Barbie and Bacardi

Barbie and Bacardi

A Poem by SmileBig :)

They call her barbie, the “men” with bald heads, reeking of weed and Bacardi have the nerve to call her Barbie. They look at her blonde hair and blue eyes and said thats all you need in this life, thats how you survive the world…they tell her with a laugh so heavy that she's nothing but a spoiled girl, and i hear this said more thank you think, “you can’t do anything…important, you’re just someone who can w***e her way through it, you’re just here so society can have some fun, so men can f**k! Nice legs and an a*s, without that you’re nothing but trash” but why cant they see that she’s more than that? That girl on the corner, that girl in class with the same outfit as yesterday, the one who's hair looks like a lions main, or the one who bragged about getting laid by someone twice her age, are still people. How can anyone judge who they dont understand? That girl on the corner? She’s had sex with only one, one that she’s loved. That girl in class? t she couldn't go home, her dad was drunk and feeling “alone”. That girl with the messy hair? He was a stranger, and she was scared. And that girl bragging about getting laid? She was just lonely. Women are not toys of society, we fight for civil liberties, and men or woman, we are all the same species. They had the nerve to call her barbie, those men drunk off Bacardi. But she is more than that, she is not barbie, she is every girl, and every woman, and every man too. She is you, and she is me, so goodbye barbie, goodbye judgmental society.

© 2017 SmileBig :)

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I watched this ad campaign that i think was set up five years ago and it was a feminist move
they simply reversed an average day of a woman by a man .... subjecting him to sexual abuse that every woman pretty much deals with on a daily base if she walks out her door and goes to work

Its sad how society is so sexist
and how it chose to hunt women down

its all rubbish

very well done !!!

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 6, 2017
Last Updated on May 6, 2017


SmileBig :)
SmileBig :)

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