Half Empty

Half Empty

A Poem by SmileBig :)

A slam poem, would be cool to read it with another person, possibly a collaboration with another poet on here.

Our hearts were full when we were young, 
we were eager with desire to learn about love, 
we wanted the passion we only ever heard of 
in movies. 
But slowly, piece by piece, 
Heartbreak after heartbreak 
my heart sank. 
We were half empty 
Because love wasn't anything beautiful 
Love was just a word until the feeling made it more 
Love wasn't strong, it wasn't alive 
I couldn't see love in his eyes. 
we were half empty. Why? 
Love doesn't happen over night like we thought, 
lying under the clouds, wondering if he loved me because his lips stared in my direction 
When we were young
we thought that if love didn't come exactly when we were expecting it 
That it didn't exist.
But love seems to only come, 
when you don't know its coming. 
So maybe we're not half empty, 
maybe our hearts are half full of love, 
that will keep growing, 
every. single. moment. 

© 2017 SmileBig :)

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Whoa! This is Awesome! Great write! Keep at It! :)

Posted 6 Years Ago

I love this! I would definitely read this with you at open mic sometime!

Posted 6 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 18, 2017
Last Updated on September 19, 2017


SmileBig :)
SmileBig :)

Hi! How are you all doing? Writing, teaching, and math are my passions, if you're curious. I have so much love for math. It makes me feel alive. more..
