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1. I like the opening line. There is some intrigue to it. However, it's not reading as a shock. I know the second paragraph goes on an alludes that it was a sudden change, but I I think a line further elaborating that he woke up with grey hair would help with that intrigue I found so compelling.

2. So when you have the paragraph break and start with the new perspective of Moon, it's kind of confusing to have the opening line, "Things weren't going as well as Connor had hoped." I understand Moon has some physic powers, so he may indeed know what Connor is thinking, but the line reads as a narrator's voice, and is a bit jarring.

2. "would soon know about what happened..." I don't think you need "about."

3. I assume that Connor is the aforementioned "Beast?" If so. That's a cool POV from Moon.

4. "plenty of jobs that needed done." I think it's "needed to be done," unless you purposefully left "to be" out because it's Moon's voice.

5. " for over a century....had some desire to see the mainland...didn't." I like this. It's subtle world building and character building.

6. I can't help what are all these "jobs" Moon was musing about. Such jobs could help with the world building, better to show over tell them too.

7. "Moon Rise Cliff." Very cool name.

8. It's a little odd that Moon called Connor the Beast (if he actually did), but doesn't believe that he is the Beast...well the foretold one. Can you see how that can be a little contradictory?

9. "...already up and awake." I think both of these together are redundant.

10. So when Moon mentions the ancient ritual that Slip knows about, your giving slip authority on your magic system. I will come back to this.

11. So Connor was first worried his parent's were coming "up" to see him, now he's worried that he needs to go "down" to see them. I'd take a look at that. Sometimes less information can show more. The important crisis of Connor is that he's worried what his parent's will ask about his hair. Don't forget that.

12. "Here goes." he told himself.' I think...not entirely sure, there needs to be a comma after goes; not a period.

13. "Connor was thankful...a really good book." I like the subtle imagery that this conveys---mom was glued to the book, but I think you need more, a line showing that mom's eyes didn't come up from the book when she greeted him.

14. Nice follow through with the long sleeves. Smart.

15. "Abort. Abort.' I like this line. It's a funny. I will say though typically when authors write internal monologue they italicize it for the readers.

16. ".his mother told him." Again I think it's a comma; not a period.

17. "Connor did as he was asked. He went into the downstairs bathroom and looked into the mirror. He had a few extra seconds to think. "What on earth?" he said, hoping he sounded surprised. He wasn't sure."

So I like that Connor is trying to play up that he doesn't know that he has grey hair. I like that he uses the same expression that his mother uses as well: "...on earth." However, I think the scene is a bit clunky. An exercise I do that helps, is that I try to say the same thing in fewer words.

What's the important part of the scene? That Connor convey's that he's shocked about the grey hair. How does he do that? He leaves the room, proclaims that he's shocked and then returns. I've had scenes like this before; what I found is that they can be disruptive to the flow of the story. What you could do---and you don't have to---is bend the scene to fit your need. You're the author after all! You want Connor to look in the mirror and show his parent's how shocked he is. Well instead of leaving the room maybe there's a mirror in the kitchen? OR Maybe instead of reading a book, you decide that Connor's mother is a vain person and is applying lipstick while looking into a hand mirror.

18. I think teens are funny. The truth about being in another dimension is something his parent's don't need to hear---they wouldn't believe it---but he could just tell them he dyed his hair lo. Not a complaint about your writing, just an observation.

19. ".his dad said." Needs a comma.

20. "boiled gull eggs." *ick* those sound tasty...more nice world building. Though it makes me wonder what we're dealing with here. Are these characters wolves or werewolves? Are they standing on two legs or four?

21. ". Moon said." Need's a comma.

22. So is the next section in Slip's perspective? If so you are given the chance to give a description of Moon.

23. "mind's history pathway." What is that?

24. "What are you going to say? I think the werewolf we captured who killed one of our own and has two in comas is not The Beast because I have this really strong gut feeling about this?" I was having a hard time following this sentence. Maybe try to say the same thing with fewer words?

25. "Moon found Soft outside her den..." What does a den look like?

26. Soft Tail. Moon Eye. I like the names.

27. So I'm a bit confused by something. Earlier you wrote that Slip doesn't think Moon is entirely convincing, but then other characters seem to know about his physic powers, like Soft Tail. If it's no secret that Moon has physic powers, wouldn't the rest of the characters, like the Pack leader, find Moon convincing? Before Christianity, most cultures revered individuals they believe to have physic powers.

28. So I find Moon's gift very compelling. I also like how you're not constantly beating our heads over with foresight; however, that could add a very interesting dynamic in the writing if you chose to use that. Like when Soft Tail asks Moon about her father. He answers her internally, and then tells her he doesn't know.

29. Again. With Moon meeting Soft Tail you have another opportunity to describe these creatures. Fur color, eye colors, that kind of stuff.

30. "It was his time to see what was going on and interact with the wolves on the island." I don't like this line. I like what you're trying to say, but it doesn't sound authoritative enough. It's kind of a soft way of saying that this Pack leader is the Alpha wolf.

31. So does Comet Paw have foresight as well?

32. "Amazing magical powers." So earlier I said I would come back to slip being an authority on magic. Is he? Because lines like this make me think otherwise.

33. I like that Slip is blunt about his feelings on judging The Beast. It also seems that Alpha doesn't know about Moon's gift

34. I am a bit taken back by how informal Slip is with the Alpha. I honestly was expecting a more wolf like culture, with Alpha being more dominant and the rest being more subservient.

35. "...preparing himself for what would happen tomorrow." I think you can just say. "...preparing himself for tomorrow. " Fewer words and all that.

36. Why would Connor wear wrist bands? He could just wear a long sleeve shirt again.

37. I can see why you wanted the sweat bands---the exchange between Connor and his friends work well because of it, but I'm still confused why he chose them instead of a long sleeve shirt.

38. "As Mr. Mack started to handing out quizzes....notebook paper." I don't think this sentence adds any useful direction. It's assumed that Connor would do what the teacher asked.

39. lol...I would have rather had grey hair in high school than acne.

40. But...honestly....I'm a bit surprised by the class being shocked. Maybe it's because I grew up in New England, but when a person came to class the next day with a totally different hair color, no one really cared about it.

Now that would be entirely different if this was a more conservative area...and perhaps a private religious school where it is against the rules to dye your hair. It's something you should think about.

41. I like that Connor has heightened senses. I'm guessing it's because his new affliction, but I'd like to see an earlier mention of this.

Example: Connor could smell what his parent's were having before he came down for breakfast. Connor could smell that his friend had a rough night on the toilet because of some bad tacos. Connor couldn't sleep because his neighbors were up arguing all night from two blocks away. That sort of stuff. The details will help.

42. I like the bit of drama of having Connor puke on the football player. Though I think the scene is not entirely clear.

"...wore a cafeteria lunch." Maybe change that to, "Connor's lunch?"

Was the football player thrown up on? His reaction "What where you're going, punk!" Doesn't read as if he were.

43. "Sticky with the juice from the cafeteria." Sticky how? What juice?

44. I find this Nick to be an annoying character. That's not really a bad thing, I just don't like people who interject themselves into other's problems.

OKAY. WAIT A DARN SECOND. For some reason I thought this was the first chapter, but now as I reached the end I see that's not the case >_P

How obnoxious of me. I'm going to submit this review anyway, but do know I haven't read the other two. I will in time.

Overall I liked it. Reading the other two chapters might help with context and some problems I had with it.


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Lol. Thanks for taking the time to look over this. I definitely shows me what I'm not getting across.. read more
Great follow up. Conner is starting to grow on me. Can't wait to read to read the next part. Well done. I also did not feel bored reading this one

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thank you. I'm glad at least one person enjoyed this episode.
Joshua Haines

7 Years Ago

No problem. It's a good chapter. Don't let just having one review get to you. You still have readers.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on September 23, 2016
Last Updated on November 7, 2016
Tags: werewolf, fantasy, magic



Monroe, NC

I like to write fantasy and most of what I publish will probably be unfinished or first drafts. My writing also tends to be really long so fair warning there. If you write Magical Fantasy please let m.. more..

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