Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by *~Kristy~*

Frozen trees swayed with a mid-days breeze lusciously as the tiny princess, Leona, ran through her homeland. A smile was plastered upon her face, an endless laugh gushing from her lips. She was seemingly happy. A perfect picture of pure innocence at the age of fifteen, her beautiful skin luminescent under the lights of the sky perfectly reflecting upon her youth.

             Her long black hair hang straight and shimmering down to her knees in thousands of flailing strands, and her beautiful porchelen skin glowed brighter than the moon above - the only thing that had shown over her homeland land since the beginning of time. Her eyes shined young and pure, because she was untouched by the horrors that the cruel world would surely someday bring.

            In the back of her mind, she knew that somewhere behind her her father was desparately calling for her, afraid of what would happen if his daughter were alone among the perilous forest and the vicious creatures in which it contained, without him. She only smiled at this. Her family couldn't keep her from her routine excursions. She didn't even know why they tried anymore, for they had failed to stop her for many months.

            Glowing blue fairies floated around her, reaching out to touch flinging her hair as she passed, and the large towering clidesdales, wild amongst the forest, ran accross the short valley alongside her. Their loud calls of blissful freedom rang off of the faraway mountaintops and they threw their hair soundlessly into the wind. She was sad to enter the trees again and leave them behind.

            The few creatures that lived with very little fear, ventured from under their shelter among the canopies of the trees to watch her rush by wildly. She only spared them a short passing glance and sped up to her quickest speed. She was so close, she could feel the presence for which she was running towards becoming stronger inside her heart.

            Her anticipation was becoming a frenzy by the time she reach her desination; a small cave, almost invisible by the surrounding foliage, carved into the side of a tall mountain. She splashed across the surrounding river hastily and squeezed into the tiny cavern. Silence filled her ears, and a cold darkness filled her vision as she stepped through to a tiny tunnel inside. She felt along the walls in the tight little space until she came upon a large room that looked as though it had been carved perfectly by hand.

            "Adelen?" She called sofly in a light melodic voice. "Adelen, where are you?" She giggled. "I know you are here!" Waking across the silver floor, her deep blue eyes shined mischieveously. Moonlight filtered through the ceiling upon her body, somewhat like a sillhouette as she stopped in the center of the cavern, where the moonlight was brightest. Glancing down at her arms, she noticed that her skin shimmered like diamonds in the gentle illumination.

            "Beautiful..." A velvety voice said from behind her. A voice she that would recognize anywhere.

            Her entire face lit up with excitement as she turned to find the one person whom had the power to make her feel happy and free. And there he was, just standing against the wall as though he had been there the entire time. She drank in his appearance, as though it were their first meeting.

            His skin was a dark tan color, as though it had been burned a long time ago, though there were no scorch-marks. His eyes were a deep brown -almost red- color and his body stood tall and muscular. His hair was a dark sandy blonde color and it hang down to his shoulders straight as cornsilk. She marveled at his beauty, just as he marveled at hers.

            "I'm only beautiful whenever I am happy, and I am only happy whenever I am with you. A woman in love is a very beautiful woman." She said continuing to stare at him.

            After a few seconds that felt like hours, Adelen couldn't take it anymore, and he pulled her into a tight yet gentle embrace in which Leona was sure, he had no anticipation of breaking.

            "It's been too long..." He trailed off. Leona answered by throwing her arms around his neck eagerly and letting him lift her into an even tighter embrace. "Far too long." He murmured into her ear. She began to cry into his neck in desparation, gasping as she let all of her emotions free.

            "When will it all end?" She said through gritted teeth. "Will it ever end?" The crying got worse, nearly turning to hysterics. He said nothing as she ran through the same questions in her mind that he asked himself every day, doing nothing but holding her.

            After a few moments of their tearful reunion, he sat on the cold stone floor, pulling her into a tight embrace against his chest. He refused to let his own tears fall. In his eyes, Leona seeing him weak wouldn't be fair to her. It would only cause her more pain. So, he waited for her to unleash everything that he would surely have to free from his own soul whenever he was alone later. Whenever she was done, he looked into the depths of her deep blue eyes and forced out a painful smile.

            "It will end someday, my love, but for now we must be patient and hold onto what time we have." He said hopefully. But she saw right through him.

            "You don't really believe that anymore, do you?" His face fell and he became a burning man, his desparation showing through his tough facade. "Oh Adelen, I hate that I get to see you so little, and for such a short amount of time. It really isn't fair, you know?"

            "Yes, I understand, but I brought you a gift." He said grinning. She reluctantly unwrapped her arms from his neck and stood to give him room. He continued to smile.

            "Wait here, I left it in the east tunnel, so that I could surprise you." He said eagerly, running to the farthest tunnel. She felt her previous lethargy leave her, to be replaced with loneliness and indefinite sadness. She was very near chasing after him whenever she heard returning footsteps.

            He held in his hands a wooden box, which was covered in a solid white shroud. "Go on, open it." He said setting it down on the ground. Leona eagerly steped forward and tore the shroud from the box. There was a tiny latch on the top of it, that could easily be undone. As she began to lift the latch, she noticed Adelen back into the shadows quietly. With more anticipation than concern, she quickly lifted the lid of the box.

            A small scuffling noise came from inside as a tiny red and black bird clawed its way out of the tiny wooden space. It's eyes were a deep red color and it seemed to stare into the depths of her soul. She was completely immobolized by its gaze as it stepped forward slowly and lifted its head toward her. "Do you want me to touch you?" She quietly whispered to the little creature. To her dismay, it shook its head and stretched closer.

            She shakily lifted her tiny hand to the bird and touched her index finger to the top of it's head. A powerful shock reverberated throughout her body, but not a painful one. Rather, she felt indefinite love and loyalty rush through her soul as her hands slowly gathered the tiny creature and she held it to her face in a gentle caress. "He's now tied to you forever. As long as you are alive, he will continue to live as well. He cannot die, until you die. He will never leave your side, unless you wish of it. He will do whatever you ask of him." Adelen said coming from the shadows. "He's a phoenix, you see. Phoenix's are amazing creatures. The first person that they see is the person that they will tie themselves to until the end of time. From the time they are born, they are kept inside a box until someone buys them, so that they will not accidently tie to one of the breeders." He said leaning to stroke the little birds back lightly. "I thought he'd be the perfect companion for you whenever I am gone. He can carry letters to any destination you wish, just say the name and picture the place in your heart, and there he will fly."

            "Oh, Adelen, thank you!" Leona gasped before hugging him tightly. "But I have nothing to give you..." She trailed off, grinning slowly. He gave her a questioning stare as she stood and smiled down at him. "I've just begun to learn magic from my grandmother. She's a sorceress, you know? They are so rare anymore..." She said frowning sadly, before replacing it with a smile.

            She lifted her hands into the air within one very quick swift motion and begun muttering quietly to herself. She whispered many words quickly under her beath as a white mist began to form in the air. It was a solid white color that glowed brightly in front of her hands as it formed into a more definite shape. It took the form of a white fairy that held a tiny vial between her arms. She took the small pendent in her hands and walked to the center of the cave, where a tiny silver puddle rested in the stone floor. She filled the vial with the shimmering liquid and sealed it with another whisper of words.

            "The vial is made of pure diamond, and will never break. The pendent is made of an ancient marble that will also, never break. One last touch..." She said smiling down at him. She pulled the necklace in which she wore around her own neck and removed the tiny black pendant from it, placing it in a small pocket on the side of her dress. Muttering a few other words, she quickly attached the pendant and chain together. "The chain, is a part of the necklace my mother gave me just before she died. I believe that she put her very own few spells on it before placing it in my possession." She said mischieveously. "And I believe that it holds a part of her inside it."

            She bent and snapped the necklace around his neck and smiled into the depths of his eyes. "It's almost time to go." He whispered reluctantly into her tear-filled eyes.

            "I know." She choked out. He wraped her into his arms again and held her tighter than before, rocking her back and forth slowly as she began to cry again. He covered her face in gentle kisses before reluctantly standing up and pulling away from her. He touched her hand to the left side of his chest.

            "This is where you will always belong." She saw how hard he was fighting to stay in control. She pulled away and slowly backed into the wall, still crying, only quietly this time. "One month, that's all it will be my love. Just one month..." He said forcing himself to smile.

            The phoenix scampered up to her and she gently picked him up with her hands again. "I think I'll name him Ishmee, the elven word for lover." She said staring down into his eyes. "Because he was given to my by my lover." The tears in her eyes flowed even heavier now. "I will always love you."

            "And I you." He said remaining completely still.

            Leona knew that she'd have to be the strong one. So, she reluctantly turned towards the short tunel to her homeland and slid through. She heard his gasp just as she entered fresh air and she knew just how much he had been holding inside. His cries were lost in the wind as she ran through the cold river againl Holding Ishmee against her chest, to shield him from the cold wind, she ran along the valleys and fields until she had finally returned home.

            Having dried her tears over twenty minutes ago, she knew that her father would have no idea of where she had been. She smiled down to Ishmee with love. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you forever. You'll always be my friend, until the end of time." He seemed to understand what she said, because he got a happy look in his eye and squeaked quietly. She grinned and leaned down to hug him to her cheek.

            "Leona, is that you?" She heard her grandmothers voice from inside. Panic shook her entire body as she breathed heavily and walked through the door.

            "Where were you?" Leona's grandmother quetioned angrily. "I'm quite sure that I know exactly where you were, so don't lie to me!" She said through gritted teeth. Leona only smiled. This was a tactic that her grandmother frequently used. In truth, her grandmother probably had no idea of where she had been.

            "I found this." Leona said holding Ishmee up to her grandmother. "I guess he took to me, and now he won't leave my side. I'm going to keep him. His name is Ishmee, and he is a phoenix." She said simply, before turning towards her bedroom.

            "Come back in here, Leona!" Her grandmother said gently, confusing her. Why did her grandmother sound so sad? "Please. We need to talk, baby." She said through tear filled eyes.

            Leona cautiously crept back to her grandmother and sat down on the floor, ready to listen. "Yes?" She said shakily.

            "Baby, something very bad has happened." She said stroking her long black hair lovingly. Leonal looked deeply into her eyes, and she knew already what was wrong.

            "Daddy." She whispered fearfully. Her grandmother only shook her head up and down slowly. 'What will we do?"

            "I don't know what I will do, baby, but you are going to be just fine. You remember the knight, Ishmel, that met with your father a couple of months ago? Your father met with him months ago, and they agreed that whenever the time came, you would be passed onto Ishmel. Don't worry dear, he is a very rich man, and his wife is a lovely caretaker of her home. They will care for you and buy you many nice things. You will be like a princess. They have even agreed to pay the sorceress, Anita, to continue your teachings, rather than I. She is a much better teacher and she will turn you into the finest sorceress that this land has ever seen. You already have the power within, you only need to be taught."

            Leona stoped her. "But Grandma, I want you to continue teaching me." Her grandmother looked down at her sadly.

            "Baby, we will never see each other after this. I am old, and my time is almost upon me. I can feel she shadows pulling on me, just as your father did." They gazed at each other for another couple of moments before her grandmother stopped stroking her hair and backed away. "Now go and pack your things, Ishmel will be here soon. You only need one bag, and I'm sure he will not mind the bird. Phoenix's are very clean and well-mannered creatures. And don't forget to put on your best dress." She said dismissing her.

            Leona blindly stumbled upstairs and to her room in the attic. Her meeting with Adelen seemed so far away now, and she longed for his warm embrace more than ever. She stopped short. How could she continue to see Adelen? Ishmels home was miles away from their cave, and she was almost sure that he wouldn't tolerate her leaving for long stretches of time like her father had. Then she remembered something that Adelen had said earlier.

            "He can carry letters to any destination you wish, just say the name and picture the place in your heart, and there he will fly."

             Rushing, she threw random items of clothing and books into a large knapsack before pulling a large piece of parchment from her deskdrawer and beginning a letter.



            Dear Adelen,


     I write this with thousands of tears in my eyes, because I know that, this will probably be the last words we can ever share.

     My father died this evening, during the magical time we shaed amongst the caves, and my care is being passed to another. He is the knight, Ishmel, and being in his home will be much better for my education and future than what I have been recieving. This will be good for me.

     But, his home is miles accross the kingdom. There is no way for us to see each other anymore. It isn't possible...

     This was going to be my letter of farewell but... I don't think I can bear saying goodbye. So, this is more of an explanation... Don't try to find me. Don't search for me. Just, continue with your life. Love, and be loved. This is all I ask of you. Forget me if you must, just, be happy...


     Forever your lover,



P.s. I meant what I said in the cave, I will always love you.


     She attached the letter to Ishmee's leg with a dark red ribbon and told him where to go, before falling to her knees in defeat.

      Ishmel was much taller than Leona remembered. And more haggard as well. He looked as though he were a very troubled man, and she wondered if she was the cause.

            "Sir, may I ask if something is troubling you?" She said politely. He smiled and bent to eye level with her.

            "I loved your father, very much, dear. He was my brother." He said simply before rising again for a final farewel to Leona's grandmother. Leona had never known that Ishmel was her uncle. She began to wonder why her father had never confided to her this information. "Come on, child." He said calmly, throwing her bag over his shoulder and escorting her out. She had expected for a carriage to be waiting for her but, in stead, there were two horses. One was a tall black stallion, the other a slightly smaller mare. Both looked very fast. "The mare is yours." He said climbing onto the black stallion. "Your grandmother told me you have a fondness for animals. She tells me that you have a Phoenix?" He questioned.

            "Yes, he will follow me in time." She said cautiously climbing atop her horse.

            "Hold on tightly, child, and you will be fine. She's a fine horse. Perhaps on our way home you will think of a name for her?" With that he turned the stallion and began a slow gallop away from her. With a deep breath she gently touched the mares sides with her feet, starting her into a slow gallop as well. "Slowly increase her speed until you are used to a fast pace." He instructed her. She simply nodded.

            They begun on a dirt road that ran throughout the land and at a fairly normal pace, but they soon veered into the forest and Ishmel began to increase in speed. Leona began to feel fear as the mare sped up, but that soon disappeard as Ishmee returned and landed upon her shoulder. She noticed a ssmall piece of parchment attached to his leg, with a black ribbon. He rubbed his head against her cheek, and she felt all of her fear and sadness fading away to the point of where she didn't feel it anymore, but she knew that it was there. That was enough for her.

            They rode for hours and Leona took Ishmels advice in thinking of a name for her horse. "Anastasia." She said, patting the mare's muscular neck. She seemed to like her name, because she sped up to a swift gallop, nearly matching Ishmel, within a few seconds.

            After riding many miles that seemed to stretch on forever, they came upon a large two-story home made of log. Flowers of hundreds of different colors and many tall beautiful trees surrounded the home. Behind it lay a large frozen pond. The surface glittered like the stars, reflecting in it what looked like the entire universe.

            "Run along inside, Violet will be waiting to meet you." He said leaping from his perch atop his horse.

            Leona climbed from Anastasia and turned her over to Ishmel. "We'll meet again later." She whispered to the mare before turning towars her new home with Ishmee perched atop her shoulder.

            Inside, the house looked much smaller than it appeared outside, but it was very clean and warm. It even had a beautiful smell to it. Ishmee began to fidget on her shoulder as a short slender woman in about her mid thirties entered the room. Her dress wasn't a wrinkle out of place, but her apron was covered in dirt and grime. Her mouse-brown hair was tied back but little strands stuck up here and there. Her skin was pale, but covered in filth. A housewife, no doubt. "Are you Leona?" She questioned sternly.

            "Yes ma'am." Leona said shyly.

            "Very pretty name, child. Almost fit for a princess!" She smiled slyly. "But you, however, are not a princess, and I am not one of your chambermaids." She spoke quickly, and without hesitation, as thouh she had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. As though it made her very happy. "You will take care of every mess that you make, as well as your pets." She glared at Ishmee, making Leona take him protectively into her hands. "You will do exactly what you are told, when you are told. When I say it is time for bed, it is time for bed. When I say it is time for church, it is time for church. And whenever I tell you to take care of something around the house, you will do it without hesitation. You are not to leave this home, unless I tell you to do so. Here, I am the princess, and you are the chambermaid."

            Leona had backed away and was holding Ishmee tighter than ever by the time her, "new mother," was finished speaking.

            "Do we understand each other?" Violet questioned, stepping forward as though to threaten her. Leona screamed angrily on the inside. She wouldn't be threatened.

            "Yes princess, anything to serve you and this wonderous kingdom we have here." She spit out her retort before Violet backhanded her accross the face, knocking her to the floor.

            "You will not sass me, child. Now it is time for bed. I left some bread in your bedroom for the bird. It is the first room upstairs on your left. I trust you will find it okay, and I will be checking in very soon to make sure you have obeyed me." She turned quickly, her dress billowing behind her and left the room. Leona ran up the perfectly clean stairs as quick as her legs would carry her, trying to stop the tears from flowing.

            "In one day, Ishmee...In one day, I have lost the man I love, my father, and I have been slapped accross the face by a woman I have never even met before now. What have I done so wrong?" Ishmee only stared at her sympathetically before reaching his beak down to his leg and withdrawing a piece of parchment tied together with a black ribbon. She gasped and reach for it eagerly. It was Adelen's handwriting, and the words were so dark that it was as if he has pressed into the paper angrily with the pen.




     My Dearest Leona,


     If you cannot say farewell, then maybe I should?

     But first, tell me my dear, is schooling and a future really that much more important to you than our love? Are you so blind that you take what society would wish of you to have rather than our love? You would rather live a life of no feeling than a life of everything?

     My people would take you willingly into our land, we are not cruel, and you know this. Yet, you choose what your people want? I always knew that it would come down to choosing, but I always assumed that I would be the one making the choice. I was always completely sure of what my choice would be. It would be whatever kept us together.

     I was wrong in thinking that you would make the same choice as well. I was wrong in thinking that everything would work out. I was wrong for seeing you all these years. We aren't meant to be. It was bound to end at some point...

     You were wrong as well, you will not always love me. You will heal, and forget all about me in your studies. You will probably meet another along the way, and love him more than you ever thought possible. I have duties to fullfull as well...

     Farewell my once love,




P.s. I hope we meet again someday, and that we can embrace each other in friendship, and talk about a years spent in secret among caves, growin in love. I hope that we do not regret, but only remember... Never forget, Leona.



     She huged the letter to her chest and felt a pain she had never felt before, in her entire life. She felt heartache. It was like a wave had crashed over her, and she was drowning. It was useless to swim to the surface, she would never make it. It was useless to fight, it would only hurt more. So, she calmly gave in and let the currents take her...

© 2010 *~Kristy~*

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He said hopefully(try to avoid the -ly adverb tagged to dialogue)

This is not a bad start, however I do advise against the use of so many -ly adverbs as it weakens the prose. I like to do and adverb edit when finishing a piece. We all use them, they just have to be weeded out. There will be some that cannot be removed, as you can never avoid all -ly's, but for the most part they can be removed without issue.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


He said hopefully(try to avoid the -ly adverb tagged to dialogue)

This is not a bad start, however I do advise against the use of so many -ly adverbs as it weakens the prose. I like to do and adverb edit when finishing a piece. We all use them, they just have to be weeded out. There will be some that cannot be removed, as you can never avoid all -ly's, but for the most part they can be removed without issue.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on January 4, 2010
Last Updated on January 4, 2010



Williamsburg, KY

I'm 24 years old I am a happily married woman as of April 30th, 2011 I have two kitties that I adore My husband and my little sister are the lights of my life I've been a writers since I was .. more..

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