Chapter 6:The leader says...Akari?

Chapter 6:The leader says...Akari?

A Chapter by TaylorFluff

Sirius stretched his full body out from where he slept last night. He thought a lot about what Adira was saying,if anything at all. He only heard her say something about a new leader.He was very confused at the situation and then it was his mother telling him the he should 'stay' with them and be happy.How tempting that was,he couldn't leave his least not yet...
He shook his black and silver fur.He padded out the cave to see the sun greet his face.It was the season of Baby Calves to the wolves. When the caribou have their offspring all the wolves know it's soon to be spring.
He wanted to see Melina today,but something told him he didn't want to go see her yet at least.He wanted to give her some space.He knew he was getting to 'close' to her and he didn't want that for him nor her.
He took a small lick at the pond and walked away from it. He wasn't going to hunt,he wasn't going to get anything,but his head straight.After visiting the stars his head was in the fuzzy side.

Meanwhile with Melina she was with her two sisters Akari and Maria. They were walking to see the chieftain and his son,Geron. Akari walked ahead of them,speeding up.She wanted to get it over with and done.Maria was in a faze.She wasn't really paying attention to the path in front of her,but rather focusing on her own thoughts. Melina sighed loudly.She didn't feel like going to see the leader nor his son.Her day would be worthwhile if she could see Sirius at all today.
''What was that for?''Akari turned her head towards Melina.
''What was what for?''Melina asked not staring in her sisters' eyes,but rather at the ground sadly.
''You sighed.What was that for?''Akari responded.''You know we have to give respect to the leader in order to get respect!''
Melina wasn't listening at all to her sister's blabbering.I sure don't give a care about this leader and ranvu stuff! Excuse my language,but this is my mind! She thought.
''Are you even listening to me?''Akari gasped.
''What are you talking about?''Blabbering is the word Melina wanted to say,but she had little respect for her sister,so she didn't.
''That's the only problem i have with you Melina! I'm your older sister,you have to listen to me! I know what good for you!''Akari was about to nip at Melina's ear,but Maria intervene.
''Now let's not argue,guys,''Maria smile.''We are all sisters,we are all friends.''Maria walked proud and not in a submissive posture.
Melina glanced at Akari.You may know what's good for me,but you don't know what's best for me.She sighed again only so her sister,Akari couldn't hear.
With one quick slash Sirius cut off a branch of a tree. He was in a blank mind of doing so. He was bored. He wanted to see Melina at any point now,but she was in her pack.He was a lone wolf.He didn't need a pack,but something inside him made him feel fuzzy about needing a pack. 
He cut off another branch with his claws. He was still thinking about this new leader thing and about what Adira been telling him. What was he suppose to do? Endless questions opened in his mind wondering about the events that took place yesterday that seems so long ago,but so near.
He stopped cutting off the branches and went for a small walk.He sighed.He couldn't wait for Melina to show up! 
''Go ahead son,pick one.''The chieftain,Malik said.
''I want the middle one.''Geron replied.
The three sisters gasped. Akari went up forward from Melina and Maria.''You want me,my lord?''Akari asked,bewildered.She bowed before the leader wolf.
He nodded.''My son wants you.You are to be Affianced with him.''Geron eyes had the hint of lust and passion,Melina could even see this,but could Akari?
Melina could see why he chose her.Akari was everything.Her body was flawless.Everything about her was flawless from her body to her personality. Melina couldn't help,but feel  jealous.Every now and then when out on a walk Melina or Maria has to take a nip at Akari's admirers to keep her safe,but now this was completely different! Geron,the future pack leader,the son of Malik and Fiona wanted her sister,Akari to be his mate.Melina lowered her ears and quickly picked them back up.
''I don't know what to say,''Akari smile big.''I'm thankful to be Affianced with you,Geron.''She smile at the handsome wolf.Geron was a handsome wolf.He was a reddish color wolf with a white underbelly.He had pure black eyes with a flash of red in them.
The three sisters bowed once again and left the leaders.Akari was beaming.''Wasn't that fun,guys?''She was grinning from ear to ear.
''I got to go.Tell mom i'll be home late.''Melina groaned at her sister's happiness.
''What's wrong with you?''Maria asked.''I'm glad he didn't choose me,Melina.I being fancied by Jaca.''
Melina wanted to laugh at the thought.''Me?Jealous?''She scoffed.''I'm no where near jealous!''She turned her back to them.''I'm just going for a little walk on my own.''
''Well, be back before the moon comes up.''Akari,who was still happy looking up at her sister's unfazed face.
Melina managed a weak smile.''Yup,''She jumped on a rock,looking back at her sisters.''I won't make any promises though!''She said before turning around,leaving her sisters behind.

© 2013 TaylorFluff

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Added on December 25, 2013
Last Updated on December 25, 2013



somewhere in the world..., WI

I'm a very optimistic and lovely girl! I love to look at the bright side even when my life been going down hill.I put my trust in God no matter what! I know my happiness will come. I'm very mature for.. more..
