I'm stuck. And I don't know what to do.

I'm stuck. And I don't know what to do.

A Poem by Ivana~

 I wanna start this off by saying I love my boyfriend, so much. I'd do anything for him. He's my everything... 
Ya know, 

Love is like a light bulb. It start's out burning so brightly. Some die out quicker than others, but some light bulbs can last month's, years even. With out one little flicker to warn you that it might die. 

People take those light bulbs for granted. 

Just like people take someone's love for them, for granted. 

See my light bulb for him is burning so brightly, bursting even. It might be to bright. But his...

I know he loves me. And like I previously stated I love him unconditionally. 

Is it possible to love someone to...much?

I feel like he could go an entire day with out texting or calling me, or even communicating with me, and he'd be alright. 

Where as I on the other hand am worried and lonely and looking to other people for their attention, rather than his. 

Because I am giving up waiting. 

It's come to the point where I'm not gonna text first because if he want's me he will message me first. 


I'm just having a conversation with myself..

I love my boyfriend..so so much..

But I am stuck...and I don't know what to do...

© 2014 Ivana~

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This appears to be a little piece of you contemplating things to yourself rather than an actual poem. And you seem a little confused about your current situation. Seems like you're either too attached or he isn't very interested.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 2, 2014
Last Updated on August 2, 2014



~Welcome to my account. ~The flower who married my brother the traitor. The Princess of Fantasy. Simply Seventeen. ~~~~~~~~~~~Enjoy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter the world of Dreams. more..

Goodbye. Goodbye.

A Poem by Ivana~