you love her.

you love her.

A Poem by Titan

A poem about hating something but loving how it makes you feel. Overall jealousy.


you love her.




So maybe it’s true

and maybe you’re love drunk

and maybe you love her

and maybe it’s true.


After all, she is pretty

quite tiny, but pretty

I see why you like her

Tell me babe

is it true?


So you love her

I get it

I get it

you love her

you’re mad with emotions

but babe, I am too.


I love you







Don’t know how, but I do.



The way your eyes sparkle

the way your laugh rumbles

the way you’re so mellow

oh baby, I do.


But you don’t.


You love her.

It’s fine beau, it’s true.

She’s pretty

you love her

no more tears,

I promise you.

Let’s be friends


just friends sir!


no gimmicks, just you

just me

just you

just me, just us two.


   I’ll hide all my feelings

you love her, don’t you?

We’ll hang out like buddies

that’s all that we’ll do.


As we’re watching the game though

and eating junk food

Please don’t mine me thinking



“I really love you.”

© 2010 Titan

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my most favorite yet. i LOVE this.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Omg! this is awesome!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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jealously is such a powerful thing. you made such envy look beautiful and heart wrenching.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on June 7, 2010
Last Updated on June 8, 2010
Tags: youth, sexuality, lust, acceptance, denial, jealousy, envy




I'm just a teenager who writes about what he cannot express in words. Oh, and by the way, I'm gay. -- I am quite thankful for all the reviewers and readers. Never would I have thought that any .. more..

hit the floor hit the floor

A Poem by Titan