The Story of a Secret: Giftholders

The Story of a Secret: Giftholders

A Story by T.S. Sky

Sky is a beautiful woman angel in a parallel universe. Angels fighting to save humans from demons while trying to conquer their own demons.


Book 1: Window Light

CHAPTER 1: The Moment It All Began

In the beginning it was truly a heaven.

I lived in a universe full of love and life.

God, Our Heavenly Father, created heavens and earths beyond human imagination.

In heaven there are not only angels but all sort of good creatures. Earths were created for all sorts of heavenly spirits to learn and gain spiritual knowledge.

You may say it is absurd because you never seen these creatures and you believe they are imaginary but that's okay because we exist whether you believe we exist or not.

God has created many different creatures and beings; beings and creatures we can see and those we cannot see. I decided to write this book because I think it is time we come out of hiding and into the light. I am going to tell you a story of a secret...

On a day of celebration a woman angel named Nazariaus was created. Since he is a woman, in this world, he can be called he or she because women in this world are hermaphrodites with no breasts. There are three genders: Male, female woman, and female girl.

Nazariaus was special because he was the first angel to be created mixed with half the genes of elves and half the genes of angels.

When God created Nazariaus He made him to be more beautiful than all of his creations were ever made.

Before Nazariaus, Lucifer was the most beautiful creature in all of heaven and when Nazariaus was created this angered Lucifer...among other things.

A few years before Nazariaus was created a girl angel named Adia was created. They were created and not born; many and many angels and other Heavenly beings were created.

If you have a hard time understanding this, think of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve, the first accepted humans were created and not born; they were formed from the clay of the earth.

Adia and Nazariaus, as children, always played wonderfully together. You never saw Adia without her Nazariaus and you never saw Nazariaus without his Adia. They lived under a gorgeous sky. Elder angels looked after them. They had no worries or cares. Life was good.

The elders knew that Adia and Nazariaus were meant for each other from day one but they never said anything to them about it because they knew that God's love would do it's purpose and bring them together in the way they should be.

At the tender age of seventeen and eighteen Nazariaus and Adia were in a field of wildflowers on a night of quiet. The stars looked like diamonds and completely filled the sky. A breeze blew through that was comforting to all.

They sat on a hill that overlooked all the heavenly beings at play and relaxing. The only sound was the breeze blowing through the tall purple wildflowers. Adia lay in Nazariaus arms breathing in his scent which smelled of vanilla, honey, and cinnamon.

Nazariaus stole a kiss from his beloved and started the conversation.

“The night is beautiful isn't it?



“Adia, can I ask you a question?”

“Yes, of course.”

“He should have been nervous but he wasn't. All he knew is he loved Adia and she loved him.

He said, “Will you marry me?”

She looked him in the eyes, smiled, and said, “Yes Naza. Of course!”

The both laughed and he said, “I wasn't nervous. I knew you would say yes.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes really.”

When the cherubims sang and light presented itself in the morning; they went to the elder angels and asked to be married.

Angels are not usually given into marriage or married to one another but when humans were created angels took on this custom. It just depends on the individual angel as they want to do but it is not mandatory.

The elder angels said to Adia and Nazariaus,

“Of course, we will let you two marry. We knew you loved each other from when you two were very small children. Now, you are grown and you please our hearts very well. Be blessed with many children. This is a joyous occasion. Let us celebrate.”

That very night every angel and heavenly being came out to Nazariaus and Adia's wedding. They moved off into a secluded area of heaven and lived in a small cottage with land as far as the eye could see. The cottage sat near a small pond that was surrounded by nature.

Further out pass the cottage was a vast ocean that captured the beauty of every sunrise and every sunset. The only thing that separated Nazariaus and Adia from the rest of heaven was an iron waist high silver painted gate and fence. The gate and fence was surrounded by tall hedges, bushes, colorful moon flowers, grass, and other plant life that kept their privacy sacred.

One sunny afternoon as a eighteen year old Adia and a seventeen year old Nazariaus laid together near the pond with only a log keeping them from touching the water, Adia leaned over onto Nazariaus chest, kissed him, and said,

“My love. I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby.”

They hugged and Nazariaus said, “Whoo Hoo! I'm going to be a daddy!”

They laughed and danced and played.

Adia said in the mist of their celebration, “I hope they are as beautiful as you are my Naza.”

Nazariaus said, “They have my blood. Of course they will be beautiful.”

Nine months later Antiq and Cao were born. Antiq and Cao, women, and they looked identical to Nazariaus. Antiq was the eldest. Adia and Nazariaus were very happy to be blessed with them.

Four years later Adia became pregnant again. This time she gave birth to eleven children born on the same day, who were each half a second apart.

Thank goodness for no pain in heaven. She had one girl named Siyan and ten women named in order of their birth from eldest to youngest: Kalo, Tattawa, Kocumm, Waumm, Jacquine, Mirin, Sanjin, Piearri, Tao, and Sky.

Siyan was the eldest of the eleven. The ten women little girls looked identical to Nazariaus too. Adia's desire for her children to look like their father came true. Siyan looked like Adia and Nazariaus combined but more so like her mother.

Adia and Nazariaus children were all well loved and well cared for by them and God. But all the love in heaven couldn't change the hard fact that something was wrong with youngest child, Sky.

Chapter 2: The Birth

I remember not being. I remember the darkness. I remember being given life and being placed in my mother's womb. It wasn't a scary experience because I did not know what fear was. I was nothing and I knew nothing until God gave me life, understanding, wisdom, and knowledge. I remember that beautiful light and cool breeze upon my entrance into this world.

After I was born I remember being wrapped in silky fabrics and my mother's soft face; light clothed her and her smile made me smile.

I remember my father lovingly touching my cheek with the back of his hand and caressing my hair back with his fingers and gently kissing my forehead.

I was surrounded by nature. I was created through love. I remember my parents faces being so loving and kind. I looked up and saw the sky was a soft blue with a wisp of clouds passing through. I could hear my parents speaking softly over me. I could hear the soft sound of a bubbling brook nearby. I felt the cool breeze go up my nose and gently wrapped itself around my face, hands, and then my feet.

Two days after I was born I kept dying. Death and sickness was of course unheard of in heaven. My mom and dad had no clue what to do except for plead to God.

They first became alarmed when I was suppose to be sleeping I would not move and not wake up for days at a time until one day I stopped waking up and moving completely.

Sleep is not required in heaven but it is a simple pleasure one takes every now and then. What was happening to me put them through great distress.

This was happening because of a plea made from another angel. This angel was my dad's second wife he divorced two days after he married her.

My dad had married a girl named Like a day after he married my mother Adia. Like was presented to him by an elder angel and my dad married her but was not in love with her. He divorced her two days later because he did not love her and he felt it unfair to him, her, and Adia.

Like was in love with my dad and felt cheated that Adia had children by my dad and not her. So, she petitioned to God that one of my dad's children be hers and God agreed to it only if Adia and Nazariaus agreed to it too; she chose me.

They didn't know anything about the deal until after I started having difficulties living. I was slowly dying from the day I was born because of Like. My parents made it clear that they did not agree with Like's petition.

Shortly after their disapproval my health drastically improved and God decided it was best for me to stay with my parents Nazariaus and Adia. I thank God that my parents fought to keep me.

As I grew older me and my brothers and sister played in the nearby meadows full of red, yellow, white, and soft blue flowers; the bright green grass mixed in with it beautifully. My life was beautiful.

Our mother and father were our educators and taught us everything we needed to know about our life as angels and life in other places that was not our home. They told us of strange creatures that walked even stranger lands.

We would play like we were the creatures of far away lands and play like we were fighting and rescuing innocents. Our dad loved to see us play in that manner and in fact he would encourage us.

One day dad decided that we needed a bigger house than the cottage so he had some friends come over and help him tear it down and build a bigger house. The house overlooked the ocean and was a serene existence.

Mermaids would surface and play with us; they were our friends and we share many stories and beautiful memories with them.

I stayed near my mother a lot; more so than my brothers did.

When I was nine I was laying on my mother's lap. She was singing to me and stroking my hair. My dad was sitting near the pond moving his hands back and forth against the water making ripples. He was smiling at us and enjoying my mother's song. She was singing one of her famous lulluby's that went:

My beautiful baby

Never will I be lazy

In my love for you

There's nothing you can do

To make me turn evil on you

Never will I leave you alone

Because always will you remember this song

I was enjoying her song and I enjoyed being close to my parents and the cool of the day.

Behind my dad came one of his best friends; an archangel named Michael. The plank life gently swayed to its own music as a breeze combed through the petals and leaves.

He greeted my parents and me with a smile and a hug then he pulled dad out of our earshot. The went outside the gate and began talking about something that started out light hearted then they began arguing.

Eventually they cooled down and my dad bent over with his hands on his knees as if he were hyperventilating. Michael placed a hand on dad's back to console him; dad straightened up and they began talking calmly again. I looked up at my mother and she looked alarmed; she didn't take her eyes off of them. All of this confused me. I had never seen my dad react to anyone or anything like that before. I had never seen my mother look like she did at my dad. Now that I recall it was more fear in her eyes than any other emotion. I don't think she ever saw act like that either.

I stood up and I felt her tug at the back of my pants to pull me back to her. I turned around and looked at her clearly confused. She had a worried expression on her face and she said, “Sky, where are you going baby?”

I said, “To play, mother.” I found that strange because she never asked me where I was going before.

Then she said, “Don't go too far from me.”

I said, “I won't mother. Now let me go.”

I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what. She let go of my pants and then caressed the hair off of my forehead. She said, “Go play sweetie.” I took off to go look for my brothers and sister. I found them near the meadows. I ran up to Jacquine scared, confused and alarmed at what I had witnessed.

I said, “Jacquine. Mommy and daddy are acting strange.” Jacquine smiled and said, “Strange? How?” He didn't understand what I was saying and thought I wasn't being serious.

I said, “Well. Daddy and Michael had a very intense conversation. I had never seen that emotion before. I don't know what this is I feel. I feel different? Then as I got up mommy stopped me by pulling on my pants. She asked me where I was going and then she asked me not to go far from her. She had a strange expression.” “Like what?” “I don't know.”

My other brothers and sister came running up to us. Kocumm asked what we were talking about. I told him what I told Jacquine. They were all clearly confused too.

Tattawa said, “Let's go to mother and father to find out what's going on.”

As we were approaching I saw that Michael was gone and dad had a hand on my mother's shoulder. She was clearly very distraught. Dad looked upset as well but considerably calmer than from when Michael was there.

Antiq said, “Dad what's going on?” Dad looked up at us and tried to show he wasn't upset. Mother did not turn to us right away. She was wiping her eyes with a small white piece of thin and glistening cloth. She turned and reached out her hand to us and said, “Come to me, my children.” We slowly and cautiously walked near her. She grabbed me and held me close to her chest.

I sat on her lap thousands of times before that moment but for some reason, on this day, this time...I remember her scent. She smelled of baby breaths, fresh air, and ginger.

I felt her voice vibrate in her chest as she spoke through tears, “My darlings. It breaks my heart to tell you that your dad have some unsettling news for you.”

We all looked at our dad with wide eyes and open ears. He put his head down and put a hand to his heart and said softly, “How can I tell you this in a way that you'll understand...”

He looked up at us and said, “Lucifer attacked...and swayed half of God;s angels away from us. There were angels that followed him and over half of the angel population left was badly hurt. God kicked to earth Lucifer and the angels that followed it."

Cao said, “But the earth is a place of learning.”

The earth was originally created as a safe place for spirit beings to learn and gain wisdom to be elders, advisers, and teachers but when the first being became evil, Lucifer was not the first angel fallen angel, earth became also a place for the bad to go. They were either to be put in sort of a jail or to gain knowledge and wisdom so they can redeem themselves and gain entry back into Heaven.

Dad said, “I know and it still is. Only now it is also a place for the bad to go to be put in a place they cannot escape to harm us again. The humans have fallen as well. Lucifer decided it wasn't enough to manipulate us but he manipulated humans too. It was a huge war out there. I'm so glad that God didn't let them come in here to harm us. I'm glad that we are safe.”

Antiq said, “What? Humans fell too?”


We knew that this had to devastate God because He loved humans so much and we knew we had to do something to help.

Antiq said, “We have to help, right daddy.” “Yes, baby. God has called His best angels together to be trained to fight Lucifer if it should attack again. I have been chosen to fight against it and I accept it. I'm going to be going into training. I don't know when I'll see you again.”

Tao said, “Why can't we go with you?” Mother immediately squeezed me tighter to her chest and shot a mean glance at my dad.

Mom said very sternly, “No!” Dad said, “Because baby doll you all are so young. You shouldn't see things like what's happening outside of here.”

Antiq said, “But dad I'm the eldest and I want to go with you. I can fight too.”

Dad said, “No baby. Stay here with your mother, she needs you here, okay.”

Mom said, “I need you too, Nazariaus.” Dad sighed deeply. He had to make a decision; God or his family and he chose God. If you ask me I think that was the best choice he or anyone could ever make.

Piearri said, “Daddy, when are you leaving?” “Tonight. We have the whole day together, though.”

Tao said, “Dad. I want to go with you.” Then one by one we each said, “Me too.” I was about to say, “Me too.” but my mother put her hand so tightly around my mouth that my “me too” came out muffled. Dad looked at me and put a soft smile on his face. My mother said, “No! No, Nazariaus! No! No! Not my littlest one.”

Dad looked at Siyan softly and asked, “Do you want to go too?” She shook her head and said, “No. I want to stay here with mother.” She grabbed my mother's hand and she looked afraid. Mom stood up, holding her hand, holding me tightly and she said, “They are too young to fight.”

Dad said, “I know. They are not going to fight. But, there is nothing wrong with them coming with me.”

“They have never left home, Nazariaus!” “Yes, I know. But it is not going to hurt for them to come with me. It's not dangerous out there now. God kicked the evil out of Heaven.”

“But it can come back!” “If it does I'll protect my children and you.” “Who's going to protect you!?” “Don't worry about that.” “Don't tell me what not to worry about.” My dad looked frustrated, rolled his eyes and said, “We leave tomorrow. Sky, are you coming with me?”

My mother put her hand over my mouth. Dad came over to us and tried to get her hand off but my mother kept slapping his hand away. Then, my dad grabbed me and tried to pull me away from her. My mother held on to me even tighter. Dad signed deeply and looked at my mother, emotionally exhausted at trying to take me out of her arms.

Dad said, “He's not a baby anymore. Let him speak. Sky, do you want to come with me?” My mother tried to cover my mouth again but this time my dad stopped her by putting his hands over her hands. She tried to pull back and get loose but she was not successful.

I said, “I want to go with you, daddy.” He smiled at me looking relieved and happy. Mom put her hand on her forehead, frustrated. She said, “Why do you want to go with him? Stay here with me love.”

Before I could say anything, dad grabbed me and held me close to him. Mom said, “Sweetie. Stay with me.”

I said, “Is daddy going to be here?” Mom said, “No. He's...” I cut her off and said, “Then, I want to go with my daddy.” Dad was smiling at me with beaming pride. Mom said, “Why? Don't you love me too?”

Dad said sharply, “Adia. That's enough. Of course Sky loves you. Don't try to trick him into staying here with you.”

“Trick him!? Nazariaus give me back my baby.” “He's my baby too Adia. He says he wants to go with me.”

“So you're going to leave me here alone, by myself.” “You're not lone. Siyan is here.” Mom said with pleading eyes, “I know and she's my baby, too. How are we to survive if all of you are gone?”

“There's no danger here, Adia. You will survive just fine.” Dad sighed again and deeply and he said, “Let's go into the house and eat.” Mom had made baked beans, creamy buttery mashed potatoes, a side salad with ripe juicy tomatoes, and sweet water.

Dad carried me and held me close to him all that day and night. As I laid my head on his shoulders I had no idea that was the moment the innocence I knew would be shattered, torn apart and stomped on by angry feet...feet that belonged to the monsters we will soon have to fight and defeat.

Chapters 3: The Training

The next day I was laying on my bed, sprinkled with lavender and chamomile leaves. A breeze through the open window bellowed my curtains high at me. I smelled the perfume of the red and purple roses outside.

I was just waking up from a relaxing nap and taking the moment of peace and light in. I had no idea what lay waiting for me on the other side of this paradise but somehow I knew that whatever was waiting for me was dark and frightening. Although I had no real clue what dark and frightening meant except from stories our parents and Michael told us. I could only imagine what fear felt like.

After a very good stretch I sleepily turned my head towards my door and saw Siyan sitting in a wooden purple chair our dad had fashioned. She sat there and silently watched me with a cold almost haunting stare.

I hadn't noticed her when I woke up and wondered how long was she sitting there. She stood up, holding a piece of yellow fabric she was knitting; a pastime that our mother had taught her. She walked over to me on bare feet and gently sat down next to me; still silently coldly watching me.

She then closed her eyes as if thinking for the right words to say to me and then she asked, “Sky? Can we talk?” My bed rested against a wall so I sat up and placed my back against it.

I said, “Sure.” “Sky, you know mother only worries about you because you are the baby. You're the youngest. She worries some bad things will happen to you because you are so innocent.”

I squished my face up in confusion, “What's bad things?”

“I don't know but mother said it's different from what we know. Father told her everything he knows and it scared her. Michael told father all about the bad things. Mother said bad things hurt.”

“What's hurt?” “I don't know. I'm alarmed too, Sky. You all may get hurt and have bad things happen to you. Aren't you worried?”

“No.” “Why?” “Why should I be?” I want to be with daddy.” “What about mommy?” She'll miss you too. She can't protect you where you're going.”

“Why are you using words I can't understand? What's “miss you” and “protect”?”

“That's just the point. I don't know. Mother said these things to me. I just think you ought to hear what she said before you went with daddy.”

“Mother will be alright but I can't stay here and be treated like a girl. When I grow up I'm going to be a woman, just like daddy. Mommy can't teach me how to be a woman like daddy. I know you, mommy, and everyone thinks that I am too sensitive but I'm not a baby.”

Siyan stood up and threw her hands in the air as if to say she's giving up and she said, “I suppose she can't, Sky. I just hope you are strong enough to handle all the bad things that's coming for you.”

We shared a moment of silence that felt like death before she left the room in frustration that she couldn't talk me out of leaving home.

I stood up and I went to my window. I looked down below and I saw my parents sitting by the water littered with colorful rocks and occasionally they would kiss.

I walked away from the window and out into the hallway. I walked until I got to the balcony overlooking the ocean. I sensed emotions strange to me and an overwhelming sense that what Siyan said about bad things were true.

My perfect paradise and serenity was fading with just the thought of going to the unknown to me world. The ocean sparkled under a mid day light. The waves played in the colors that were scattered across its surface.

I leaned on the balcony with my face in the palm of my hands and looked upwards trying to understand my new feelings. My destiny was laid out before me but I could not comprehend the depth of which it would lead me.

Kalo walked onto the balcony and leaned on the balcony next to me. He wore a smile on his face and nudged my shoulder playfully. Then the colors in the sky became brighter; oranges, reds, yellows, purples, pinks, and blues danced their song gracefully.

Kalo said, “Did Siyan come talk to you about what mother said about bad things?”

“Yeah.” “What are you thinking?” “Am I strong enough?” “Well, I'm no expert on bad things and hurt but if you are not strong enough then God would send you back home. He won't put you in danger if you can't handle it. This is new to all of us, don't feel alone. I'm here, Sky.”

“I get a strong feeling that you won't always be here for me.” “Why not?” “Because of the bad things.” Kalo smile faded and turned into a look of worry. I realized that I may have scared him so I said, “Hey, look, I could be wrong.”

“Yeah, but, what if you're not wrong. What's going to become of us?” “I don't know Kalo. I don't know.”

“The mystery is what makes it kind of scary.” I deflected his fear and said, “Maybe it'll be fun.” Kalo smiled again and said, “Maybe. Let's go downstairs to get ready to go.” “Yeah. I'll be down in a minute.” “You okay?” “Yeah, I'm okay.”

Kalo walked downstairs to get ready to go away from our home to a world of fear, darkness, and demons. I would soon join him; this fight against whatever evil will be a fight we will have to fight together.

I stayed on the balcony for a few minutes, trying to muster up some courage to leave my safe and secure home.

I wanted to leave because if I stayed there while all my brothers and dad were gone I would feel like a failure and a wimp.

I walked through each room, trying to remember how each thing looked, so if I returned, I would recognize where I left off. I slowly soaked up every image in my mind like a sponge soaks up water. I drank it down slowly and I savored each image and each memory that I had in this house and on this land. The images entered me smoothly. Somehow, I knew when I returned...if I returned...I would not be the same person. I placed everything I was inside a secret space inside my mind and that's where it has stayed.

I met my dad and brothers outside. Michael was present that day to take us to training. We knew once we got there we weren't just going to watch. Dad just told mom that to keep her from worrying.

Cao asked Michael, “How is training?” “Tough.” “What's tough?” “You'll see.” My mom eyes immediately almost bulged out of her head and she said, “What? No. Give me back my babies. You said that they wasn't going to fight. Give me Sky, right now Nazariaus. Sky, come to mommy, baby. Come to mommy, Come here Sky.” She began to cry.

I was standing next to dad. I went to her and she held me. She picked me up to hug me and I held her back. Dad walked over to her and she began to back away.

She said, “Please. Please, don't take him. He's my baby, Nazariaus. You can't take him from me.”

Dad reached out his hand to me and he said, “Sky. Do you want to come with me?” I looked at my mother and I felt really sorry for her. I didn't understand why she clung to me so much.

“Adia. I'm sorry. I'm not leaving him.”

“Then stay. Don't take my babies away from me. If you stay they will stay.” Mom thought that if she had me that Dad would have no choice but to stay. He reached out and grabbed me from her. She struggled to hold on to me but he was stronger than her and he got me away from her successfully.

He said, “When we get settled I'll send for you. You can watch us train. I'm not going to let anything bad happen to our children. I'm protecting them. Sky may be a little softer than his brothers but he's no girl. He'll toughen up. I won't let anything bad happen to Sky or to any of our children. We'll be back, Adia. I promise you. We will be back.” He hugged her while he was still holding on to me and he kissed her on the cheek, then on the lips. He squatted down to hug Siyan and kissed her on the forehead.

We said our goodbyes to Siyan.

Mom hugged each of us and she told me, “If you ever want to come home, just say so okay. I'll come find you if I had to. That goes for each and all of you. Come back to me safe. I love you all, my sweet little babies.” She blew a kiss to each of us.

Dad began to walk towards the gate. None of us, except for dad and mom has ever been outside of the gate. Now, a strange curiosity began to take over and we started to wonder what's out there. Michael opened the gate and stood outside waiting for us with a beaming proud smile.

Dad stopped at the gate and he told us, “Do exactly as I say. Each of you get in line and don't get lost. Kalo, you follow me and the rest of you follow Kalo. Um...Hold hands. Hold each other hands. Kalo give me your hand.” Dad was carrying me and I tried to get down so I could get in line too. He held on to me tighter to keep me from getting down and he said, “Where do you think you're going?” “To get in line.” “No. I'm holding you. Lay you're head on my chest sweetie.”

Dad led the way out of the gate and on to our training. I looked back and I saw my mother still crying. My sister was waving goodbye to us. She had a tearful worried half smile on her face. She knew she had to be strong for our mother's sake because now it was just the two of them for only God knows how long.

Lush trees, blue skies, and beautiful lights met our eyes. We were taking it all in and walking in amazement because this was our first time outside of our gate.

We walked to our training site all bright eyed and bushy tailed. The training site was closed off from the rest of heaven with large black and silver sky high iron gates. Michael pulled out a set of keys from his pants pocket.

Michael was very handsome; oily beautiful black skin with short curly black hair. It was rumored that he and my dad had a relationship other than friendship but of course that was just a rumor.

Michael opened the gate and we all stepped inside. There was a curved and grassy path that led to another door; this other door was made of silver and it was beautifully encrusted with red, blue, and yellow jewels all around the frame and inside of the door.

Michael looked back at us with a warm smile and slowly opened the door; inside was other angels preparing for training just as we were about to be doing.

Michael said, “You will be trained in this room. Afterwards, I will show you your living area. When you improve, we will move on to a higher training through that door.” He pointed at the obvious silver door across the room.

He said, “Please friends, step inside.” We stepped inside and lined up against the back wall where other angels like us were training. There were many different ages there. We were nine, Cao and Antiq were twelve, and dad was twenty nine.

Dad led the way over to the other angels and they all greeted us with smiles and hugs. The angels shook my dad's wrist (which is a greeting amongst angels). One older angel lightly touched my dad on the shoulder; which is another way angels greet each other. Older angels will touch younger angels on the shoulder as a sign of greeting and respect.

Michael walked in front of the room and he began to speak,

“Hi friends. My heart is sad that we must meet like this but we are here to fight against evil. Evil is anything or anyone against God and His laws. You know that God is everything good and without Him we are nothing. He has called us together to help protect the humans that are on earth. Satan, once a good friend of ours, has turned his back on good and now we must put aside our love for him and stop him from harming the humans and the earth. You all know what happened to them and how Satan deceived them away from the paradise prepared for them. Thankfully with God there is always hope and He has entrusted that hope with us. We are the hope for the humans to once again be home and free from the rule of Satan. When Satan started the wars up here God could no longer allow him to stay here so He kicked him to earth where the humans live. Since he has been there he has created confusion, hate, and so much more that God does not stand for. We are to help the humans by fighting this fight for them and teaching them along the way how to fight for themselves. There is so much more I need to tell you and teach you and I will in time but for now let's take a tour of the training grounds to get you more familiar with where you will be spending your lives until it is time for you to move on to a higher training.”

Michael was accompanied by four other archangels; Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, and Jegudiel. They say that to be a good fighter you have to show no mercy to the enemy. We had to learn to take a hit and give a hit. The training was very draining and demanding. If it became too much for us we could leave at anytime but no one wanted to be defeated and quit.

Our living area was very pleasant to live in but most of the time we were too tired and in pain to laugh and play like we use to at home. I enjoyed that my brothers and my dad were with me and the soft beds at the end of the training was an added comfort.

Each family or individual had their own living area. We had food and watrer when we wanted it but in heaven you don't need to eat or drink. We never killed to eat. We only ate the meat of plants; we ate fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy. The meat of plant can sometimes be fried, baked, and boiled or eaten plain. No one felt hunger or thirst. You only ate and drank as a simple pleasure. Some of you may think of pleasure as sinful or evil; which it can be in the wrong hands but pleasure is a gift from God and something to be enjoyed. One of the tricks of Satan is to convince humans good is bad and bad is good. God loves when His children are happy and not hurting anyone or anything.


When I first began training I was constantly getting yelled at. I would cry because I wasn't use to the hostility; the more I cried the angrier they seemed to get at me which made me cry more.

My brothers and my dad would get mad at them for making me cry and they would yell back at the angels. My dad on many occasions had to be restrained from attacking the angels that were giving me a hard time.


A year later my dad sent for our mom and sister. By this time I had greatly improved. It made me angry that I was looked at as being fragile and weak. I didn't like that my dad and brothers were protecting me so I decided to get over being yelled at and up my game.

When my mother and sister came we were happy to see each other. My mother picked me up and held me and I tried to get down but she held me tighter.

My dad said, “Sky, let your mother hold you. She hasn't seen you in a long time.” I stopped resisting and I let her hold me because what dad said rang true with me.

My sister asked, “How is it here?” We each replied that it was tough but we wanted to be there.

On my mother's first visit to our training day it was weapons day and I had used a weapon incorrectly. One of the male angels snatched the weapon from me and yelled at me, “You spoiled little brat. How dumb are you?! How dumb are you that you can't shoot this weapon right! Get it right! We have been over and over this hundreds of times! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it right!”

He was in my face with spit flailing everywhere. Each time I got yelled at I could see my dad and brothers get really pissed off. My dad looked like at any moment that he would get up and knock this angel in the face for yelling at me.

My mother on the other hand reacted the same way my dad and brothers did when we first got there. She stood up and yelled back at the angel, “Who do you think you are?!” You don't yell at my baby!” She came to grab me but the angel stopped in front of her and said, “Nazariaus wife, sit down please! This is apart of training!” She started hitting the angel with her fist and palms of her hand and he backed away covering himself.

My dad grabbed my mother and took her outside. They didn't harm my mother out of respect for my dad; they were friends with him. My dad had a lot of friends that we weren't aware of at that time.

Dad spoke to my mother for a couple of minutes outside of the room. She came back in considerably calmer.

Training started up again and once again I got yelled at. Mom looked pissed off but she didn't do or say anything.

I got yelled at for not defending myself properly. The angel hit me and knocked me clear across the room. I heard my dad grunt. I looked up and saw him looking away biting his lip in anger.

My mother was tight lipped and angry but kept quiet. After the training day was over, my mother rushed to me, squatted to my height, and hugged me. She said, “Baby, are you alright?” Then she kissed me me repeatedly on the forehead and cheek.

I said, “I'm fine mom.” “Did the big, mean brutes scare you? Did they hurt you honey?” “No mom.” “Yes they did. Give mommy a hug. I'll protect you from those scary bad people.”

I gave my dad the will you please get her away from me look. He smiled and then chuckled. My mother shot him a mean glance.

Dad said, “Adia, give him room. Leave him alone. Sky is fine.” I said, “Yeah mom. I'm fine.”

I struggled loose from her grip and walked over to Kocumm. We then began talking about the day of training events.

My mother looked helpless when I walked away from her. My dad put his hand on her shoulder then helped her to stand. He hugged her and held her close to him.

For a moment they looked happy like they were at home. They kissed. Dad whispered something in her ear that made her smile. She rested her head on his chest and looked at me very worriedly.

© 2018 T.S. Sky

Author's Note

T.S. Sky
This is my first book. Stay tuned for more stories.
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great write wonderful job keep up the good work

Posted 5 Years Ago

T.S. Sky

5 Years Ago

Thank you!
Nic ma'am Amazingly written

Posted 5 Years Ago

T.S. Sky

5 Years Ago

Thank you. Thank you for reading. :)
looks like a best seller to me,i liked it

Posted 5 Years Ago

T.S. Sky

5 Years Ago

Thank you. :)

5 Years Ago

you`re welcome

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3 Reviews
Added on October 29, 2018
Last Updated on October 29, 2018
Tags: Angels, Love, Heaven, God, Warriors, Archangels, Faith


T.S. Sky
T.S. Sky

Saint Louis, MO

I write mainly in the paranormal/supernatural genre but I do step outside of my box every now and then. Writings you will see from me will be articles, research, short stories, poems, essays, reci.. more..


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