Aftermath (S1E2, Part 2)

Aftermath (S1E2, Part 2)

A Chapter by Splatman73

Connor is home and now has to deal with the aftermath of what happened last episode.


Something was off. Mr. Lake wasn't already in the room. Usually he was there writing science notes on the board.

Connor asked Nick about it. "Oh yeah, he went home at lunch. He apparently got sick. Mrs. Lake is filling in for him."

"Then where is she?"

"Don't know." Nick sat down at his desk. Connor shook his head and went to sit at his desk.

As he was about to sit down, it hit him. The Lakes weren't exactly the youngest couple and if Mrs. Lake wasn't already in the class...

Connor sat down in his desk and whipped out his notes. He was not failing this quiz.

"Dude what are you doing?" Ty asked. He sat in the seat to Connor's right.

"Studying for the quiz."

"What quiz? Mr. Lake didn't have one scheduled for today."

"Where do you think Mrs. Lake is?"

"Printing off notes? Mr. Lake didn't exactly give us the entire chapter."

"Well it doesn't hurt to study. You probably should too."

Ty rolled his eyes. "You can go ahead and study. I'm going to enjoy the extra minutes of freedom."

Right then, Mrs. Lake walked in with a stack of papers. "Everyone put your notes away. I have a quiz here for you."

A murmur went up among the class. Ty turned to Connor. "How did you know?" he whispered.

Connor shook his head. The only person who would be getting an answer to that was Nick.


Connor actually felt like he knew what he was doing. The ten question quiz ended up being fairly easy and Connor was done in a minute. He turned in his quiz and sat down.

That wolf, Moon, had been right. How? He couldn't actually be psychic, could he? The wolf did have a point though. Connor hadn't believed in werewolves and yet he was one. So what other myths were actually true?

Connor couldn't focus in class. Trying to process everything that was happening was confusing enough. Forget trying to understand the basics of energy.

Connor was thankful when the bell rang. Only three more periods to go.


The bell finally rang ending the dreadful study hall. Connor was tired of hearing everyone's whispered conversations. Hopefully there was a way to cure this werewolf thing. Otherwise, he was going to go mad.

Connor stopped by his locker to put his books away. He didn't have any homework due tomorrow so he had a night to relax.

"So you okay to talk here?"

Darn. He'd forgotten Nick. Too bad Nick hadn't forgotten about him. "No this is not a good place to talk."

"Well as long as it doesn't look like you're selling me weed, I'm fine with wherever you want to talk."

Connor closed his locker and zipped his bag. He shouldered it and turned to Nick. "You know any places we can talk privately?"

"Honestly we can talk right outside and nobody will care. As long as you don't shout 'Hey I have gum' everybody will just do their thing."

"You have gum?" a passerby asked.

"No, but even if I did, I probably wouldn't be handing it out." Nick answered. He turned back to Connor. "See what I mean?"

Connor rolled his eyes. Obviously people would respond to gum. Of course that kid shouldn't have been asking since he had gum anyway. Connor stopped. He's just smelled the kids gum. He growled, frustrated with his new heightened senses.

"What?" Nick asked.

"Just come on. I'll explain it outside."

"We could also go to the library. Not many people would be there."

Privacy and quiet. Connor liked the sound of that. "Let me text Ty and then we can go." He sent Ty a message saying he'd be a bit and marched off toward the school library.


As they worked their way to the library, Connor's senses still assaulted him. He could barely hear himself think over the racket. Once in the library though, things quieted down. A few people sat at tables and others roamed the shelves. The school librarian was reading a book herself. Connor found a table and sat down. It was now or never and Connor honestly wanted to choose never. But with Nick taking a seat across from him, Connor knew he had no choice.

"So before we start talking about what's bugging you, I do want to ask you something." Nick folded his hands and rested them on the table.

"Sure," Connor said. He slouched down in his chair and crossed his arms. "Not like I've got better things to do."

"In science, right as you sat down, you pulled out your notes and started studying."

"Okay?" Connor said. "Is it suddenly illegal to study?"

"No, but I also know that normally you would spend whatever time before class starts to talk with Ty. You don't even review right before a test."

"Yeah, I know. I just decided I was going to study today."

"There wasn't supposed to be a quiz, and Mr. Lake didn't even leave until lunch, so that begs a question." Nick paused. "How did you know there would be a quiz?"

Connor looked over to Nick. He would definitely think Connor was crazy when he heard the truth. Connor wouldn't be surprised if Nick talked to a counselor about what Connor would say. Unfortunately, the truth had to come out or Nick wouldn't let him leave. "You want the long version or the short version?" Connor asked.

"I've got time, so whichever you go with." Nick said. At least one of them was relaxed.

"Fine. Do you remember when I broke my leg?"

"You mean at that party before school started?"

"Yeah, well, I got more than a broken leg out of the deal. I was attacked by a wolf as well, though the injuries were minor. I actually broke my leg trying to run away from the wolves." Connor's mind went back to that night as he remembered the ominous howling. "Fun fact: the moon was full that night." Nick didn't comment on this, though Connor saw that Nick didn't see how that was important. Connor continued. "Well fast forward to Friday night. Guess what? The moon was also full that night."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but is this pertinent to either how you knew about the quiz or what is troubling you? It does seem we may be getting off topic."

You mean you think what I'm trying to say is absurd, Connor thought. "I promise, it's actually relevant to both issues. Just let me finish."


"So like I said, the moon was full on both nights." Connor paused. Was there a way to put this that didn't make him sound like a lunatic? Probably not, but it was worth a shot. "Look this may sound crazy, but it's the truth." Nick looked skeptical but didn't say anything. Connor inhaled slowly and said. "The night I was attacked, I was bitten by a werewolf and now I am one."

Connor looked at Nick. Nick looked like he was trying to gauge how insane what Connor had said was. He looked straight at Connor, but his tongue poked at his cheeks inside his mouth. Connor looked down at his hands. Nick wasn't going to believe him as expected. Connor should have just walked away. At least he would maybe be looking at talking to a school counselor and maybe even a shrink. Connor looked back up at Nick. "Nick, it's the truth. I-"

"I can tell you're telling the truth. That's what concerns me. You realize this sounds preposterous."

Connor put his head in his hands. Obviously this sounded preposterous. He was claiming that under the light of a full moon he turned into a raging furry monster. If that sounded normal, there would definitely be a problem. "Yeah, I know." Connor looked up. "What if I could show you?"

"Connor, you're not a werewolf. Werewolves don't exist. They're a myth. They're fun to tell stories about, but you will never be one."

"Let me try." Connor set his hands face down on the table. "We can go into the shelves and I'll transform for you."

"Connor, listen-"

"Let me show you!" Connor said. He started to ball his hands into fists, but tried to keep them flat. He couldn't start to panic and look absolutely insane.

Nick said nothing. Connor looked up at him. Nick's eyes were wide. "What?" Connor asked.

Nick pointed at Connor's hands. "We're those scratch marks there before?"

Connor lifted his hands. Eight scratches marred the table. Connor looked at his hands. His nails were pointed. Connor shoved them into his lap. Now he transformed just randomly? What was happening? What if he just turned into a wolf in the middle of class?

"Let me see your hands." Nick said.

Connor looked up. He was still trying to control his breathing. Someone else might see his hands besides Nick.

"Look around." Nick said. "Everyone who's still here is busy. No one else will notice."

Reluctantly, Connor pulled his hands out. He set them on the table face up. His claws were still there and some fur had grown. Nick studied Connor's hands. "So it's true. Somehow, someway, you turned into a werewolf."

Connor nodded. Nick finally believed him. "Yeah, and it turns out I'm not the only one."

"Hold on, before you begin," Nick reached down into his backpack and pulled out a notebook. "I want to write this down."

"No, don't."

"No one will find it, I promise. I have a drawer full of these at home and my parents have never asked about it. You're secret is safe."

Connor took a moment. It was still risky, but Nick was trustworthy. "Okay. Like I said, I'm not the only one..."


Connor told Nick the entire story, starting from when he first transformed to when he made it back from Wolf Haven. Nick occasionally asked questions but mostly let Connor talk. After Nick wrote everything down, he and Connor parted ways.

Now Connor was back at home, finishing off a shower. He finally didn't smell like green bean and mixed fruits. Instead he smelled of an oak forest, or at least what an oak forest smelled like to a perfumer. The difference was subtle, but Connor could smell it.

Connor went to his room and dressed. A tee and sweat pants and he felt he was ready. He checked the clock on his dresser. It read 3:14. Good. He had some time. He needed to borrow the car, but he was sure his parents wouldn't object. He didn't have any homework so he was good there. Now he just needed to wait.


Moon was impressed. Somehow Slip Fur had convinced the Pack Leader to bring up the soul trial in a council meeting. The council members hadn't seen any need for it until Comet Paw confirmed that The Beast would come back that very week, in three days. Oddly enough, Comet Paw couldn't see why he was coming. Moon was thankful for that. If Comet Paw could, he'd know about Moon.

So now Moon prepared himself to step through to the other side of Wolf Haven's portal. No one knew how or why the portal was there, but it had been a help when food was scarce. The hunting on the other side had kept the pack alive some winters. Now, the portal served a different purpose.

Moon stepped into the circle of trees and closed his eyes, disappearing to the other side.


Connor waited by the circle of trees. Moon was supposed to be there but Connor wasn't sure if he'd remembered. All the better for him though. If Moon never showed up, Connor might be able to forget everything that happened. If the scars went away that is. Connor looked at his wrists. He had ditched the wristbands as they weren't all that comfortable. Without them though, the redness of Connor's wrists put fire trucks to shame.

Wind rushed by Connor. It stirred up dust into a tiny twister. White light emanated from it and then it all disappeared revealing Moon Eye in his full wolf form. So that's what the portal looked like from the outside.

Moon looked around. Connor saw the amazement in his eyes. "Never been on this side before?" Connor asked.

Moon looked over to Connor. "Never needed to. Although it's not that different over here than it is on my side." he said as he walked over to Connor.

"Oh trust me, it's a lot different." Connor said. "You gonna stand up?"

"Oh, yeah." Moon rose to his half wolf state. "So you're probably still wondering what I wanted to talk about."

"How long is this going to take? I don't know about you, but I can't stay out all night."

"It depends on how much I'll need to explain. There's a lot I need to tell you."

Connor pulled out his phone and checked the time. "I have maybe another two hours. Unless you really want to spend the entire time out here, I know a place we can go and get out of this cold."

"You call this cold?"

"Aroud here this early in the year? Yeah, I do. Come on. We can talk on the way."


Connor drove them to a local cafe. So far, Moon hadn't said a word. Connor had looked over at him a couple times and seen eyes as wide as they could go. Connor figured this had to be some small shock. The whole island thing from Friday night was still a shock for Connor.

As Connor parked he realized something he should have noticed earlier. Moon wasn't wearing a shirt or shoes.

"We might have a problem." Connor said.


"See, the thing is, public places usually require that you be wearing a shirt and shoes to be in the place and you don't have any."

"So do we just leave then?"

"Maybe. Hold on a sec." Connor turned around and looked for his gym bag. He found it, thankful he had brought it along. He grabbed it and pulled it up front. He dug through it and pulled out a blue shirt and a pair of slides. "Here, put these on."

Moon took them and pulled the shirt on and then the slides. "Ok. Are we ready?"

"Yeah I think- hold on."


"You kinda need to shift to full human."

Moon gave him a strange look but complied. Moon's dark fur receded and revealed decently tanned skin except for around his eye. Like in his canine forms, Moon had a white patch around his eye. "Am I good?"

"Yeah, uh..." Connor wasn't sure whether to mention the white skin around his eye. It was pretty obvious.


"It's nothing. Let's go."

Connor and Moon get out of the car and walked inside. It wasn't a huge place but it wasn't small either. The smell of coffee and baked goods swam through the air. Connor led Moon to a booth in the corner and then went up to the counter to buy drinks. He filled them from a soda fountain, getting an orange soda for himself. He wondered what Moon would like. He obviously hadn't ever had soda in his life, so what do you get for someone like that. Connor settled on the regular cola served at the cafe. He filled the cup and brought it back to the table.

Moon stares at the drinks. Connor could see he wanted to ask what they were so he went ahead and explained. "It's soda. Basically bubbly flavored water. Take a sip."

Moon picked up his drink and took a sip through the straw. His eyes went wide and he nearly dropped his cup. "Not your thing?" Connor asked.

"I don't know. Maybe." Moon took another sip with a less violent reaction. "Yeah it's okay."

Connor shrugged. "So what did you want to talk with me about?"

Moon closed his eyes, thinking. "I'm not sure exactly where to start. There's a lot you need to know."

"How about the whole destroyer of werewolves thing. I'd love to know where they got that idea from."

"Alright. I'll try to keep it to what you need to know. I can explain more later.

"Each souled race has a darkest soul. Werewolves have a name for our darkest soul: The Beast. Recently, our pack's seer, Comet Paw, prophesied that The Beast would appear soon and we would find him on this side of the portal. We've been searching for a few cycles trying to find him but nothing turned up until we found you. Apparently, Comet Paw misread you and thought you were The Beast. Like I've already told you though, Beast is only your wolf name. You aren't The Beast."

"No dip, I'm not The Beast." Connor said.

"The problem is," Moon continued, "is everyone believes you are, meaning if you ever came back, you would probably be thrown right back into that cell we rescued you from."

"So then I don't go back to your side of the portal. Is that all you came to do? Warn me to stay on this side?"

"No, you need to come back."

Connor was shocked. "Why would I ever go back there? They hate me!"

"Because you need to show them you're not the Beast."

"No I don't. I just need to stay over here and keep living as normal a life as I can considering."

Moon shook his head. "You won't be living a normal life if you just stay here. My pack will hunt you down and honestly they won't care what happens to whoever gets in their way. Do you want that?"

"So I stay here, everyone I know is hurt or killed, or I go to the other side and spend my entire life there in a prison cell in constant pain."

"No, you don't have to do either. Let me explain."

"Fine, explain." Connor hoped Moon would get to his point soon. He wanted to be done with that island and all its inhabitants.

Moon cleared his throat. "I talked with one of my friends and he told me about this soul trial that was once used to identify the Dark Soul of the humans. He said we might be able to use it to prove your innocence as The Beast. The Pack Council decided that when you show up again, they will put you through the trial and see if you are The Beast."

"So what do I have to do?" Connor want thrilled with the idea of going back to the island. His first experience hadn't been all that great.

"Three days from now, same time as today I guess, come through the portal. I'll tell you more when you get there."

"Where is there?"

Connor looked up. Nick was standing by the table, his backpack hanging on one shoulder. "Mind if I join you?"

"Sure." Connor said. He moved over and let Nick sit down. "Nick this is..." Connor saw that Moon looked worried. "He's trustworthy." Connor assured Moon.


"This is Moon Eye. He's from the island I told you about." Connor saw Moon's eyes go wide.

"Nice to meet you." Nick said. "Sorry if I'm interrupting, but I wanted to talk with Connor. But I mean it can wait."

"No, you should probably talk with him. That could be a problem." Connor looked at Moon. He had a dazed look in his eyes.

Nick gave him a quizzical look. "What do you mean by that?"

"Showing he's a werewolf could be bad especially with your dad being a hunter."

            "How do you know about that?"

            Moon suddenly shot up. "I'm sorry. It was an accident."

"What do you mean by accident?"

"Usually I have control over my powers. I'm psychic. "

Nick said nothing. Connor sighed. "It's true. He's why I knew there was a quiz today." He turned to Moon. "So his dad's a hunter? What's the big deal? A lot of people around here hunt."

"How many of them use silver bullets?"

Connor looked back at Nick. "Your dad is a werewolf hunter?"

Nick nodded. "He's been one since my mom died. He believed a werewolf killed her. I believed it for a few years until I grew old enough to realize werewolves are a work of fiction. Until now that is."

Connor still found it unbelievable. Nick's mom had died when he was five. His parents had gone camping for their anniversary. Only his dad returned. "And your dad has been a werewolf hunter all that time?"

"No, he didn't start hunting for about a year. He found a group of hunters going after the same prey as he was. But that's not why I showed up at your table. Connor, I think you may need something to control your wolf side. What happened in the library today could be an exposure risk. Who knows what could happen if you became extremely stressed."

"It's not my fault. I'll learn to control it."

"Okay maybe, but what about during the full moon? Do you plan on just transforming and going on a rampage?"

"I did fine last time. I can handle this."

            "I think you might want to listen to him," Moon said. "You're a wet ear."

"A what?"

"You just became a werewolf, meaning you have almost no experience with transformation. You're lucky you didn't do any more damage than you did."

Connor leaned back and crossed his arms. Moon could have not brought that up. "Fine then. What do you suggest."

Nick looked at Moon. "Does silver actually harm werewolves?"


"I'm thinking Connor needs to wear something silver."

Connor's wrists burned and he looked down. No, he was imagining it, but it didn't change that he remembered what those chains felt like. "No, I'm not doing it."

"Connor, please. If it can subdue your wolf side, you should give it more than a straight up no."

"How about you go wrap your wrists in hot iron, then come back and tell me that I should give it more than a straight up no." He had to be joking if he thought Connor would consider doing that again.

"Do you have a better option?"

"I will be fine without some bracelet or necklace or whatever keeping my powers in check."

Nick paused. "How about we make a deal. I get you a silver bracelet. You wear it for a week and if it doesn't bother you after a week, you can lose it. Deal?"

Connor groaned. "Deal."

"Good. I'll go and start on that. You two can continue with whatever you were talking about." Nick stood up and left the table.

Connor slid back over. "So same time three days from now?"

Moon nodded. "I'll explain more later."

"Fine. Let's go." Connor knew he was going to regret all of this, but it was too late now.

© 2016 Splatman73

Author's Note

I know it's rough, but I still felt like this chapter was needed. Anything you think needs pointed out, go for it.

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Sorry for the long wait. I wanted to take a break. I re-read Connors story again before coming back where I left of. And series still gets me hooked. Time to get back reading. Keep it up XD

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 23, 2016
Last Updated on November 7, 2016
Tags: werewolf, fantasy, magic



Monroe, NC

I like to write fantasy and most of what I publish will probably be unfinished or first drafts. My writing also tends to be really long so fair warning there. If you write Magical Fantasy please let m.. more..

Hourglass Hourglass

A Poem by Splatman73