A Beautiful Night To Die

A Beautiful Night To Die

A Chapter by aberrantly malignant


I stood, leaning against the wall with my hands in the pockets of the gray and black striped jacket and the hood up, over my hair, covering the mess. I never brushed it anymore, just once over with the crappy hair straighenter and hair spray. I ruin the ozone layer every morning, happily.

The bell rang and I heard doors open and people rushing out. People were stuffing their last bites into their mouths, finishing lunch. They all stopped when they crossed me, I felt like a car crash where everyone slows and stops to see the tragedy.

“Oh my god…” I heard a whisper. What? Was I deformed?

“He’s gorgeous!” I heard another girl whisper. I pushed my body away from the wall, standing up and took my hood down, looking at these people as if they were aliens. Gorgeous? Hardly. It couldn’t have been me they were talking about. I shrugged and walked through the crowd, feeling as if I had more room than the others. What class did I have next? I pulled my schedule out of my pocket and looked at the class next to the number 5: Algebra 2, fun. People were still staring at me and I tried to ignore it as I searched for the room E201.

Out of nowhere, a girl knocked into me then before saying a word to me, looked back to a group of girls and yelled at them. She turned around to me, blushing and smiled.

“I’m Kassy, you are?”

I stared at her and she took my schedule, “Well I’ll help you find your class. Oh, I see your name is Joshua. Do people call you Josh? No matter, ooh, Algebra 2. Oh, I hate that. I’m only in geometry but Algebra 1 was hard. Let’s see.” She talked a lot and way too fast for me to comprehend. When she asked the occasional question, she never paused to let me respond. After hearing the tardy bell, I put my hand up, silencing her immediately, and took my class schedule back, snatching it from her fingers and turned my body to walk into the door next to me. She was annoying, and most definitely not going to end up as my friend.

I sat at the empty desk closest to the back, which was the second row from the right, last seat. That was good for me. I sat my backpack down next to it and pulled out my notebook and pencil. The notebook wasn’t college ruled, so I used it for drawing. I didn’t tell my parents to get college ruled; I didn’t feel like being “punished for insubordination.”

My sleeves were rolled up and I’d forgotten about the self-inflicted red lines covering them before I caught a kid staring at them. I’d have to talk to him after class. He wasn’t going tot tell anyone… besides, I’d love a chance to interact with him, he was gorgeous, like they called me.

I looked back down at my notebook and saw all the pictures combined into a collogue. It was all blood and sadness. Like a wave of depression smashed over the paper in pencil and black ink. It was ridiculous. It came from me, what did I expect. My mind was struggling to keep insanity down in it’s little hole. It was so far, failing, judging by this paper.

The bell rang and I packed up as quiet as I could, keeping my eye on the kid who stared at my arms. I pulled at his arm and pulled him behind building E and pinned his hands against the wall, looking him in the eye and spoke with a surprisingly harsh tone. “I know you saw it.

“Saw what?” There was only pure fear in his eyes.

“My arms. I know you know what it is and I know you saw it. And now,” I released my grips from his arms but kept my body close, “I know you know that you’re telling anybody if you want to live.” I turned my head, running off to my next class, English.



© 2009 aberrantly malignant

Author's Note

aberrantly malignant
Excuse the font change. I messed up and I'm too lazy to fix it. Title goes to The Used.

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Added on May 13, 2009
Last Updated on May 15, 2009