The Echo of Clarity

The Echo of Clarity

A Poem by The Raven King

Boots of red cream amble soft and sweet

fleet across battlefields sprinkled with fat

black ravens with unbuckled belts, bursting with human,


Consuming the brave, the yellow, the hero, the enemy, the friend.

Thin Fingers. Strong and dark close around roots of lead

dead dreams heavy with first kiss flutters and change the fates

baits that we suckle on when there is very little we know.

Elbow jerk and fist pull them past adrenaline and disbelief


relief of the now, crumbles and I am flooded

mudded with doubts, regrets, hatred for my barely tasted

wasted life.  She looks down and early winter eyes swallow


follow me down forbidden hidden paths.  Paths I spurned

turned my back upon long ago.  Snow covered peek into my soul

holes filled with unknown outcomes  and shallow decisions.

Incisions into my fabric, my weave unravels my eyes see


me.  My place, my worth, my purpose.  I sit up and I bask

ask her who she is.


I am an unasked question answered,

cancer of experience cured, the end of what came before,

more than you expected or wanted.


I stood and smiled.

Tiled flesh spread before me, I dropped my sword, armor,

farmer, lover, father, and gods.  And walked toward the east

leashed at the feet to my colossal shadow reaching for the coming night

light heart, mind and soul I had found Epiphany

or if any

thing I should say

she found me

© 2011 The Raven King

My Review

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classic~ your descriptives are superb~

Posted 13 Years Ago

nice Epiphany.....very good read and reflection

Posted 13 Years Ago

This reads like a fable of sorts... it has a feel of time worn feelings and thoughts. I liked the sparsity of the language... gaps in the thoughts that allow the reader to interpret the lines themselves. Fantastic writing...

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on November 17, 2010
Last Updated on July 17, 2011


The Raven King
The Raven King


"Call me vain and proud, the greatest sinner ever to walk God's earth, but Satan's boy I could never be. I haven't the humility." -Urbain Grandier, The Devils of Loudon I am older than I look by a.. more..

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A Poem by The Raven King