Prologue: The Beginning of it All

Prologue: The Beginning of it All

A Chapter by Japanese Cherry

P.O.V = Somanee


The rain was falling hard... the first thing I remember thinking is that I should be in school right now... but, how could I on the anniversary of his death? They should understand, I am just going to be late...  I was sitting in front of his headstone in the graveyard in my school uniform. "You left me alone..." I sniffled. Through the pouring rain, I slowly read the words engraved into the headstone "Jeremy Kurosu, loving son and brother, you will be remembered" And right beside him on either side, a headstone for my parents who died overseas before they could make it over here with my brother and I...

"I am alone in the world..." I moaned, "How am I supposed to live like this? Its only been half a year... and I'm already losing the apartment..." Little did I know I'd be losing a whole lot more on this dreadful day...

Anyway, while I was sitting there crying my eyes out, my old friend finds me, something he should never had done on this day. He comes up behind me and drops a bouquet of flowers on my parents' and my brother's grave, "Get up Somanee Kurosu..." He said to me.

"What are you doing here Ezra? You need to go to school, your grades are worse than mine..." I say withoul looking up or getting up. I hated it when he skipped out because of me... he cares so much and doesn't even worry about himself first... why does he worry aobut me so much...

He lifted me up using my arms, "Just because you are an honor student doesn't mean you can skip... even on this day..." He growls at me.

I shook myself out of his grip, "EZRA JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I cried, "You don't have to keep looking out for me like this.... I owe you enough already..... I can't pay you back in any way!!!" I didn't mean to explode at him...

He looked at me, with those soft dark brown eyes, slowly coming in and out of my view becasue of his messy brown hair... "Somanee, we're friends, very close friends... I'm not going to leave you out on the street. Please reconsider my suggestion? Stay with me until you can get back on your feet..." Oh how I wish I could have accepted right then and there...

"I can't Ezra..." I sighed, "Just... ah... leave me for now, okay? I'm gonna go back to school like you want... you should too..." I turn to go away.

"Somanee," He grabs my arm, "Stop this moping around. Come on, I'll take you back to your home and you can change. I'll also treat you for today. We can skip school."

I look at him. It is a good thing we weren't at school at that time, for the way school was raided by those, zombies and... aliens? Everyone got caught... But right here in the cemetary wasn't such a great spot either... right in the way of everything... right where anything could easily grab us...

Right when Ezra said that, the trouble began. We didn't even know what hit us when the first group of people came running past the cemetary, screaming. We walked out throught the gates to see the smoke in the distance and people running in all directions.

"The hell?" Ezra growled.

"Something is chasing... what the hell is going on?" I looked closer, "Ezra, either I am dreaming, or those are... Zombies?"

"Um, you aren't dreaming... 'cause I am seeing giant spiders and lizard people... and something tells me that this is real and we should run..."

But we couldn't, we were too stunned and weirded out... how could this be happenig? This kind of stuff only happened in movies!

"Somanee move!" Ezra grabbed my arm and yanked me in the opposite direction that we were staring. Everything was coming towards us, but I still couldn't believe it. I am surprised he was even able to get out of the shock of the weirdness...


"Ezra, I'm tired!"

"We have to keep moving! This is seriously happening and zombies and other crap are after us!" He growled, "They split up from the large group of people they were chasing before... we are easy targets! We can't stop running!"


"Ezra they're getting closer!!"

"I know, I know!! Just keep moving!!"


And then...... he just stopped running.....

"Ezra!!! What are you doing?!"

"Just go! I can stop here and buy you some time! There is only this group after us for now! GO!!! Run as fast as you can and find safety in this madness!!!"

"I can't, I can't lose you!!" I sobbed, "I won't lose you too! I can't go on! Just-"

"Somanee, please! I can't stand to see you like this... you can't be captured... who knows what will happen.

"But, what about you?? Why are you..." I ran up to Ezra and kissed him for the first time, "I love you..." My last resort, I didn't think a catastrophe would finally bring this out... Here and now...

Ezra kissed me back, "This is why I am telling you to go, I love you too and I won't see you brought down like this... So please, run and leave me here to buy you some time.......... Go... now... they are coming..."

"Im sorry..." Was the last thing I could think of to say.

"May we meet up again, my love..." He smiled.


I ran off, respecting his decision. It killed me to see him smiling, right at Death's door like that... But, if he wants me to, I have to run...

My last thoughts during that time: I just confessed my love... he just sacrificed himself... how pathetic can I be... I should have stayed... Ezra, I didn't even realize how I felt... I only saw you as a close friend, maybe to shield myself from further heartache, like what I am feeling right now... oh if only he didn't come to find me, he'd probably be able to run off on his own... I'd be dead and he'd be alive... COULD THINGS GET ANY WORSE?!

© 2012 Japanese Cherry

My Review

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wow! I love this first chapter. I cant wait to read more of your book. The beginning immediatly got me hooked. This was an amazing chapter.


Posted 11 Years Ago

Japanese Cherry

11 Years Ago

thank you very much for your review! it definately motivates me to write more!
"What are you doing here Ezra? You need to go to school, your grades are worse than mines..." I say withoul looking up or getting up.

Plus I don't understand why their school was raided what do you mean by that drug raid, immigration raid, police raid, what? it's not specified... and it confuses me because it can be anything....

Posted 11 Years Ago

Japanese Cherry

11 Years Ago

i just tried to fix it up...
I'm a little confused with the whole plot line of the chapter and there are a few grammar and spelling mistakes but it seems interesting so far. Plus JEREMY!!!!!!! :D
- Love your sister

Posted 11 Years Ago

Japanese Cherry

11 Years Ago

tell me wat is confusing and i will fix it, i wrote this in kind of a quick frenzy, so... yeah.... A.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on September 16, 2011
Last Updated on July 9, 2012


Japanese Cherry
Japanese Cherry

Mallepa, With Sho and Kei, Japan

MEOW HOO!!! OHAYO!!!! ANNYEONG!!!! I'm just a shy (unless ur a close friend or family), but creative girl between the age of 15 and 21 that loves to read, write and draw... Nothing more... by the.. more..
