Rules Were Made To Be Broken

Rules Were Made To Be Broken

A Poem by there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

just something i came up with when ome friends and i were doing something we wernt suppose to be doing SHORT POEM


Rules Were Made To Be Broken


i think rules were made to be broken

becuase when ever they are made we

brake them


Rules were made to b broken

other wise our lives would be boring


why eles would we

Brake  the rules made

© 2010 there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

My Review

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I agree with Coyote some rules are useless. Nicely done...

Posted 14 Years Ago

hell yeah whats the point in not breaking the rules half the time its the funnest thing to do just be careful what ones you choose to break

Posted 14 Years Ago

I always tend to not follow the rules. What's the fun in it? Short and too the point. Nicely done.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Life is no fun when you color inside the lines.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Some rules are useless. I like the feel and fight in your words. Most of us will do what we feel anyway. A excellent poem.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on February 3, 2010
Last Updated on February 3, 2010


there is no more from me on this account :( sorry
there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

Victoria, Melbourne, Australia

Okay so i am really sorry but i am going to create a new account i will leave my poems on here but my new things will be posted on my new account bye (from this account) more..


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